
Saturday, July 7, 2012

Obama Saturday address: We need to rebuild this economy… again

Short version: Pretend I haven’t been president for three and a half years, that Dems didn’t have carte blanche in Washington, DC for two of them, and that we didn’t just overhaul the health care system. - Doug Powers/Michelle Malkin

The administration has vowed to keep building and rebuilding the economy in any and every way as long as it’s not supply-side related until they stumble upon an alternate reality in which their policies actually work.

Ramirez Editorial Cartoons - IBD

WaPo: It’s looking like Obama has nothing new to offer on jobs, economy - Ed Morrissey/HotAir

How much damage did Friday’s jobs report — the third disappointment in a row — do to Barack Obama’s re-election effort? It might take some time for the answer to be fully known, but one measure might be the reaction in the media. The Washington Post news report of Obama’s response to the worst jobs quarter in two years explicitly wonders whether Obama can maintain the position that his policies are doing anything to help, and whether he has any new ideas to break the country out of this stagnation...

OBAMA, THE BROKEN RECORD - David Bossie/Breitbart