
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Morning Jay: The State of the Race, Four Months Out

With the media consistently confusing and obscuring the true state of the race, it is worth reviewing the key facts that will determine the parameters of the fall campaign. - Jay Cost/Weekly Standard

There are four, in particular.

(1) Barack Obama is an unpopular president.
(2) Impressions about Obama seem mostly to be set.
(3) The economy is hurting the president.
(4) Romney will have an opportunity to define himself.

It is important to remember that Team Romney will use the Republican National Convention to introduce him to the public. Of course, the Bain attacks are eventually going to damage his reputation, at least a little bit – but Romney has a solid and compelling story to tell. He saved the Olympics. He was a pragmatic governor in deep blue Massachusetts. He’s a loyal family man. And so on. Voters are going to have all the facts about Romney come November – the positive and the negative.

It makes sense for Romney to hold off until the Republican convention to do that, as that will be the time when voters start becoming engaged....

Don’t panic - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion