
Thursday, July 19, 2012

"It makes people go ‘wow, I thought it was just college kids dancing.’"

“Occupy Unmasked” is a movie that “exposes ties between the radical left and the supposedly more moderate counterpart”

According to “Occupy Unmasked,” a new film from Citizens United due later this summer, the Occupy movement was organized by radical leftist activists from the very beginning.

Steve Bannon — writer, producer and director of the film — told The Daily Caller in an interview that “Occupy was only spontaneous to the untrained eye. The radical left didn’t hijack it, they planned it out.”

...While many of the students were “well intentioned,” there were more radical elements at work, Bannon said. “Occupy would always need a continual flow of college kids to give it mass. Useful idiots. That’s why Occupy had no demands. They didn’t want to. It’s all about creating structured chaos.”

Part of the way that Occupy created this “structure,” according to Bannon, was through Lisa Fithian and other organizer’s three-tiered model adopted from the 2008 Republican National Convention protest.

One group, “green,” consisted of regular liberal citizens, who came to protest. A second “yellow” group was individuals willing to break the law, like handcuffing themselves across a road. The last “red” group of the most violent anarchist organizers and professional agitators was there to create a scene that swept innocent “greens” into confrontations with the police.... More at the link