
Sunday, July 15, 2012

Happy Cost of Government Day

Ramirez at Townhall

"This year, Cost of Government Day falls on July 15, meaning Americans labor a full 197 days into the year to pay for local, state and federal government spending and regulations" - Peter Roff/US News & World Report

"This year marks the fourth straight year COGD has fallen in July. Prior to the Obama Administration, COGD had never fallen later than June 26."

The largest driver of these costs, Americans for Tax Reform explained, is spending: "This year, Americans must work a full 88 days to pay for the costs of federal spending. This is in addition to the 40 days spent working to pay for state and local spending." ..."Another growing concern," the group said, are regulatory costs, as "taxpayers are forced to labor 69 days to pay for federal and state regulations, a workload that will increase exponentially as regulatory agencies continue to grow."