
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Embattled Democrats buck President Obama on taxes UPDATED

President Barack Obama’s renewed push to raise taxes on people who make more than $250,000 is facing some strong head winds: Democrats running for Congress in 2012. - Politico

Several Democrats in critical House and Senate races say they prefer raising taxes on people who make more than $1 million, the latest example of how the president and vulnerable Democrats are mounting diverging campaigns just four months from Election Day....

The clear difference with the White House underscores how Democrats on the front lines of their congressional campaigns are not afraid to buck their party’s leader on even some of the most high-profile issues of the election.
The divergence can be seen on other fronts as well: A handful of vulnerable Democrats are expected to vote in favor of repealing Obama’s health care law when it comes up for a symbolic vote Wednesday in the House. Coal-state Democrats have been openly criticizing the president on energy policy. And several Democratic lawmakers in tough races are bowing out of their party’s three-day convention in September, believing that physical distance from the president during the convention may help them politically....

◼ UPDATE: Dems block Obama's tax-cut bill - Stephen Dinan/Washington Times

Republicans, eager to put Senate Democrats on record on taxes, tried to force a vote Wednesday on President Obama's proposal to extend middle-class tax cuts but raise taxes for the rich, but Majority Leader Harry Reid objected, essentially sidelining the president's plan.

Sen. Mitch McConnell, Republicans' leader, tried to set up competing votes — one on the GOP's plan to extend all the tax cuts for one year, and another on Mr. Obama's proposal to extend them only for households making $250,000 or less.

But Mr. Reid objected to the request, saying he didn't want to have the vote on the GOP's legislation.