
Monday, June 11, 2012

Media Discover the Obvious in Obama's 'Dreams'

I did not need Maraniss' help to come to this conclusion. I had making this case for nearly four years. A little more than a year ago, David Sessions of the Daily Beast interviewed me after the release of my own book, Deconstructing Obama. His is a relatively civil take on the response I got from establishment media, left and right:
His new book . . . is a good example of why few people believe him. Written like an adventure story, with Cashill as the main character, it intensifies a crusade he launched on the eve of the 2008 election: To prove that former radical Weather Underground activist Bill Ayers actually wrote Obama's celebrated memoir, Dreams from My Father. Along the way, Cashill throws in that Obama possibly invented a college girlfriend and has repeatedly told false stories about his childhood.

Barack Obama’s Ever-Changing Story
Dreams of My Ghostwriter’s Ex: Did Bill Ayers Use Dead Weather Underground Terrorist Diana Oughton as Model for Obama’s ‘Composite’ Girlfriend? - The Other McCain
Yavelow Study Confirms Ayers Hand In Obama's "Dreams" - Jack Cashill/World Net Daily 2006
In early October, a friend of Chris Yavelow’s forwarded him a copy of my article, “Who Wrote Obama’s Dreams From My Father.” In the article, I make the case that erstwhile terrorist Bill Ayers had a substantial and easily detectable hand in the writing of Obama’s lyrical masterwork, one that Time Magazine has called “the best-written memoir ever produced by an American politician.”
The friend knew that Yavelow, an award-winning composer and author, had worked for years developing what he believes is the most comprehensive linguistics tool for authorship detection, a software product trademarked as FictionFixer.
Yavelow contacted me and I sent him some relevant materials. When he ran the two books nominally by Barack Obama, the 1995 Dreams From My Father and the 2006 Audacity of Hope, through FictionFixer, he concluded, “They were written by different people.”