
Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Purging at party meetings unappetizing

Letters to the Editor - Times-Standard

Recently, the Times-Standard published a few letters which can best be described as hit-and-run by certain local disgruntled members of the Humboldt County Democratic Central Committee. (”Support authentic Democrats in June” and “Insurgency targets party committee,” May 10, Times-Standard.)
I was at the May 9 HCDCC meeting. I have only attended a few HCDCC meetings to support candidates I supported. I expressed my disgust at the way these HDCC meetings are conducted and this meeting only proves that a radical minority is damaging the local party as a whole.

Since the Nov. 2010 election, this radical minority has had a case of sour grapes. Milt Boyd tried to influence questions and discussions on a special resolution. Another HCDCC member yelled “Traitor!” at one of the members who stood up and pointed out that procedure and notice had not been properly followed and voted against the resolution. The Brown Act and bylaws are selectively applied by these self-appointed “true Democrats.”

I find the local Republican party more welcoming and in line with my values but I chose not to pick one party because I want to make my choices based on the individual, the best person for the job.

Pam Service's letter once again alleges and challenges many untruths that have been addressed in the past. Who gets to define “true Democrats”? Boyd and Service, who both have a vested interest in defeating the people they accuse.

John Chiv