
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Obama's Bain mutiny: The Bain attack now is largely in tatters, savaged by Democrats who don’t want to be the Occupy political party, by the media (which has begun to denigrate the Obama team’s prowess) and of course, by Romney, who has turned the tables comparing his real experience in the private sector with Obama’s crony capitalism.

Jennifer Rubin counts the ways in which the Obama campaign has blown the Bain attacks - Washington Post
After the Cory Booker fiasco on "Meet the Press," followed by the Newark Mayor's widely ridiculed "hostage video"(that was selectively-edited by Team Obama) the central issue of the Obama re-election strategy is also splitting the party writ large - John Nolte/Breitbart
Today at Politico, the left-wing site does a fairly good job of covering the blowback the Obama campaign is facing in its own party over attacks on Bain Capital, a venture capitalist firm once successfully run by Mitt Romney. - Glenn Thrush and Maggie Haberman/Politico

President Barack Obama flew into Chicago grimly set on ending the war in Afghanistan — and left his hometown by gleefully starting a new one over Bain Capital with Mitt Romney.

If Obama had any reticence about diving into an election-year controversy at an otherwise deeply sober gathering of world leaders bent on ending 10 years of conflict, he wasn’t showing it Monday when asked about the escalating controversy over Romney’s stewardship of his highly profitable private equity firm.

And not just Romney — Obama’s damn-the-torpedoes remarks were also aimed at some of his fellow Democrats who are increasingly anxious that their party’s leader is attacking a private equity firm for doing what such businesses were created to do: make cash within the confines of the law....

“This is not a distraction. This is what this campaign is going to be about,” Obama said....

CNN’s Anderson Cooper nails Obama campaign for hypocrisy on Bain Capital -

CNN’s Anderson Cooper didn’t let Obama spokesman Ben LaBolt get away with class-warfare rhetoric against Mitt Romney and Bain Capital Monday night, noting the Obama people from private-equity firms in his own administration.