
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Romney Sweeps DC, Maryland, Wisconsin

Mitt Romney won all three of Tuesday's Republican presidential primaries, putting more distance between himself and his closest contender, Rick Santorum, who indicated he plans to fight on to his home state of Pennsylvania and beyond. - CNN
Romney's wins in Wisconsin, Maryland and the District of Columbia put him past the halfway mark to the 1,144 delegates needed to clinch the nomination and add to a wide delegate lead that he holds over the other major GOP presidential candidates, according to CNN estimates.
Romney pads delegate lead with 3-contest sweep - AP
The former Massachusetts governor won at least 83 delegates in the three contests, with six delegates yet to be decided. Romney got all 37 delegates in Maryland and all 16 delegates in the District of Columbia. He won at least 30 delegates in Wisconsin.
Romney's chief rival, former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum, won at least six delegates in Wisconsin, with six left to be decided.

Romney wins Maryland, District of Columbia, and Wisconsin
- John Hayward at Human Events
After losses, Santorum sets Penn as do-or-die - Byron York/Washington Examiner
Romney sweeps Maryland, D.C., Wisconsin primaries - Susan Ferrechio/Washington Examiner