
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Jerry Brown's so-called "millionaire's tax" raises sales tax on us all and defines millionaires as anyone making $250k.

We're All Millionaires Now - Jon Coupal/Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association

Thanks to Jerry Brown, we’re all millionaires now.

The governor has joined forces with the California Federation of Teachers, a powerful public employee union, to back passage of what is titled the “Millionaires Tax of 2012.”

The problem is that this so-called “Millionaires Tax” raises the sales tax on everyone -- and most of us are not millionaires. So is Jerry talking about the income tax part of his plan? He and CFT want those making $250,000 or more per year to pay the hike. But the last we looked, $250,000 doesn’t equal $1,000,000. Clearly, this a violation of the truth in labeling act.

When challenged by reporters, Brown responded, “Anybody who makes $250,000 becomes a millionaire very quickly, if you save.”

OK, let’s examine the governor’s logic. If someone making a quarter of a million dollars a year could save tax free, while living on air – that we hope is still free – for four years, it would seem to make that person a millionaire....