
Friday, March 16, 2012

Pap smears? Mammograms? Prostate exams? Not under Obamacare

Slowly but surely the truth is coming out about Obamacare: Conservatives were right. - Don Surber/Daily Mail

Conservatives said Obamacare would cost trillions. Our intellectual and moral superiors on the left sneered.

The CBO reported this week that Obamacare will cost nearly $1.8 trillion in the first 10 years alone — nearly double what Democrats said it would cost. And instead of reducing the deficit, Obamacare will increase the deficit.

Conservatives said Obamacare would cost people their health insurance. Our intellectual and moral superiors on the left sneered.

The CBO reported this week that Obamacare already has cost 4 million people their health insurance.

Conservatives said there would be less health care under Obamacare.... This week, MSNBC reported:
Most women can go as long as five years between cervical cancer screenings as long as they make sure to get both a Pap smear and an HPV test when they do get examined, a government panel said Wednesday.

The interval between cervical cancer screenings can safely be extended for women between the ages of 30 and 65, according to the new recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

Women ages 21 to 30 should still get a Pap smear every three years, the interval currently recommended. But those younger than 21 and older than 65 can skip the screen altogether, the experts concluded.

The panel is urging a extended intervals in screenings in an attempt to cut back on the number of women who end up being treated for lesions that might resolve on their own.
20 million may lose employer insurance - UPI
CBO report says healthcare law could cause as many as 20M to lose coverage - The Hill
Last year, CBO's best estimate was that only 1 million people would lose employer-sponsored coverage.

"President Obama's string of empty promises is quickly becoming a disappointing trail of broken promises," House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) said in a statement. "He promised Americans that his overhaul of the health care sector would not jeopardize the health coverage of those who liked what they had. As nonpartisan analysts made clear today, millions of Americans will soon learn the hard way that Washington's overreach into their health care decisions will result in sharp disruptions to their coverage and their care."