
Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Beleaguered Rush advertiser: This is not a boycott, it’s an organized terrorist attack!

MSCO CEO Mark Stevens told Varney and Company about the campaign against his company to stop him from advertising with Rush Limbaugh. He emphatically says that the story isn’t getting out, that this isn’t a boycott, but rather an organized terrorist action. - The Right Scoop

When asked why he doesn’t think it’s just a bunch of unhappy people, he said “The comments are all the damn same. ‘You hate women! You hate women! You hate women!’”

Stevens is so put off by this attack that he has decided to double, even triple down on his advertisements. He said he’s even in negotiations to just run ads spots noting his support for free speech.... video at link

EIB Sponsor Mark Stevens Stands Up to the Left's Coordinated Attack and is Flooded with Support from You - Rush

RUSH: Now, a little housekeeping here, folks. Yesterday on this program we played for you a couple of audio sound bites from an advertiser of this program in New York City, a guy by the name of Mark Stevens. He was on the Fox Business Network with Stuart Varney. And he pointed out that he's being hit by a coordinated attack that he calls "terrorism." It's not angry consumers, but he thinks that this is a coordinated attack. He doesn't name the group, but we will. It's Media Matters. And he knows, Mark Stevens knows, that the people contacting him -- many of them -- don't even live in New York and have never patronized any of his businesses. They're simply trying to intimidate him...

RUSH: Media Matters and the Democrat National Committee and the Democrat Party are exposing themselves. This an unintended consequence. They're exposing that their Astroturf campaigns are not grassroots at all. They are ginned up. They are totally professionally created and executed Democrat Party opposition research-type attacks. And they have nothing to do with consumers here, nothing to do with the audience, nothing to do with customers. Of those 40,000 e-mails that Mark Stevens got, 2,000 of them were critical. And I will bet you that those 2,000 critical e-mails were written by three or four people and just signed by different names.

That's exactly what they do. Look, this has been going on with me since this program started, practically. And this is how this has always worked. In fact, way back in the days of my TV show, a Microsoft employee got fired for trying to run one of these operations from her cubicle, aimed at television show advertisers. That's back in 1992. So this really is nothing new. It's just this time they sense blood in the water, and they're going for it. And, see...

Have you heard a conservative media member express a desire that the opposition be shut down and silenced or thrown in jail or prosecuted? Do you ever hear that? No. We're not afraid of discussing what we believe. We know we'll triumph. We're not afraid of debating our ideas, and we're not threatened by virtue of their existence. We're threatened by what they want to do and we're threatened by their ideas, but we're not threatened by their existence. We don't seek to shut 'em down, but this is all they've got. It's obvious now here that there's no grassroots anything going on. It's pure political party opposition research.