
Thursday, March 8, 2012

“As we reported last night ‘The Factor’ believes Sandra Fluke contraception controversy was manufactured to divert attention away from the Obama administration’s disastrous decision to force non-Catholic organizations to provide insurance coverage for birth control and the ‘morning after’ pill. That might very well be unconstitutional.

Georgetown Law student Sandra Fluke is being represented by a former Obama adviser’s PR firm, Bill O’Reilly explained on his Thursday night program “The O’Reilly Factor,” suggesting that the young woman was indirectly planted at the center of the contraception controversy by the Obama administration. - The Daily Caller

“Now, late today we found out that Ms. Fluke is now being [represented] by the progressive PR industry SKDKnickerbocker where Anita Dunn, the former Obama communications director is the managing [director]. Ah-ha. So this whole deal comes back to the White House, at least indirectly.”


Bill O'Reilly revealed that it's a good thing former Obama communications director Anita Dunn's PR firm is representing Sandra Fluke for free, since she can't afford to buy birth control pills... Maybe Fluke's boyfriend, the son of entrenched Democrat William Mutterperl, can pay for her contraception. His father donates heavily to Democrat candidates. The couple is currently enjoying spring break in California, which poses the question of how Fluke can afford a trip across the country when she can't afford birth control pills.

O’Reilly: Sandra Fluke’s boyfriend son of ‘Democratic stalwart William Mutterperl’ - Daily Caller

O’Reilly found on Friday that Fluke is also dating the son of “Democratic stalwart” William Mutterperl, who has made numerous donations to the Democratic Party and liberal candidates in recent years.

“For six days, we have been telling you that the 30-year-old Georgetown law student has become a major player in the presidential election,” O’Reilly said during his “Talking Points Memo” segment. “Last night, we reported that she is now being handled pro bono, for free, by the PR firm SKDKnickerbocker, which is good, because Sandra doesn’t have enough money to buy birth control pills, as we know. But there is more to Sandra’s story than just contraception. Right now, she’s on spring break in California with her boyfriend, who is the son of Democratic stalwart William Mutterperl. He has made at least 56 donations to Democratic candidates or organizations. Nothing wrong with that — I’m just pointing it out.”

O’Reilly then questioned whether Fluke was receiving some sort of backing in exchange for her advocacy. Despite claiming that it is financially taxing for her to afford contraception, Fluke is somehow able to travel across the country and make numerous media appearances.

O’Reilly also noted the timing of Fluke’s rise. The law student came on the scene right when the Obama administration was being criticized for a controversial contraceptive mandate requiring some religious institutions to supply contraception against their will.

“Of course, that’s when Sandra Fluke suddenly appeared — popping up at congressional hearings, showing up in the media,” he said. “Polls show President Obama’s poll numbers among women now on the rise, and he has Ms. Fluke to thank [for] that. If you don’t pay close attention to this story, it looks like President Obama is simply helping out a young woman under siege, but again, that’s not what’s going on here.”