
Friday, February 17, 2012

Was Yesterday’s Oversight Hearing Really ‘All-Male’?

No. It’s that simple. -

The incessant attempts... to distract from the real issue of yesterday’s hearing – the constitutional problems in forcing employers to violate their own religious beliefs – prompted thoroughly fallacious claims that Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA), who chairs the Oversight Committee, and other congressional Republicans, were conducting a “war on women.”

The argument is absurd on its face, but few of its supporting claims have been so thoroughly and demonstrably false as the notion that yesterday’s Oversight hearing featured testimony only from men.

Patty Murray: GOP waging 'war on women’s health' - J. Lester Feder/Politico

Murray’s speech — which was part of a series of floor speeches from other Democratic women, including Sens. Barbara Boxer of California, Kirsten Gillibrand of New York and Jeanne Shaheen of New Hampshire — confirmed that Democrats see political power in using the “attack on women’s health” line as an election-year theme.

Boxer said the photo of the all-male panel at yesterday's hearing reminded her of an all-male Senate Judiciary Committee’s handling of sexual harassment allegations against Supreme Court nominee Clarence Thomas in 1991.