
Tuesday, February 14, 2012


See the full video and read the facts sheet for "Vote" at
How did Rick Santorum actually vote? Santorum voted to raise the debt limit 5 times. And for billions in wasteful projects including the "Bridge To Nowhere". In a single session, Santorum co-sponsored 51 bills to increase spending and 0 to cut spending. Santorum even voted to raise his own pay. And joined Hilary Clinton to let convicted felons vote. Rick Santorum - Big spender, Washington insider.

Here we go: Romney Super PAC rolls out first Michigan attack ad against Santorum _ HotAir
Romney Death Star Opens Fire On Santorum - Buzzfeed

Rick Santorum and the Terri Schiavo disaster - Atlanta Journal Constitution
Santorum’s problem isn’t ‘insiderism,’ it’s economic literacy - Jennifer Rubin/Washington Post