
Monday, February 13, 2012

President Obama submitted his FY 2013 budget today. As expected, it is utterly irresponsible.

Obama's Deceptive, DOA Budget - John Hinderaker/Powerline

The administration claims it will reduce the deficit by $4 billion over ten years. That is absurd... What the budget actually will do, if enacted, is increase spending in FY 2013 to $3.8 trillion and run up, in FY 2013, another $900 billion in debt (if you accept the administration’s rosy assumptions). That is on top of the $1.3 trillion deficit the budget projects for the current fiscal year.

Republicans call Obama’s budget a reelection ‘gimmick’ - Paul Kane/Washington Post

Congressional Republicans rejected President Obama’s $3.8 trillion spending outline as nothing more than a political document meant to guide his reelection campaign while putting off any tough decisions about ballooning red ink until after voters have cast their ballots.

Obama budget: National debt will be $1 trillion higher in a decade than forecast - Lori Montgomery/Washington Post

BUDGET BUST: Obama's deficit spending $17k per person, $70k per family - Weekly Standard