
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fox News CEO: Iran and the Middle East Will Determine Future of America and Democracy

Painting a seemingly bleak picture of both the domestic and international challenges facing America in 2012, Ailes stated that he has “grave concern for our country - America is an endangered species. In comparison to the rest of the world, America is a small place, and many people in the world, if given the opportunity, would crush us if they had the chance.” -

“The guy in Iran (Ahmadinejad) said a number of years ago that not only must Israel be wiped off the face of the earth, but we should imagine a world without America,” Ailes noted. “Around the globe, they are trying to figure out innovative ways how to crash our economy, kill us, kill freedom and make America a memory.”

......The Fox News chairman brought his presentation to a conclusion by describing what America means to him. “Racism, anti-Semitism and terror are present in every country in the world,” he asserted, “but this country has done more to confront these issues than any other country.” Stating that “We are a great nation that has freed more people than any other nation on this earth,” Ailes pointed to the enduring vitality of the Constitution as a symbol of America’s ultimate strength. “Americans are smart, tough, optimistic and honorable people,” he declared. “It is our job to educate our citizens to our history, so that they can contribute to our future.”

While making it clear that his comments specifically represented his own views and not necessarily those of Fox News, Ailes briefly described his vision of the popular broadcast entity. “At Fox News, we do not get up every morning assuming our country is guilty. We insist upon innocence before guilt, and we give that right to our country because America has earned it.”