
Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Speak Up for Internet Liberty!

Republican Liberty Caucus: Despite claims that they have been “improved” and rumors that opposition from the Obama administration may make them harder to pass, we expect the Senate to move forward with a vote on the Protect IP Act (S.968), its version of the controversial Stop Online Piracy Act (H.R.3261), on Tuesday and a vote on SOPA in the House may follow a few days later.

Despite prominent protests from major websites like Wikipedia and Google, which are staging “blackout” events, shutting their systems down to draw attention to the issue, influential media lobbyists have bought enough support in Congress that they may be able to ram these bills through Congress with leverage from powerful Congressmen like SOPA author and Judiciary Committee Chairman Lamar Smith (R-TX).

We expect the US Senate to hold its first vote on PIPA/SOPA on Monday the 24th. Please write your Senators now to demand that they stand up for liberty and free enterprise on the internet and oppose prior restraint and censorship. Don't let the US implement Chinese-style internet regulation. ◼ ACTION ITEM: CONTACT FORM HERE