
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Cheers and Jeers for the Governor’s State of the State Address

In Governor Jerry Brown’s State of the State speech he told Californians, “In this time of uncertainty, prudence and paying down debt is the best policy.” - Joel Fox/Fox&Hounds

...Cheers for improving education by pushing for replacement of categorical programs in the schools, something that has been advocated for a long time, and give more responsibility to local school districts.

Jeers for the governor’s tax increase initiative to balance the budget. He acknowledged that, “California is on the mend.” He said personal income grew nearly $100 billion in 2011. Revenue to the state is up by $8.4 billion according to Republican legislative leaders. If that is so, does California really need a tax increase? Will the tax increase reverse the trend of a healing economy?

The California Dream the governor proudly pronounced was alive and well was secured in a state when dreams were allowed to grow unfettered by too many regulations and heavy taxes.
If the governor wants to bring California back to that shining place, he should follow the formula that made us the Golden State in the first place.

Jerry Brown puts his contradictions on display - Dan Walters/Sacramento Bee