
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

California: GOP responds to Jerry Brown's address before it's given

Republican legislative leaders rolled out their response to Gov. Jerry Brown's 2012 State of the State address Tuesday, slamming the Democratic governor for telling Californians that the"sky will fall" without higher taxes. - Sacramento Bee

"Today Governor Brown shared his vision for California for the year ahead," Assembly GOP leader Connie Conway says in a video. "Republicans were eager to hear his ideas for the many challenges facing our state. Unfortunately, the governor's vision is centered around one thing: higher taxes."

The only thing is Brown hasn't shared that vision yet.

A pre-taped video of Conway and Senate GOP leader Bob Huff responding to Brown's address was posted online today via the Senate Republican Caucus' Vimeo channel, more than 16 hours before Brown is scheduled to deliver the address.