
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Bitter Marianne Gingrich Unloads, Claims Newt Wanted Open Marriage...

In her most provocative comments, the ex-Mrs. Gingrich said Newt sought an "open marriage" arrangement so he could have a mistress and a wife. - ABC via Drudge (image source)

In her first television interview since the 1999 divorce, to be broadcast tonight on Nightline, Marianne Gingrich, a self-described conservative Republican, said she is coming forward now so voters can know what she knows about Gingrich.

It has come to this - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

‘Gingrich Called Her Husband on His Birthday’
Browning said Marianne Gingrich called her husband on his birthday in June 1987 to tell him she was leaving him. Gingrich, he said, came back to Georgia to find his home emptied out.

Browning said the pair maintained separate residences for six years before reconciling in late 1993 or early 1994.