
Friday, December 2, 2011

Mitt Romney Declines Lincoln-Douglas Debate With Newt Gingrich - UPDATE: Jon Huntsman accepts

As Joe Guerriero, publisher of Human Events and Red State, put it to RCP: “Newt was all over it, and the Romney camp basically said no. It wasn’t a harsh no, but it was a no.” - Erin McPike/Real Clear Politics

Romney one step closer to Pawlentyville - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

◼ Update: This Is A Genius Move By Gingrich - Business Insider

Newt Gingrich has invited Jon Huntsman to engage in another long Lincoln-Douglas style debate on December 12, in Windham New Hampshire. Newt did a similar debate with Herman Cain earlier this year. Huntsman accepted.

It’s a genius move for Gingrich, and a good one by Huntsman. Romney has declined an invitation to engage Gingrich in this kind of debate.

Newt Gingrich gets to elevate Huntsman in New Hampshire, which could hurt Mitt Romney. ◼ h/t: Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion