
Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Problems Surrounding Duplicate Signatures Loom Over Big Labor’s Attempted Recall of Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker

As the unions strike back against the governor who forced them to ask permission to collect dues from public employees, controversy over the ongoing recall process is emerging. - Brett Healy/Big Government

One liberal organization is saying people have a right to sign more than one recall petition. The state regulators admit it’s true, they have that right and although only one signature per eligible voter is supposed to be counted as vaild, their temporary workers won’t be accountable for finding duplicates.

This MacIver News’ report provides the details.

Magney told MNS said that the pro-union groups obtaining recall signatures will be expected to self-police the collection of duplicate signatures.

However, neither the state Democratic Party nor the pro-labor organizations steering the recall drive have disclosed any process by which they will identify and discard the duplicate signatures they obtain.

Recall organizers announced Monday that they have collected 300,000 of the 540,000 signatures necessary to trigger a recall election of Walker. Until those signatures are actually submitted to the GAB, however, there is no way to verify that claim or determine whether that figure includes duplicate signatures. Even then, it will be up to outside groups like the Walker campaign or the state Republican Party to sort through the signatures to find any invalid and/or duplicate signatures.

Until the signatures are submitted and independently checked, there is no way to know how many people are heeding One Wisconsin Now’s advice.

"Who cares about duplicate signatures in Wisconsin Recall?" - Althouse

Who cares about duplicate signatures in Wisconsin Recall? - - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

"Anti-recall forces will have to establish their own database and run checks for duplicates, in other words, do the government’s work for it."