
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

GOP members call on Eric Holder to quit

A group of House Republicans Tuesday called on Eric Holder to immediately resign because of Operation Fast and Furious, saying the Attorney General did not tell the truth about the controversial “gun-walking” program. - Politico

“Attorney General Eric Holder cannot avoid responsibility for his involvement with a government program that directly led to the tragic death of a decorated Border Patrol agent,” Labrador said. “As our nation’s top enforcer of the principles of law and justice, Mr. Holder has now lost credibility and should step down immediately.”

And the Republican members said they should no longer be the only ones putting pressure on Holder to resign — Obama must also take action.

“When you have the privilege of leading the Department of Justice there is no excuse for not knowing what is going on, especially when it relates to something as controversial and dangerous as Fast and Furious,” Huelskamp, a Kansas Republican, said. “But ultimately the buck stops with the president of the United States. And I believe it’s time for the president to join us and step up to the plate and ask Mr. Holder to resign.”