
Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Fed debt hits $15 trillion; GOP blasts Obama

It's official: The federal debt has his $15 trillion, the U.S. Treasury Department reported today.

"This debt is hurting not only our economy today, but will result in our children and our grandchildren experiencing a diminished future," (Rep. Paul) Ryan said. "And the President -- rather than tackling this challenge, rather than facing up to our debt -- is pursuing policies that are making matters worse."

Federal debt tops $15 trillion - Total increased $56 billion in one day - Washington Times

The Treasury Department said Wednesday that federal debt now tops $15 trillion — a staggering figure that has risen precipitously over the last decade.

The exact debt total stood at $15.034 trillion as of the end of business Tuesday, an increase of $56 billion over Monday’s tally.

All told, federal debt has risen $4.41 trillion since President Obama took office, and is nearly triple the size of the debt in 2001, when President George W. Bush landed in the White House.