
Sunday, November 13, 2011

CBS Republican Debate (full version)

There's something I like about Newt Gingrich. - Althouse
"Gingrich was on his game from the beginning when he let loose a ringing anti-(Federal Reserve Chairman Ben) Bernanke, anti-food stamps, anti-(community organizer Saul) Alinsky answer. This was the Newt everyone thought we'd see before he got in the race," National Review editor Rich Lowry wrote, predicting "(t)he narrative about his rise will continue."
Fox News commentator and former Republican congressman John LeBoutillier wrote Gingrich "again played the role of the knowledgeable elder statesman/scold who chides the media and the Establishment." The Associated Press reported Gingrich "could emerge as the newest hope for conservative activists who doubt Romney's commitment to their priorities," though he still lags in creating a ground-level campaign structure in the critical early-caucus state of Iowa -- doubtlessly due in part to lackluster fundraising.
But that could soon change. A "super political action committee" -- which can raise unlimited money so long as it doesn't directly coordinate with a candidate's campaign -- called Solutions 2012 was launched Wednesday to "support Newt Gingrich's comeback run for president" by buying ads in early-voting states.
Bachmann Campaign Accuses CBSNEWS of Bias...
Minnesota Congresswoman’s Michele Bachmann’s campaign staff went ballistic after one of her communications director, Alice Stewart, was mistakenly CC’d on an internal CBS News email. In the message, newly minted political director John Dickerson said he’d rather interview someone else on his post-debate webshow. Congresswoman Bachmann’s staffers responded by accusing CBS of bias and calling for Mr. Dickerson’s head
Ron Paul Gets 89 Seconds To Speak In Debate! - InfoWars
Leaked email to Bachmann campaign indicates decision to limit air time for certain candidates was deliberate CBS News policy...

A scientific study undertaken by the University of Minnesota last month confirmed that Ron Paul had been given the least speaking time out of all the Republican candidates during the debates, even less than the likes of John Huntsman and Rick Santorum, who have routinely been beaten by Paul in national polls.
"It gets a little lonely over here in Siberia from time to time" was the wry whine from the under-included Jon Huntsman at the debate last night. - Althouse
Spartanburg Remainders: CBS Debate Inspires Media Fear and Loathing - the Other McCain
The Big Loser of the Night: CBS – Marc A. Thiessen/National Review
If there was a loser on the debate stage tonight, it was CBS. First, they scheduled their debate on a Saturday night between two major football games. Then they decided to only broadcast the first hour of their 90-minute debate. Then their Internet feed failed for the final 30 minutes. This was CBS’s first and only debate — and it showed.

Scott Pelley was a terrible moderator. He treated the men who might be the next commander in chief like schoolchildren, cutting them off in mid-sentence, lecturing them to answer his questions. He even lectured Newt Gingrich on policy, telling him that killing “terrorist suspects” is “not the rule of law.” Big mistake. Newt smacked him down, explaining that we are at war and in war we are allowed to kill the enemy without a court order...

Fortunately, there will be another discussion of foreign policy and national security soon: the AEI/Heritage/CNN debate on November 22. It will be in prime time on a Tuesday — on a network that knows what it is doing.