
Monday, November 28, 2011

Barney Frank Cashes Out - America loses its poster boy for term limits.

Barney Frank Cashes Out - America loses its poster boy for term limits. - John Hayward/Human Events

Frank is also 71 years old, and his congressional career has allowed him to, shall we say, “amass” a sizable fortune. This was a good time to call it quits, especially as Democrat hopes of retaking the House in 2012 have grown dimmer.

It’s a predictable, if unfortunate, end to a career that included setting up the subprime bomb that nearly destroyed the U.S. economy. If you’re upset about the big bonuses paid to executives of the bailout-sucking Fannie Mae, remember that Frank was literally sleeping with a top Fannie Mae executive while he sat on the House Banking Committee. Frank lied repeatedly to protect the Fannie Mae racket from oversight, and the resulting cost to the American people was nearly incalculable.

And yet, it remains the official Democrat Party storyline that absolutely no one in government had anything to do with the subprime crisis. They don’t just finger the evil banks as 70% or 80% responsible. It’s essential to preserving their mythology that the corruption of characters like Barney Frank and Chris Dodd be completely obscured.