
Friday, November 18, 2011

15 Trillion And Counting

The United States government officially passed the $15 trillion debt milestone on Tuesday. The Republican National Committee produced a little video to commemorate the occasion, and remind us of the bygone days when Barack Obama stridently declared $9 trillion in debt was too much, and he’d cut the deficit in half by the end of his first term - John Hayward at Human Events

...Okay, so we’ve got the federal ouroboros chewing on its own tail, with a swollen belly full of madly churning printing presses, ready to explode in a shower of devalued dollars. But at least Obama’s madcap spending spree helped stimulate the economy, right?

Nope. Not only did we get nothing for the trillions in debt Obama has piled on, his “stimulus” ideas were worse than useless. It will have a net negative effect on GDP over the next ten years....

Fifteen trillion in debt and counting. You won’t like what happens when we hit twenty. We’ll probably get there by the end of Barack Obama’s second term.