
Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Sarah Palin within 5 points of Obama, now leads Obama among independents

A new McClatchy-Marist poll finds that Obama looks increasingly vulnerable in next year's election, with a majority of voters believing he'll lose to any Republican... - Miami Herald

The biggest gain came for Palin, the former Alaska governor who hasn't yet announced whether she'll jump into the fast-changing race for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination.

After trailing Obama by more than 20 percentage points in polls all year, the new national survey, taken Sept. 13-14, found Palin trailing the president by just 5 points, 49-44 percent. The key reason: She now leads Obama among independents, a sharp turnaround.

Poll: Palin Picks Up Steam Against Obama - Michelle Malkin
McClatchy-Marist Poll Shows Sarah Gaining Huge Ground With Independents - moms4sarahpalin