
Tuesday, July 19, 2011

In Their Own Words: Americans' Views on Raising Debt Ceiling

Why do Americans oppose raising the debt limit? - Conn Carroll/Washington Examiner
Gallup has just posted more than 700 open-ended responses from the Americans that they polled who oppose raising the debt limit. These are not canned or prompted responses. They are the real views of average Americans in their own words. The question Gallup asked was: “What are some of the reasons why you would want your member of Congress to vote...
In Their Own Words: Americans' Views on Raising Debt Ceiling - Gallup
Page 2 contains the responses of those opposed to raising the debt ceiling and page 3 the responses of those in favor or raising the debt ceiling. Reading through the words average Americans use when asked to discuss their position on the debt ceiling provides a unique and rewarding insight into public opinion on this key issue. (Note: Gallup edited these responses for language.)
Poll: Low ratings for Obama, Congress on debt talks - USA Today
Discussion at Lucianne