
Saturday, July 9, 2011

"Every Republican has been clear as crystal: No tax hikes," says a Boehner spokesman. "Tax hikes destroy jobs and they cannot, and will not, pass the House."

Boehner: No, GOP won't 'cave' in budget talks - Byron York/Washington Examiner
◼ Doubt abounds: Bill Kristol predicts GOP ‘to cave in a pretty big way’ on debt ceiling negotiations - Daily Caller
“So great, we have a Republican House, and they are going to agree to the huge defense cuts, tax increases, phony spending cuts and increased debt,” Kristol said. “I think there will be a huge rebellion among conservatives in the country if Republicans sign on to this deal.”
Obama, GOP inching toward debt deal - Susan Ferrechio/Washington Examiner

Dem budget: $2 trillion in new tax hikes, 'sharp cuts at Pentagon'... - Washington Post via Drudge
Republicans dismissed the Democratic blueprint, saying higher taxes would be devastating to an economy already weighed down by a 9.2 percent unemployment rate. In their spending plan, House Republicans proposed to save $4 trillion entirely through spending cuts; they would also eliminate Medicare as an open-ended entitlement after 2021.

“If they’re calling for $2 trillion in tax hikes in the middle of a jobs crisis, it’s little wonder that it’s been 800 days since Senate Democrats passed a budget,” said McConnell spokesman Don Stewart.
An Establishment in Panic - Pat Buchanan/Real Clear Politics
The Establishment is in a panic. It has been jolted awake to the realization that the GOP House, if it can summon the courage to use it, is holding a weapon that could enable it to bridle forever the federal monster that consumes 25 percent of gross domestic product.