
Friday, June 3, 2011

“So what is it? What’s the problem?” he said. “She’s solid on social issues. She’s solid on fiscal issues. She’s solid against these subsidies against big companies – in other words, she is not a corporatist. She’s not a crony or a believer in that. She’s solid on taxes and spending. I’m just confused. She’s solid on Israel. She’s solid on the military. She’s solid with respect to our allies. Is there some big issue that’s disqualifying? What – because the liberals don’t like her? …

Levin to the rescue: Radio host “sick and tired” of pundit’s Palin smears - HotAir
"Palin uses Twitter to communicate. Romney uses PowerPoint" - Riehl World View
Dr. Krauthammer and Gov. Palin: Analyzing the Analyst - American Thinker
Levin defends Palin: ‘I’m getting sick and tired of these smears by Krauthammer against her’ - Daily Caller
“Maybe there is one or two, but off the top of my head, I can’t think of any significant issue where Palin is not a conservative and where I disagree with her,” Levin said. “Can you?”