
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Republican Of The Year Dinner TONIGHT

The Humboldt County Republican Party
2011 Reagan Centennial Gala
Republican Of The Year Dinner

in honor of Republican Of The Year
Dennis Hunter
and Volunteer Of The Year
Karen Brooks

Keynote Speaker:
Ward Connerly

Featuring a special tribute to
President Ronald Reagan

Thursday, the Twenty Third of June
No Host Cocktail/Bar begins at Five O’Clock
Dinner served at Six O’Clock
Program begins at Seven O’Clock

Dinner tickets: Individual $90, Couple $160, Table (10) $800
R.S.V.P. by Fifteenth of June, 2011
Reservations Required
For additional information contact Joy Finley 707.845.2575

◼ PRESS: Ward Connerly to address Humboldt County Republicans