
Tuesday, May 3, 2011

News from The Contra Costa GOP


It’s not hyperbole to say that in the next three and a half months, California’s political destiny will be decided for the next 10 years. The California Citizens’ Redistricting Commission has been at work since early February setting about their directed task to “redraw the lines” for State Congressional, Legislative and Board of Equalization districts. They are charged to complete their task by August 15th. The lines they draw will impact our state’s election results for years to come. Their website is:

The Commission got off to a rocky start by leaning left on their choices for (1) a professional line drawer, and (2) Voting Rights law firm. In addition, in my last briefing, I noted that leftist activists have been at work for months organizing and training special interest groups to testify, sometimes quite persuasively, before the Commission. Now, things have progressed from bad to worse!

Our Alameda County friend, David Salaverry, founder of the California Conservative Action Group, spent last week in Southern California tracking the Redistricting Commission meetings. Yesterday, he included on his website:, an article by Tony Quinn, that reported one of the hard left members of the Commission has persuaded other members to ignore the US and California Constitutions by in effect repealing the historical “one person one vote” rule. They did this by allowing a greater population deviation between districts.

WE NEED YOUR PARTICIPATION. Testimony has already begun. We have found that the left has a veritable army of paid attorneys and special interest groups. We need citizens like you testifying for compact, contiguous districts which make sense.

Friday, May 20th 6 pm Santa Rosa
Saturday, May 21st 2 pm Oakland ******
Sunday, May 22nd 2 pm Salinas
Monday, May 23rd 6 pm San Jose
Tuesday, May 24th 9am ORGANIZED GROUP Testimony ******
The Contra Costa Redistricting Task Force and the California Conservative Action Group have the information and the tools that you need to become an active participant in this crucial process. To get involved, contact me today: Email:, or go to:

“To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping he will eat you last—but eat you he will.”

Wednesday, May 11th, at 6 pm: AN EVENING WITH JACK CASHILL “Deconstructing Obama”
San Ramon Golf Club, San Ramon. Reserve Now at

Saturday, July 30th, 5-8 pm: CCRP Picnic at Rossmoor

Friday & Saturday, August 19-20: Campaign Boot Camp, San Ramon Community Center

The following committees are hard at work:
Redistricting Commission Task Force: Chairman Allen Payton
Vote Integrity Project: Chairman Carol Hehmeyer
Grass Roots Committee: Chairman Pam Farly
Social Networking Committee: Chairman Jason Baker
Picnic Committee: Chairman Jo Anne Erickson
Precinct Development: Chairman Gene Kreps
Business Leaders: Chairman Becky Kolberg