
Thursday, May 5, 2011

First Look: 2012 GOP Presidential Candidates Debate TONIGHT 9 p.m. E.T. (6:00 our time)

FOX News is hosting the first 2012 presidential debate in one of the first primary states Thursday night in Greenville, S.C. Five of the men trying to become the next Republican nominee will do their best to be considered the GOP frontrunner, taking questions on everything from a weak economy to the greatest foreign policy threat.
Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty
Former Pennsylvania Sen. Rick Santorum
Businessman Herman Cain
Texas Rep. Ron Paul
Former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson
What to watch for in the GOP 2012 presidential debate
Five likely contenders for the 2012 Republican presidential nomination will gather in Greenville, South Carolina tonight for the first debate of the race.

But the proceedings, which get started at 9 p.m. and will air live on Fox News Channel, are as much defined by who won’t be on stage as who will be.

Not a single candidate polling in double digits in early national polling will be in attendance; that means no Mitt Romney, no Sarah Palin, no Mike Huckabee and no Newt Gingrich.

Other potential candidates who are drawing buzz — albeit for very different reasons -- in the political world — businessman Donald Trump and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels — are also taking a pass.

The lack of star power at the debate, however, doesn’t mean it is meaningless — especially for those who are actually on stage.
JUAN WILLIAMS: What You Need to Know About the First GOP Debate -- And What I Need From You

The debate will be on the Fox News Channel this Thursday night, May 5 at 9 p.m. E.T.