
Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Breastfeeding, the IRS, and the creeping Nanny State

Lansinoh Manual Breast Pump at Target

Michelle Obama to Promote Breastfeeding as IRS Gives Tax Breaks for Nursing - politicsdaily
"We want to get into child-care centers, day-care centers, and start talking about how -- what kind of snacks they're getting there. We want to have those conversations at an earlier level. But those are just some of the things that you'll see."
Rep. Michele Bachmann Raps First Lady Over Breastfeeding Crusade - politicsdaily
"I've given birth to five babies and I breast-fed every single one," Bachmann told Ingraham. "To think that government has to go out and buy my breast pump...That's the new definition of a nanny state."
IRS Says Breastfeeding Expenses Are Tax Write-Offs. Finally. - politicsdaily
The state-of-the-art Medela backpack pump rings up at $264.99 (the "pump-in-style" hand bag can set you back $360). And that's before you extra valves ($7), bags for freezing ($10 for 50), extra tubing ($6), the "hands free" bodice that lets you pump and use a computer ($32). Some estimates put the yearly cost between $500 to $1,000.
Super Nanny: First Lady of Junk Science Michelle Obama - Michelle Malkin
What do you think?