
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Reid schemes to change Senate rules

The Democrats are trying to change the Senate rules so that they can ram through their agenda when their majority shrinks next week from 59 to 53 seats...

"Changing the rules in this extraordinary process has the effect of election nullification," said Gold. "It allows a smaller majority to write for itself new rules, which permit it to govern the way it wishes, even though the voters said something contrary last November."

The Senate GOP leadership is counting on outraged Americans voicing their opposition to Reid’s power-grab in the wake of the Midterm Elections.

"Public pressure will be a big part of any effort to stop this. People need to speak out and demand that Democrats don't act as if the election never happened," said a GOP aide. "They need to call their Democrat Senators and tell them not to vote to make the Senate some sort of rubber stamp for the Obama administration."