
Monday, September 1, 2008


A funny thing happened on the way home from the convention in that the media’s darling, Barack Obama, commented that he had been so falsely targeted by Sarah Palin, the newly nominated vice-presidential candidate for the Republican Party.

A polar bear in high heels came in off the tundra to call Obama’s hand on just a few of the many issues that the media has repeatedly given him a free ride on for all these many months.

There is certainly fine irony in Obama’s criticism of Palin’s convention speech. Many media
members gave him fat thumbs up on his address in Denver last week. He compared himself to giving a John F. Kennedy speech. I attended John F. Kennedy’s convention address in Los Angeles and to repeat a famous quote on the topic, “Obama is no John Kennedy.” Kennedy was for limited government, strong no nonsense national defense, and low taxes. He absolutely rejected the concepts of the Marxist redistribution of wealth so advocated and guaranteed by Obama.

Did they really listen to the promises made by Obama? He claims his government will provide for all of us the same level of elite medical care that he is given as a senator. Further everyone will have a good job, everyone can go to college, all schools will have high caliber teachers, everyone will drive less and enjoy it more, and there won’t be a cotton picking problem this Utopian wonderland won’t solve because the wealthy will pay all the taxes and the rest of us will get a free ride.

In the brass tacks memory of Ronald Reagan—Tear down those Grecian pillars, get a grip on reality, and pity those who believe all these promises of everything for nothing.