
Monday, September 1, 2008


Thank goodness, Senator McCain had the good foresight to select Sarah Palin as his vice presidential running mate! Sarah is a breath of fresh air we haven’t enjoyed since Ronald Reagan! I predict the McCain/Palin ticket will win and that the Republicans will put the first
woman in the White House, in the next four or eight years from now! And she will be a traditional woman…you know, one who loves her husband, children, and country!

It didn’t take long for the dems to begin savage attacks and then whine that her acceptance speech was mean-spirited! What a hoot! Bring it on, bring it on! The more they attack, the higher the McCain/Palin poll points climb!

The funniest charge is that Sarah is too inexperienced to be vice president. WRONG!

She has more under her belt as mayor and governor than Obama and Biden combined! Obama’s rationalization that he has “more executive experience” by running for president for the
past two years is hilarious! Somehow, the fact that all he has accomplished in the Senate is to
vote “present” time after time escapes him! Sarah’s comment that being a community organizer is sorta like being a mayor, only a mayor actually has responsibilities!

My 8th through 11th graders will be watching the debates and recording there opinions on the candidates’ answers. I made the same assignments four years ago and was surprised at the depth of understanding my students expressed in their responses. The additional benefit was that their parents sat down and watched the debates also. Most commented that they would not have watched had their students not been required to do so!

As far as Obama’s executive experience…actually, having been president of Eureka Republican Women Federated for a full year…I have more executive experience than he. SHERYL FEARRIEN