
Wednesday, April 28, 2021

Why it is important to have a free and open discussion of the pros and cons...

From the comments: "I remember watching this episode of 60 Minutes when it first aired. That was when the 1934 Communications Act was still in effect. That was also when we had a REAL 4th estate If Mike Wallace were doing investigative journalism in today's media environment, he and this 60 Minutes episode would be banned across all TV channels and major social media platforms, plus he would have all of his social media accounts deleted." It is on YouTube, not banned yet.

Monday, April 26, 2021

Recall effort to oust California Gov. Gavin Newsom officially has enough signatures

Thanks to you, we now have enough signatures for a recall election!
The Governor now has 30 days to try every trick he can to get you to cancel your recall petition signature. Don't sign anything else, or fall for his tricks!

Victor Davis Hanson: The New Racism Is the Old Racism

Happy Birthday to former First Lady MELANIA TRUMP