
Saturday, May 19, 2018

You know things are tenuous within Deep State when congress openly starts asking the FBI to withhold information....

Unlike Watergate, the current crisis in government/spying/politics doesn’t have a memorable name. But for those of us who lived through Watergate it has a certain resonance with that event as well as major differences, imparting a strange sense of familiarity, dislocation, and increasing alarm.

This isn’t some burglary to get some dirt on the opposing party, and it isn’t a threat (unfulfilled) of using government entities to “get” the opposition. This is the marshaling of those government entities by one administration in order to “get” the next, and nearly succeeding.

And—as Roger L. Simon points out:
...One of the more notable differences between Watergate and the metastasizing scandals involving the FBI, our intelligence agencies, and the Obama administration — subjects of the soon-to-be-released inspector general’s report — is that the media exposed Watergate. They aided and abetted the current transgressions.

By providing a willing and virtually unquestioned repository for every anonymous leaker (as long as he or she was on the “right” side) in Washington and beyond, the press has evolved from being part of the solution to being a major part of the problem....

...Forget Donald Trump. Forget whoever is running. It could be your Aunt Fanny or Willam Buckley's random person from the Boston telephone directory. Forget whatever party we are talking about. This is the stuff of high treason of a type not imaginable to almost all of us in our lifetimes as American citizens. I and others have compared this plot to Lavrentiy Beria and the NKVD. At first, I admit, I was exaggerating a bit for effect. Now, not so much.

What we have here are people who think they are "good" driven to evil by their own self-righteousness.

So what will the mainstream media who participated so heavily in this, who were in effect the enabler of this disgraceful anti-democratic enterprise, do when the inspector general's report is finally published?

We may have gotten a taste in the nervous reaction of CNN's Jake Tapper to an informative series of tweets from the WSJ's Kimberley Strassel on the matter. Roughly a year ago, Mr. Tapper famously accused Donald Trump of himself being a purveyor of "fake news" for alleging he was being wiretapped (what an understatement that turned out to be!). Instead of apologizing for being wildly wrong or even acknowledging his mistake, Tapper tweaked Ms. Strassel for accidentally tweeting "Hurricane Crossfire" rather than "Crossfire Hurricane" (the name the FBI cribbed from Mick Jagger as a trendy name for their repellent activities).

Tapper is considered one of the more intelligent and putatively responsible of the MSM crew. If he is unable to face this coming press Armageddon, few will be. They bet the house that Donald Trump was the worst man in the room, but it turned out, and will be made quite explicit I would imagine, that there were many men and women far worse than he. It's not even close....

Just Married: Introducing The Duke and Duchess of Sussex

If not for #Prop13, a California homeowner with a $350,000 house would pay over $9,000 a year in property taxes! How much would you pay?

Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation

Glenn Beck: It's time to acknowledge everything @realDonaldTrump has done for America.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Evergreen State College to cut budget by $5.9 million, plan for layoffs

The Deep State's bad actors -- who've spent nearly two years trying to take down candidate and President Donald Trump -- are being flushed out by facts, and they're frantically trying to rewrite history and cover their...

...“You know, here’s another thought. And this is how I know that the snake Clapper is lying. Clapper tells CNN ‘Oh, no, no, no, we weren’t interested in the Trump campaign, our spy. We think it was a good thing the FBI had a spy to look for pernicious activity from the Russians, the Russians tampering with our electoral process. It was a good thing they had a spy in that campaign, not to look at the Trump campaign, but to look at the Russians.’

“Mr. Clapper, then why didn’t you put a spy in the Hillary campaign? She was interacting with the Russians. She was rigging the DNC primary. She did hire a guy to write a phony opposition research with Russian agents on Trump. The Hillary campaign was intertwined with the Russians for months. Why didn’t you have a spy in her campaign, if it was the Russians you were really interested in? Why not look at how Hillary was working with them?”

Limbaugh’s conclusion: “But of course they weren’t looking for the Russians, because I think they’ve known from the get-go the Russians didn’t affect the outcome of this election. Remember, if Hillary had won, you’d a never heard about the Russians, other than whatever steps they took to destroy Trump, which I think they would have done. Even if Trump had lost, I think they would have made moves to further destroy this guy, to send the message to any other outsiders, ‘Don’t even think about trying this. Look what we’ll do to you.'”

He said: “You people have done more to damage the integrity of the American electoral process than Vladimir Putin could in his dreams! And I’m not joking.”

Texas high school shooting leaves at least 8 dead, suspect in custody: report

Sally Yates was the real blackmailer

And there it is. We've all knew something wasn't quite right about all of this. Stormy Daniel's lawyer...

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Gallup: Share who are satisfied with how things are going in U.S. ties for highest since 2005

Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation

California College Republicans phone banking to recall Josh “Gas Tax” Newman.

DOJ watchdog completes draft of report examining FBI's handling of Clinton email investigation

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

President Trump Hosts Local Officials Fighting California's Sanctuary State Law

Hamas terrorist explains how Hamas forces civilians to participate in violence against Israel

Dems catch GOP flat footed and pass reversal of Trump net neutrality bill.

...But the victory may be limited to the Senate. The resolution now heads to likely defeat in the GOP-led House, where House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has no plans to bring it up for a vote.

Without House passage, the FCC decision to end the Obama-era rule will take effect on June 12.

“This is not going anywhere,” Sen. John Thune, R-S.D., who heads the Senate Commerce panel, said Wednesday. Thune called on Democrats to work with the GOP on bipartisan legislation that would regulate the Internet with a “light touch” rather than the Obama-era rule, which opponents said would be too heavy-handed and would squelch innovation....

Like so many prominent GOP women before her, will continue to be snubbed, humiliated and demonized by narrative control freaks because women on the right threaten the cultural hegemony of the left.

...Melania Trump is not just strikingly beautiful. She is worldly, well-traveled and well-read. She speaks English, French, German, Italian and Serbian, in addition to her native Slovenian -- more languages than any other woman who has served as America's first lady. Her devotion to son Barron is exemplary. Her aversion to limelight and lack of political ambition are refreshing. So is her ability to refrain from public grievance-mongering over "sacrifices" and trade-offs made between work and home life (looking at you, Hill and 'Chelle O).

The hostile White House press corps blames Trump's own reticence for the publicity vacuum around her. But I believe there's something deeper at work:

More exposure to this interesting and remarkable woman would mean more familiarity with her. More familiarity with her might mean more popularity. And God forbid there be more Republican women in the public eye who can compete with -- and win against -- the usual parade of militant kvetchers and moaners who pass themselves off as feminist role models....

So Trump, like so many prominent GOP women before her, will continue to be snubbed, humiliated and demonized by narrative control freaks because women on the right threaten the cultural hegemony of the left. Black or white, rich or poor, centrist or "far right," native-born or naturalized, Republican mothers, wives and daughters must be otherized and forced to stay in media-manufactured lanes....

As Obamacare Premiums Soar, Dems Lie

70 year old Sonoma manufacturing business moving to Idaho

It’s the end of an era. Price Pump has grown and thrived in Sonoma for 70 years. But before the end of this year, the manufacturer of high-tech pumps will pull up stakes and move its headquarters – lock, stock and pump – to Boise, Idaho.

“It has simply become too difficult and too costly to run a manufacturing business in Sonoma Valley,” said Price Pump President Bob Piazza....

“I don’t love change,” he said, “But the way things are going, we don’t have a choice.”

...One of his employees is 66 years old and has never worked anyplace other than Price Pump.

“When he said he would move with us, I was surprised,” said Piazza. “But he explained to me that he had planned to work until 70 and it would be hard to get a different job now, but even more… he realized that when he ran the numbers, he wouldn’t even be able to retire in Sonoma at 70.”

Another employee lost his house during the 2009 recession and he’s moving because, he told Piazza, it will be give him a chance to be a homeowner again.

“He gets to keep the same pay, move someplace less expensive and he’ll get a moving allowance and be able to buy a house,” said Piazza.

Piazza’s employees have been pleased to find that they can buy a house in the Boise area that is comparable to their home in Sonoma for less half the cost....

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Congratulations Dr. Knute Buehler On Oregon GOP Gubernatorial Primary Victory


If This Is Chaos We Need More of It

Moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem, pretty much a twenty-year campaign pledge by the GOP.

And there it is. We've all knew something wasn't quite right about all of this

We stand with our police (HEROES) 100%!

Not the Onion. UC Davis removes culturally appropriated dream catchers from stores

The Gaza 'Protests'

Is Robert Mueller Destroying the Democratic Party?

...But let's skip past the subplots of the moment to the greatest of all unintended consequences of this endless investigation -- the decline and fall of the Democratic Party.

Yes, you read that correctly. Like a crackhead addicted to the next puff, Democrats and their media allies have spent most of the last sixteen months fixated on whether Trump somehow, some way, colluded with Putin. Meanwhile, a zillion issues slipped by, some important, others less so, but the Democrats barely weighed in on anything, other than to whine about Trump.

What a dumb mistake....

Former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown wrote an op-ed calling for his fellow Democrats to "stop bashing President Trump."

Brown, a longtime fixture in California politics, said his party may risk having problems in the midterms if they don't let up on the anti-Trump rhetoric.

"It's not going to be easy," Brown wrote in the San Francisco Chronicle on the prospect of Democrats halting their repeated attacks on the president.

"It might even mean checking into a 12-step program," he said.

Seattle City Council: "How can we drive away businesses as fast as possible?

"The city does not have a revenue problem – it has a spending efficiency problem," Herdener said. "We are highly uncertain whether the city council’s anti-business positions or its spending inefficiency will change for the better.”

White women are becoming the new white men.

Whites are racists and don't even know it, or so says an increasingly accepted body of academic opinion based on a cornball arcade game exercise. With President Trump in office, it's time to dismantle the funding and policy infrastructure that relies on this quack academic theory.

The "Implicit Association Test" -- where subjects respond positively or negatively to a series of pictures and words, including ones touching on race -- was cooked up by academics, but became the foundation for media narratives and government policy during the Obama administration.

"Across America, Whites are Biased and Don't Even Know It," blared the Washington Post. "You May be More Racist Than You Think," said a CNN story. "Is Everybody a Little Bit Racist?", asked the New York Times.

You already know what the Times' answer is without reading the story....

I Know the Name of the Spy the FBI Put in the Trump Campaign

RUSH: I now know who the spy is. I know now know who the FBI was running in the Trump campaign. I don’t think I’m gonna give you the name of the spy, but I’m gonna tell you everything the spy has done. It is the most amazing story. It is a story of entrapment. When you hear this, it’s gonna infuriate you. You’re gonna realize how utterly phony this entire investigation of Donald Trump is. It’s phonier than you even realize now....

Monday, May 14, 2018