
Saturday, April 15, 2017

North Korea Blows Up Yet Another Missile On the Launch Pad

WATCH: Pro-Trump Rally In Berkeley, CA Crashed By Anftia

Friday, April 14, 2017

President Trump Weekly Address – Easter Weekend

New: NSA's arsenal of Windows hacking tools have leaked.

CALIFORNIA: From Drought To The Wettest Year On Record

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Not Just Lies: Susan Rice Ordered Spy Agencies To Produce ‘Detailed Spreadsheets’ Involving Trump

She has yet to Tweet about the attack on Syria.

It must have seemed like a problem from hell: When Samantha Power served as Barack Obama's ambassador to the United Nations, she tirelessly highlighted the depredations of Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, publicizing his various barbarities—his indiscriminate killing of civilians, his use of chemical weapons, his astonishing cruelty to children. And yet Ambassador Power served a president who steadfastly refused to do anything to counter those outrages, a president who stood idly by as the Syrian tyrant dropped chemical weapons and barrel bombs on innocent civilians. Indeed, Barack Obama would have fit quite well into A Problem From Hell, Power's terrific 2003 book, which trained a gimlet eye on America's all-too-common indifference to genocide and mass killing.

Since her retirement from government service, Power has kept up the fight, tweeting prolifically about the carnage in Syria. Indeed, on April 4, 5, and 6 she tweeted repeatedly about the Assad regime's apparent chemical assault in Idlib—the very attack that spurred Donald Trump to enforce Barack Obama's red line and hit back at the Syrian dictator with a missile attack on an air base.

And then she went strangely silent.

US drops largest non-nuclear bomb on ISIS in Afghanistan

The GOP’s Kansas Victory and the Very Favorable Electoral Map in 2018

WATCH: President Trump surprises White House tour guests

President Trump Signs Law to Let States Defund Planned Parenthood

WATCH New NRA Ad: The only way we save our country & our freedom is to fight the left's violence of lies with the clenched fist of truth.

Al-Sisi Declares State of Emergency While Egyptian Forces Kill jihadists Plotting Attack on Christian Monastery

The @washingtonpost breaks down & admits that Susan Rice is a liar

New Book on Hillary’s Failed Campaign Highlights Infighting, Heated Exchanges

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Xi on Phone Call with Trump: China ‘Committed to Peace’ in North Korea


FAST & FURIOUS SCANDAL: Suspect in Brian Terry’s Murder Arrested in Mexico

Rex Tillerson ditches press pool for unscheduled meeting with Putin

President Obama’s disastrous legacy in Syria is one of the most urgent issues confronting President Trump.

You know you're in an Upper West Side children's store when this is what the book shelf looks like.

AZ has cheap gas & free bags. CA has regulations, taxes, taxes, & more taxes

...The first thing that you notice when returning to California is a closed rest stop that has been that way for a number of years.

Gasoline was $2.15 a gallon in Arizona, and Albertsons gave me a bag to carry home my groceries.

In the last week I have spoken to three people who indicated to me that they were moving out of state because it had just gotten too expensive to continue living in California.

If things were not bad enough already, our goofball governor has just succeeded in raising taxes again to pay for road repair. Haven’t we done this before? Living in California is beginning to feel like we are living in an alternate universe....

California taxpayers will be forced to double their contributions to CalPERS over just the next 5 years alone from $5.3 billion in 2017/2018 tax year to $9.8 billion in 2022/2023.

Republican wins Kansas special election, fending off upset

Benghazi deceptions...Iran deal, the Bergdahl trade – one ‘expert’ kept turning up to peddle falsehoods. Is Rice’s chronic deception socio-pathological?


Exclusive: Mason Weaver says it was past time for Republicans to no nuclear in Senate...

Because the Republican Party still believes they can work with, find common ground with and reach out to Democrats. Democrats, who have delayed President Trumps’ Cabinet appointees, launched a phony “Russian” probe and constantly call names, attacking and organizing against the Trump administration.

What hope would you have in finding common ground with someone throwing bricks at your head? Where can we find any evidence of a cooperative DNC, moderate Democrats in Congress or the “fake news,” trying to work things out with us?

They have spent ALL of their efforts planning, organizing and raising money to disrupt and delegitimize the current government. We see calls for impeachment, cursing out the president by the DNC chairman, and support for sanctuary cities and other illegal actions at the grass-roots level. What we have not seen is cooperation, debates, reaching out or any attempt to find common ground.

Democrats have sent in their warriors while we are still sending in our diplomats. It was past time Thursday to launch the nuclear option and get to governing our nation. We have to repair nine years of neglect, wasteful spending, debilitating taxes, regulations and the funding of our enemies. We have to rebuild our military, correct the failed education system and put Americans back to work.

What we do not have time for is the silly delay games from our sworn enemies....

Judicial Watch Warns 11 States to Clean Voter Registration Lists or Face Federal Lawsuit

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Monday, April 10, 2017


Syrian Refugee Explains Why He Loves Trump

73% of #GOP voters say Obama aware of spying on Trump officials, 59% say info was leaked to the press...

Sunday, April 9, 2017

They Lied: PolitiFact Pulls 2014 'Mostly True' Rating of John Kerry's Claim of Eliminating Syrian Chemical Weapons

In a post about the recent chemical weapons attack in Syria, PolitiFact admitted, “The outcry leads us to revisit a 2014 claim from former Secretary of State John Kerry.”

“Kerry said in a television interview that in Syria, ‘we got 100 percent of the chemical weapons out.’ Syria had agreed in 2013 to an ambitious program to destroy its chemical stockpiles under international supervision, as part of a deal brokered by Russia,” they explained. “When Kerry spoke in July 2014, the process seemed far along. Based on reports from the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons — which later won the Nobel Peace Prize for its efforts — we rated that claim Mostly True. There were caveats about incomplete information, but at the time, international experts said the claim largely held up.”

“Given recent events, we have pulled that fact-check (you can read an archived version here) because we now have many unanswered questions,” the fact-checking site declared. “We don’t know key details about the reported chemical attack in Syria on April 4, 2017, but it raises two clear possibilities: Either Syria never fully complied with its 2013 promise to reveal all of its chemical weapons; or it did, but then converted otherwise non-lethal chemicals to military uses. One way or another, subsequent events have proved Kerry wrong.”

PolitiFact is often heralded as a reliable and neutral fact-checking source by the mainstream media and political establishment, despite numerous revelations over the past few years that the site is largely biased towards the left-wing.

Egypt´s Coptic churches hit by deadly blasts on Palm Sunday

The Arm Of The Democrat Party In Charge Of Winning Control Of Congress Aims To Defeat Seven California Republicans

Talking About The Wage-Gap Myth

Sunday Funnies