
Saturday, June 4, 2016

“Nearly 18 million California citizens are registered to vote in the June 7 Presidential Primary”

“In the 45 days leading up to the voter registration deadline, there was a huge surge in voter registration — total statewide voter registration increased by nearly 650,000. Part of this surge was fueled through social media, as Facebook sent a reminder to all California users to register to vote.”

According to the report, about 72 percent of eligible Californians are registered to vote.

Of the state’s voters, about 45 percent are registered as Democrats, which is a one-point increase since April. Republicans make up about 27 percent and unaffiliated voters account for about 23 percent.

Senate hopeful Tom Del Beccaro is forging his own version of the California GOP

...As he hopes to place in the top two candidates and advance to a general election, he is a fixture on conservative talk radio stations up and down the state, appealing to the grassroots tea party and libertarian faithful with his calls for a federal “flat tax” and repealing the Affordable Care Act and his disdain for corporate bailouts....

Del Beccaro speaks in a soft voice and leans in close when talking one-on-one. He appears at ease on the stump, whether it’s in radio studios or a restaurant filled with tea party loyalists, and almost always steers the conversation back to his conservative, pro-growth, economic views.

“In the last seven years, the bottom 90% of American have actually seen a reduction in income of $1,600,” he said. “The current system is not working.”

Del Beccaro, who has written two books and runs the conservative website, has made the federal tax system one of the primary focuses of his campaign. He wants to eliminate the IRS and scrap the federal tax code, replacing it with a 15.5% flat tax on personal income and net business income.

“The tax code is the biggest playground for lobbyists, special interests and corporate welfare in the history of mankind. I’m for free enterprise. I’m not for big business,” Del Beccaro says. “I don’t think big business should get favors from government … they can fend for themselves.”

Why I can't vote for Hillary....

Friday, June 3, 2016

WATCH LIVE: Trump speaks at California rally

Post Editorial Board: Clinton’s warnings about Trump actually describe … her

Hillary Clinton’s folks billed her San Diego speech Thursday as a big deal. And it certainly was a prime opportunity to lay out her views on foreign policy and America’s role in the world.

But what she delivered was a 45-minute rant against Donald Trump — with nary a clue about her plans for leading America on the international stage.

Worse, her string of dump-on-Trump quips might’ve worked better if she had substituted her name for his, starting with her attack on Trump’s “series of rants” — a perfect description of her own speech.

Clinton tried to portray Trump as “dangerous.” But what do you call it when a secretary of state, to shield herself from accountability, stores classified emails (some beyond “top secret”) on her private, unsecured server, leaving them vulnerable to hackers the world over?

Or who goes home for the night with a US consulate besieged by al Qaeda-linked terrorists — then later lies to the victims’ families about how a YouTube video was to blame?

Clinton called Trump “temperamentally unfit” to be commander-in-chief. But how would you describe an ex-top official who continually lies to the public and holds herself above the law?

Trump “doesn’t understand” the world, she said — but then denied that the world has laughed at President Obama’s weakness. She even claimed we’re “safer” with Obama’s deal with Iran, which gives the mullahs a clear path to nuclear weapons and hundreds of billions to fund terrorism.

Who doesn’t understand the world?

More: Hillary said Trump would “embolden” our enemies. Yet, like Obama, she can’t even bring herself to call ISIS what it is: “radical Islamic extremists.” How does she think the terrorists are reacting to that?

+38,000 jobs added in May, the worst monthly total since Sept 2010



Watch the whole thing

If it were a Republican in the crosshairs, Hillary’s shocking refusal to meet with the Inspector General (who interviewed all four of the other living Secretaries of State of the past two decades) would have been the lead item flagged in screaming headlines from coast to coast. Let’s face it—the genuinely innocent do not do pretzel twists like this to cover their asses.

Doctors reverse stroke symptoms...

Thursday, June 2, 2016

BREAKING: The police in San Jose have appeared to lost control. Trump supporters being terrorized and beaten up by mobs of protestors.


Hillary has experience in foreign policy much the same way Wile E. Coyote has experience in explosives.

Donald Continues Winning Union Member Support...

You Won't Believe How Much the Obama Admin's New Regulations Will Cost the Economy

With the Obama administration nearing its end, many Americans are rejoicing that they soon will no longer have to deal with its radical regulatory agenda – but the worst may be yet to come.

Last year set records for the number of new regulations passed, and the president intends to pick up the pace of his rule-making without any input from Congress. The administration is considering 4,000 new regulations this year, 144 of which could cost the economy more than $100 million each.

To put those 144 high-cost regulations in perspective, there were a total of 126 such rules set in the final three years of the George W. Bush administration.

Excessive regulation comes with real costs for American families. The Mercatus Center reported recently that if regulations had been held constant at 1980 levels, the U.S. economy would be $4 trillion larger, translating to $33,035 more per household.

It's Official: Paul Ryan endorses Donald Trump

The #CoronationDay of Queen Elizabeth II as Sovereign of the UK and the Realms took place #onthisday 63 years ago

Trump's Right:

Reporter Tom Llamas of ABC asked Trump a tough question in a particularly nasty way:
The night of that Iowa fundraiser, you said you had raised six million dollars. Clearly you had not. Your critics say you tend to exaggerate, you have a problem with the truth. Is this a prime example?
Soon after, Trump responded by calling Llamas a sleazy guy: "You're a sleaze because you know the facts and you know the facts well."

The press universally bashed Trump, especially none other than Dana Bash, who got very high-minded in her defense of journalists' right to ask tough questions to prevent the United States from turning into a North Korean style dictatorship....

Now let's go back to last July. Barack Obama has just announced his nuclear deal with Iran, a deal we now know, from Deputy National Security Advisor Ben Rhodes, was sold to the press by cynical and dishonest means. Like Llamas with Trump, Major Garrett asked the president a tough question in a particularly nasty way. Obama rebuked him harshly.

What did the press do then? They nearly universally attacked — wait for it! — Major Garrett! And who was right in there bashing Garrett with the best of them? You guessed it. Dana Bash: "There's a fine line between asking a tough question and maybe crossing that line a little bit and being disrespectful."

“Just as the public has a right to know the truth... we have a right to know who lied to us. And why.”

...CNN’s Jake Tapper really went in hard against the State Department this afternoon following the admission that someone edited a damning exchange on Iran from a 2013 State briefing video.

After calling out media bias on the matter earlier today, Tapper recounted the entire mess of lies this afternoon and how then-State Dept. spokeswoman Jen Psaki clearly “lied” to reporter James Rosen and to the american public.

He said there are clearly so many questions about the three big lies here: the lie about the secret talks with Iran, the scrubbing of the video, and the “glitch” excuse....

"[W]e are alerting U.S. citizens to the risk of potential terrorist attacks throughout Europe, targeting major events, tourist sites, restaurants, commercial centers and transportation"

"[W]e are alerting U.S. citizens to the risk of potential terrorist attacks throughout Europe, targeting major events, tourist sites, restaurants, commercial centers and transportation," reads the statement. "The large number of tourists visiting Europe in the summer months will present greater targets for terrorists planning attacks in public locations, especially at large events." The alert ends on August 31, 2016.

The recommendation comes months after the devastating terrorist attacks in Paris and Brussels. France is still operating under a state of emergency following the tragedies of November 2015, but they will still play host to the Euro Cup this summer, a month-long series of soccer tournaments that rival the World Cup and Olympics in terms of attention. "Euro Cup stadiums, fan zones, and unaffiliated entertainment venues broadcasting the tournaments in France and across Europe represent potential targets for terrorists, as do other large-scale sporting events and public gathering places throughout Europe," the statement continued.

In addition to the Euro Cup, the State Department also cautioned Americans about the Catholic Church's World Youth Day in Poland, as well as the Tour de France, both held this July.

Of course, a travel alert doesn't mean you can't go, or even shouldn't go: It just asks Americans to take extra precautions and stay informed of local politics while traveling to Europe. Travel to Europe hasn't suffered very much since the terror attacks; in fact, the strong American dollar and cheap oil prices mean that this is an exceedingly cheap time to go. But with this latest warning coming on the heels of yet more frightening Zika news, it's starting to feel like a staycation is the best destination there is.

To sell the #IranDeal, the White House worked with journalists and outside groups as part of a propaganda operation

And now the truth begins to come out about who is really behind the lawsuits against Trump University ... Court releases evidence in class-action case against school


...Documents released Wednesday in a case accusing Trump University of fraud confirmed the law firm behind the national class-action lawsuit against Trump University paid Bill and Hillary Clinton a total of $675,000 for speeches.... reported Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP, the San Diego-based law firm with the most lawyers representing plaintiffs in the two currently active class action suits in the Trump University case, in total paid Hillary Clinton $450,000 for two speeches. One was given in September 2013 and the second a year later, in September 2014, in addition to the $225,000 the San Diego law firm paid Bill Clinton for a speech he gave in 2009 before the firm was renamed....

The widely read economics blog also noted that amid the litigation, Patrick Coughlin, one of the Robbins Geller attorneys, maxed out his contributions to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

“Records maintained by the Federal Election Commission indicate that Coughlin has been a longtime financial supporter of both the Democratic National Committee and Hillary Clinton,” noted. “In February, he donated $5,400 to her campaign.” ...

According to court records filed with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of California on Oct. 18, 2013, of the 12 lawyers representing the plaintiff – California businessman Art Cohen in the RICO class action lawsuit Cohen v. Trump – nine are listed as members of Robbins Geller Rudman & Dowd LLP....

And then:

It costs $150 to buy a dozen eggs in Venezuela right now

A 58% premium hike? Thanks Obama.

California politicians are getting a raise

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Thousands in line for Trump's Sacramento rally a few hours before scheduled start time

Estimates of 11,000 people in a very hot airplane hanger.

State Dept admits press briefing video was intentionally edited

Earlier this year, journalists discovered that several minutes of the 2013 press briefing had been deleted from an archived video posted on YouTube. The deleted segment of tape included a discussion related to the nuclear deal with Iran, and a suggestion by spokeswoman Jen Psaki that negotiations for that deal had begun earlier than previously disclosed.

The State Department a few weeks ago blamed the missing portion of the video on a “glitch,” but did a rapid about-face on Wednesday.

In reviewing the events surrounding the missing videotape, State Department officials “learned that a specific request was made to excise that portion of the briefing,” spokesman John Kirby told reporters. “We do not know who made the request to edit the video or why it was made.”

Officials “tried” to determine who ordered the edit, the spokesman added, “but it was three years ago and the individual who took the call [to edit the tape] just simply doesn’t have a better memory of it."

The order to edit the tape came from somewhere in the department's Public Affairs Bureau, he said.

Psaki, who is now the White House director of communications, denied that she was responsible for the scrubbing.

“I had no knowledge of nor would I have approved of any form of editing or cutting my briefing transcript on any subject while @StateDept,” she said on Twitter.

And then:

Watch As President Obama Tries To Attack Donald Trump, But Turns Into a Stuttering Mess:

CA "wins" worst for business 11th year in a row

It must be rainbows, butterflies and unicorns for Sacramento liberals, as California successfully defended its crown as America’s CEOs again named California the worst state to do business–for the eleventh straight year.

Business leaders highlight California state and local government officials’ negative attitudes toward business. CEOs blamed the cost of trying to comply with the state’s “capricious” regulatory system, calling it a job killer, especially for “smaller firms that are the least able to bear the costs.”

The annual survey of 500 CEOs from across America grades states on a “variety of measures of tax and regulatory regime, the quality of the workforce and the quality of the living environment” that are viewed as critical components of its business climate,. Employees’ attitude toward management is also considered, since it is a crucial factor in the perceived quality of a region’s workforce. Important “quality of living” factors include the quality of public education, health, cost of living, crime and housing affordability.

Hillary Clinton, losing her way to winning the Democratic nomination

Dalai Lama: Muslim Refugees Cannot Be Allowed to Turn Germany into an "Arab Country"

The Dali Lama told a German newspaper this week that “too many” refugees are heading into Europe.

The Tibetan spiritual leader told Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung that accepting huge number of migrants from the Middle East and North Africa was not a tenable position from a cultural perspective.

“Europe, for example Germany, cannot become an Arab country,” the Dali Lama said, Agence France Pressreported Tuesday. “Germany is Germany. There are so many that in practice it becomes difficult. … From a moral point of view, too, I think that the refugees should only be admitted temporarily.”

The Dali Lama added that despite the need to empathize with refugees, the ultimate goal “should be that they return and help rebuild their countries.”

The Dalai Lama, the official spiritual leader of Buddhists and the unofficial spiritual leader of western leftists, has just violated the fake spirituality with Muslim migration with that most dreadful of weapons, common sense.

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Didn't Orwell write a book about this?

Wow, this sounds great, doesn’t it? Let’s read some more about it:

The IT Companies support the European Commission and EU Member States in the effort to respond to the challenge of ensuring that online platforms do not offer opportunities for illegal online hate speech to spread virally. They share, together with other platforms and social media companies, a collective responsibility and pride in promoting and facilitating freedom of expression throughout the online world. However, the Commission and the IT Companies recognise that the spread of illegal hate speech online not only negatively affects the groups or individuals that it targets, it also negatively impacts those who speak out for freedom, tolerance and non-discrimination in our open societies and has a chilling effect on the democratic discourse on online platforms.

By signing this code of conduct, the IT companies commit to continuing their efforts to tackle illegal hate speech online. This will include the continued development of internal procedures and staff training to guarantee that they review the majority of valid notifications for removal of illegal hate speech in less than 24 hours and remove or disable access to such content, if necessary. The IT companies will also endeavour to strengthen their ongoing partnerships with civil society organisations who will help flag content that promotes incitement to violence and hateful conduct. The IT companies and the European Commission also aim to continue their work in identifying and promoting independent counter-narratives, new ideas and initiatives, and supporting educational programs that encourage critical thinking.
So, what constitutes “illegal hate speech”?

This is one reason California electricity costs more than twice the national median – thanks to a government-created shortage

So why are California’s utilities warning of potential rolling blackouts again? It’s political. And it’s corrupt....

The state is awash in ultra cheap natural gas, yet in California, our corrupt government finds a way to create an energy shortage, and charge rate payers the highest rates in the country....

Under #Obamacare, #Smallbiz Owner Forced to Get Rid of Health Care Benefits or Face Fine Up to $500K

The Souls of Soviet Folk - "how people's humanity crumbles under pressure to survive"

“Maybe Democrats think the middle class should just get over double-digit premium increases”

“Maybe Democrats think the middle class should just get over double-digit premium increases,” said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.). “Maybe Democrats think it’s funny that millions of Americans lost their plans because of ObamaCare. Republicans think we should work toward better care instead.”

Monday, May 30, 2016

"I often wonder whether we do not rest our hopes too much upon constitutions, upon laws and upon courts. These are false hopes; believe me, these are false hopes."

Liberty lies in the hearts of men and women; when it dies there, no constitution, no law, no court can save it; no constitution, no law, no court can even do much to help it…" - Judge Learned Hand

The best way to remember their sacrifice is by keeping America worthy of it.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Rubio makes the case for Trump over Clinton

A Telemundo cameraman was caught staging a shot at a Trump rally his response will make you spitting mad

Telemundo viewers are not getting an unbiased view of the 2016 election.

Read more:

At an anti-Donald trump protest in San Diego on Friday, Rebel Pundit filmmaker Andrew Marcus caught a cameraman from the Spanish language network actually staging a shot for his report.

The cameraman told the protesters to hide their “F**k Trump” sign and helped them turn around the Mexican flag which they had upside down.

When confronted by Marcus, the cameraman actually admitted to staging the shot.

“Is that the media staging a shot? Is that the media staging a shot? Is Telemundo staging a shot?” Marcus asked.

“Uh, probably,” the cameraman the video at the link.

Only 19% of voters think Hillary is honest and trustworthy

Editorial: Forget @realDonaldTrump. @HillaryClinton should debate @BernieSanders

Donald Trump's campaign manager suggested on Sunday that a debate between his candidate and Democratic presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders would have been a "waste of time."

"We're not going to waste our time debating Bernie Sanders when he's not going to be the Democratic nominee," Corey Lewandowski told Fox News' Chris Wallace. "We are squarely focused on defeating Hillary Clinton."

Lewandowski's comments are a far cry from the enthusiasm Trump displayed earlier this week about a potential debate between himself and the Vermont senator.

"I would love to debate Bernie!" he told a crowd Friday afternoon in Fresno, Calif.

But hours later, the Republican nominee released a statement in which he claimed it would be "inappropriate" for him to debate Sanders before the Democrats have held their convention and officially chosen their nominee.

"As much as I want to debate Bernie Sanders — and it would be an easy payday — I will wait to debate the first place finisher in the Democratic Party, probably crooked Hillary Clinton, or whoever it may be," he said in a statement.

Third party: Johnson fails to secure Libertarian nomination on first ballot

California Assembly Dems have killed innovative ideas & declared a monopoly on solutions. We are disappointed.


Polls show Sanders in a statistical tie with Clinton in California. But a win in the state would be only the beginning of a battle for the nomination at the Democratic National Convention this summer. Sanders trails Clinton in pledged delegates as well as superdelegates who have promised to back Clinton. He would need to convince large numbers of them that he is better suited than Clinton to take on presumptive Republican nominee Donald Trump in the November presidential election.

DONALD TRUMP Is Beating Crooked Hillary… IN OREGON!

A recent Clout Research poll from the State of Oregon, not exactly well known as a bastion of all things republican, shows candidate Donald Trump beating Hillary Clinton 44 to 42%.

However, with Independent Voters, Donald Trump is CRUSHING Hillary Clinton by 27 points 53% to 26%.

MUST READ: The MacGuffinization of American Politics

In a movie or book, "The MacGuffin" is the thing the hero wants.

Usually the villain wants it too, and their conflict over who will end up with The MacGuffin forms the basic spine of the story.

In Raiders of the Lost Ark, the MacGuffin is, of course, the Lost Ark. Indy wants it; the Nazis have it. This basic conflict over simple possession animates a two hour long movie.

Alfred Hitchcock noted -- counterintuitively, when you first hear this -- that the specifics of the MacGuffin don't really matter at all to a movie. He pointed out that the audience doesn't care at all about the MacGuffin. The hero in the movie itself cares, but the audience doesn't.

In one Hitchcock film, the MacGuffin was some smuggled uranium hidden in vintage wine bottles. But Hitchcock noted it didn't matter if it was uranium in wine bottles, or a fragment of a diplomatic dispatch from the Nazi high command, or a hidden murder weapon, or photographs proving a Senator's affair.

The Lost Ark in Raiders of the Lost Ark could have easily been replaced with some missing Shankara Stones from a Thuggee temple, or the Holy Grail. In fact, that's exactly what they changed the MacGuffin to in the sequels.

No audience member really cared if the Nazis wound up with the Ark of the Covenant. For one thing, the audience walked into the theater knowing, as a matter of real-world historical fact, that Adolf Hitler had not ever possessed a holy artifact of unspeakable power, and that, even if had possessed such a thing secretly, it availed him not at all, because he shot himself through the temple in a bunker as the Allied forces closed in around him in 1945.

But we cared about Indy. He was a character we liked, a character that sparked our imaginations; whether he was looting a South American burial mound (illegally, by the way!) or blowing off his students by sneaking out a back window during office hours (poor work ethic, incidentally), we rooted for him to win.

A MacGuffin only has one requirement: That it be important-sounding, so that the audience understands he hero isn't engaged in some trivial matter, but that the Stakes Are High. (Woody Allen inverted this rule in his parody espionage film What's Up Tiger Lily?, where the MacGuffin was a top-secret recipe for chicken salad.)

But an important sounding MacGuffin is just another way to increase the audience's emotional attachment to the Hero, not to the idea of possessing the MacGuffin.

And that, of course, explains all you need to know about the abnormal political situation we find ourselves in, and the Cult of Barack Obama.

For Obama's fanbois, this is not politics. This isn't even America, not really, not anymore.... ◼ READ THE REST

Trump thanks San Diego PD

Sunday Funnies