
Saturday, November 21, 2015

Soros-Backed Group Launches Bid to Keep Syrian Refugees Flowing

Majority say US at war with 'Islamic terrorism'...

Brussels terror alert: Belgium warns of 'imminent attack' as restaurants and cafes ordered shut - latest



The nation's largest distributor of treated drinking water became the largest landowner in a remote California farming region for good reason: The alfalfa-growing area is first in line to get Colorado River water.

Metropolitan Water District of Southern California's play in Palo Verde Valley, along the Arizona line, tapped a deep distrust between farm and city that pervades the West over a river that's a lifeline for seven states and northern Mexico..

"Are we going to dry up our rural, agricultural communities just to keep Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego growing? I think it would be a sad state of affairs," said Bart Fisher, a melon and broccoli farmer who is board president of the Palo Verde Irrigation District...

How the crazy Trump Muslim database story got started

I asked Walker and Yahoo to provide a transcript or audio of the interview, and late Friday afternoon they posted a three-minute-19-second excerpt. Probably the best way to describe Trump's reaction when Walker raised the database question is to say Trump didn't address it at all. Trump certainly did not say, or even suggest, that he wouldn't rule out a Muslim database. Here is a transcript of the excerpt Yahoo posted:
WALKER: On Paris, I know you've said we might need some sort of national version of the surveillance program that we saw the NYPD do here on Muslims. And I'm a Brooklyn guy, I know you know Ray Kelly. Is he someone you might consider for a role in the Trump administration?

TRUMP: Sure. Ray's a great guy. Ray did a fabulous job as commissioner. We have a very good commissioner now in Bratton. But Ray did a fabulous job as commissioner. And sure, Ray would be somebody I would certainly consider.

WALKER: As you know, it looks like legally states can't do much to stop Obama from accepting these Syrian refugees. So that means that if you're president, they'll probably be here —

TRUMP: No, they're going to be gone. They will go back. And I've said it before the fact, and everybody hears what I say, including them, believe it or not, but if they're here, they have to go back. Because we cannot take a chance. You look at the migration — it's young, strong men. We cannot take a chance that the people coming over here are going to be ISIS-affiliated. And if you know some of the people — I don't know if you heard this, they're already missing. Some of the people that have come here. Did you know that?


TRUMP: They're already gone.


TRUMP: At least two.

WALKER: France declared this state of emergency where they closed the borders and they established some degree of warrantless searches. I know how you feel about the borders, but do you think there is some kind of state of emergency here, and do we need warrantless searches of Muslims?

TRUMP: Well, we're going to have to do things that we never did before. And some people are going to be upset about it, but I think that now everybody is feeling that security is going to rule. And certain things will be done that we never thought would happen in this country in terms of information and learning about the enemy.

WALKER: Absolutely.

TRUMP: So we're going to have to do certain things that were frankly unthinkable a year ago. When you look at what's happening — I mean now they say they're going to attack Washington, which is probably not going to happen, because unlike our presiden t— he tells people exactly what we're going to do — they're going to probably say the opposite, but it's a camouflage. But we have to err on the side of security for our people and our nation.

WALKER: And in terms of doing this, to pull off the kind of tracking we need, do you think we might need to register Muslims in some type of database, or note their religion on their ID?

TRUMP: Well, we're going to have to look at a lot of things very closely. We're going to have to look at the mosques. We're going to have to look very, very carefully. We have a president that refuses to say radical Islamic terrorism. He refuses to say it, which is the biggest shock in the world, because how can you not say it, if you don't say it, you're not going to get to the problem.


TRUMP: And then you had Hillary Clinton refuse to say it also, because she's taking her orders from the president. So we have a real problem. It's a problem having to do with radical Islamic terrorism —

WALKER: Right.

TRUMP: And it has to be solved. And unless Obama is going to finally 'fess up and admit that, he's never going to solve the problem. And he's not going to solve it anyway, Hunter, because I watched his press conference yesterday. It was sad. It was pathetic. He wasn't angry at the people who did the killing — he was more angry at the reporter.
That was it. With the scoop in hand, MSNBC's Rachel Maddow jumped into action...

Trump's offhand decision to tell MSNBC he would implement a database was an enormously stupid thing to do. And by Friday afternoon, Trump tweeted, "I didn't suggest a database -- a reporter did. We must defeat Islamic terrorism & have surveillance, including a watch list, to protect America."

But the damage had been done. In the end, the responsibility is always the candidate's to be on guard for attempts, by journalists or rival campaign operatives, to entice him into saying damaging things. Sometimes those are attempts to create a story out of nothing. The Muslim database affair seems a particularly audacious example of that.

Pro-gun, anti-abortion. Dems: take note

Friday, November 20, 2015

Anonymous demands American web firm stop protecting pro-ISIS sites

Thursday, November 19, 2015

Some House Democrats now saying GOP refugee bill could pass with veto-proof majority, presentation by WH/DHS actually lost votes for Admin

Nation's largest insurer may exit Obamacare due to losses

"One of the most cynical, cold-blooded, and nastily divisive moves an American President has made"

...To see the full cynicism of the Obama approach to the refugee issue, one has only to ask President Obama’s least favorite question: Why is there a Syrian refugee crisis in the first place?

Obama’s own policy decisions—allowing Assad to convert peaceful demonstrations into an increasingly ugly civil war, refusing to declare safe havens and no fly zones—were instrumental in creating the Syrian refugee crisis. This crisis is in large part the direct consequence of President Obama’s decision to stand aside and watch Syria burn. For him to try and use a derisory and symbolic program to allow 10,000 refugees into the United States in order to posture as more caring than those evil Jacksonian rednecks out in the benighted sticks is one of the most cynical, cold-blooded, and nastily divisive moves an American President has made in a long time.

FBI Director says it's impossible to for the Syrian refugees to be vetted

And there were, in fact, more than hints of the group’s plans and potential. A 2012 report by the United States Defense Intelligence Agency was direct: The growing chaos in Syria’s civil war was giving Islamic militants there and in Iraq the space to spread and flourish. The group, it said, could “declare an Islamic state through its union with other terrorist organizations in Iraq and Syria.”

“This particular report, this was one of those nobody wanted to see,” said Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn, who ran the defense agency at the time.

“It was disregarded by the White House,” he said. “It was disregarded by other elements in the intelligence community as a one-off report. Frankly, at the White House, it didn’t meet the narrative.”

SIXTH SYRIAN with Fake Passport Captured in Honduras...
ISIS threatens NYC in new propaganda video...
Times Square Attack...
Refugees CANNOT be vetted, get 'real' docs from govt...
Coming for years, 'already at work'...
'Throngs' of illegals crossing TX border...
Six Men from Pakistan, Afghanistan Busted Entering AZ...
Al Qaeda used refugee program to smuggle operatives into KY...
Report: 827 Somalis resettled in last 6 weeks, only 1 Christian...
Tennessee GOP leader: Round up Syrian refugees, remove from state...
Va. mayor suggests internment camps...
Messaging app used by Islamic State shuts down channels...
Alert for Men After 'Suspicious Activity' Near Pentagon...

Polls: Top GOP candidates beat Clinton in key swing states

ISIS Unveils Weapon It Used to Kill Hundreds in One of the Deadliest Recent Terror Attacks - A Pop Can 'IED'

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Bloomberg poll: Right/wrong track: 23/69

I have a dream: that one day, Dems will hate the murderous Jihad as much as they do Fox News, Rush, and the Koch brothers.

Governors Can’t Stop Obama on Refugees, but Congress Can

It is clear that some major terror plot was afoot. The mastermind and several of his fighters were all together not too far from the site of the attacks on Friday the 13th.


The presumed mastermind of last week's devastating attacks in Paris — targeted in a police operation in the suburb of Saint-Denis on Wednesday — once bragged about being so slippery he could move undetected between Syria and Belgium, his home country.

NYT: High Obamacare deductibles make mandated insurance practically useless

Only in #Israel could happen! A Jew, Christian, Druze & Arab soldier take a photo together

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Bobby Jindal ends his presidential campaign

I cannot tell you what an honor it has been to run for President of the United States of America. My parents came to this country 45 years ago searching for freedom and a chance.

When I was born, we lived in student housing at LSU, and never in their wildest dreams did they think their son would have the opportunity to serve as Governor of Louisiana or to run for President.

They raised me to believe Americans can do anything, and they were right, we can. But this is not my time, so I am suspending my campaign for President.

Going forward, I believe we have to be the party of growth and we can never stop being the party that believes in opportunity. We cannot settle for The Left’s view of envy and division. We have to be the party that says everyone in this country - no matter the circumstances of their birth or who their parents are – can succeed in America.

One of the things I will do is go back to work at the think tank I started a few years ago - where I will be outlining a blueprint for making this the American century.

We must show the way forward on growing our economy and winning the war against terror, and especially defeating radical Islam.

I realize that our country is off on the wrong track right now. Everyone knows that, but don’t forget, this is still the greatest country in the history of the world – and every single one of us should start every day by thanking God that we are fortunate enough to be US citizens.
Now is the time for all those Americans who still believe in freedom and American exceptionalism to stand up and defend it. The idea of America – the idea that my parents came here for almost a half a century ago - that idea is slipping away from us. Freedom is under assault from both outside our borders and from within. We must act now, we do not have a moment to spare.

HANNOVER GERMANY: Ambulance full of explosives found

CIA director Brennan admits ISIS was “decimated” under Bush, but has grown as much as 4,400 percent under Obama

"biometric data" sure sounds Sciencey -- until you realize there is no previous biometric database to check against

Your face, fingerprints, and tattoos could end up in a #California #police database:

HALF of America's governors say no to refugees... UN DEMANDS: TAKE THEM IN!

German police chief plays down security threat...

King Con? Charities touted by Black Lives Matter activist @ShaunKing appear to have never officially been formed

King, who was recently hired as a justice writer at the New York Daily News, began raising money for a group called Justice That’s All last September, just after Michael Brown was fatally shot by a Ferguson, Mo. police officer. He also said in interviews in 2013 that a media company he co-founded, Upfront Media Group, would send a portion of its proceeds to an affiliated nonprofit, the Upfront Foundation.

But an extensive search of state nonprofit registration records, IRS records, and other databases returns no documentation showing that either of those entities were formally created.... a self-imposed Nov. 4 deadline loomed for the release of a preliminary report on the group’s work, volunteers began to voice concerns internally and on social media about King’s managerial style. Complainants claimed that King was ignoring the project and that he refused to disclose information about donations and spending...

And though conservatives’ internal debates sometimes get a little silly and theatrical, practically the entirety of the meaningful political discourse in our country is taking place on and among the Right.

And though conservatives’ internal debates sometimes get a little silly and theatrical, practically the entirety of the meaningful political discourse in our country is taking place on and among the Right. Our argument is Mark Levin and George Will and Reihan Salam; the Left’s debate is Franz the Eternally Wounded Transgender Activist at Amherst vs. Caitlyn the Eternally Wounded Women’s Studies Major at Yale on the subject of which malevolent pronouns turn literary criticism into rape. Take a little time some afternoon and read an issue of National Review cover to cover and then do the same thing with The New Republic. Listen to Justin Amash talk for five minutes and compare him with Bernie Sanders. And if Amash isn’t your thing, check out Cole, Martinez, Abbott, LePage, the ladies and gentlemen of the 38 state legislatures under full (30) or partial (8) Republican control, or one of those 32 Republican governors. The Republicans aren’t having a meltdown — they’re suffering from an embarrassment of riches. White Protestants? Yes, pretty much all the white Protestants. But what about: black Mormon women from Utah? Right here. Millennial women from New York? Meet the youngest member of Congress. Gay California tech titans? Team Cruz.

Call me crazy, but the Republicans look pretty good, if you bother looking.

Monday, November 16, 2015

A brief history of how #HillaryClinton often confused

California: ​’Lawyer Tax’ on Real Estate​ Removed, For Now

Finally, those leaving property to their heirs will be able to avoid the expense of hiring an attorney. There is no need to make the inheritance of real estate so costly that it becomes a hardship on homeowners, especially low income families and seniors....

...when Assembly Bill 139 takes effect on January 1, individuals will be able to avoid the costly red tape by simply filing a revocable transfer-on-death deed. A “TOD deed” allows transfer of real property to an heir without a probate proceeding. And the best news is that the process for creating a TOD Deed is easy enough so that homeowners can avoid having to pay a lawyer in probate or for setting up a trust. Under AB 139, the property owner will be able to execute a revocable TOD deed, have it notarized and record it with the county.

Getting AB 139 enacted wasn’t easy. Although this TOD deeds are common in other states, powerful political interests representing estate lawyers had stopped this simple reform in California for many years. If there is anything wrong with AB 139, it is that it will expire, unless extended, in five years.

...Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association fought hard for this legislation and will do its part to explain to all homeowners, not just our own members, how to execute a TOD deed. Come January, we will post important information about TOD deeds on our website at It’s the least we can do for the folks most politicians don’t care about – average California homeowners.

Attention media theater fans: we have now reached the "Republicans Seize" portion of our program

France responds with massive airstrike on ISIS in Syria

ISIS threatens attack on Washington

Arkansas joins Michigan, Alabama and Texas in refusing to accept Syrian refugees in wake of #ParisAttacks

Harvard evacuates four campus buildings after bomb threat.

After a devastating, lethal terrorist attack against the West, Obama's anger only flashes when denouncing Republican rhetoric.

NYPOST: College protests being organized by Obama group Organiz'g 4 America

Suddenly people from Hillary Clinton to Francois Hollande are saying ISIS cannot be contained, must be destroyed.

"Short term platitudes inevitably burn out like cheap candles at a makeshift shrine. What part of "never forget," did we forget?"

ANONYMOUS declares war on ISIS

"Fluctuat Nec Mergitur” Motto of the new French resistance

This phrase is the motto of Paris. It means, roughly, “tossed by the waves, but not sunk.” You can see it in the city’s coat of arms. It derives from theCoat of Arms 5 Seine boatsman’s corporation, the Marchands de l’eau. They were a Middle Ages hanse, an organization of merchants (as in the Hanseatic League), organized in 1170 to control all trade conducted on the Seine River. Its jurisdiction was — in principle — limited to commerce, but you know how these things go; they became powerful enough to organize a whole city government outside the reach of the French crown. An uprising in 1383 forced them to disband, and they never regrouped. But Paris has been well and truly fluctuat since then, nec mergitur.

I like the slogan for a few reasons, but among them is the message: We’ve been around since the Romans. You’ve been a caliphate since June 29, 2014, we believe?

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Bernie still runs away from email issue - he doesn't really want the nomination

A CBS debate drew five million less viewers than the Republican debate on the Fox Business network.

The Rise of the College Crybullies

For more than a week now, the country has been mesmerized, and appalled, by the news emanating from academia. At Yale the insanity began over Halloween costumes. Erika Christakis, associate master of a residential college at Yale, courted outrage by announcing that “free speech and the ability to tolerate offense are the hallmarks of a free and open society” and it was not her business to police Halloween costumes.

To people unindoctrinated by the sensitivity training that is de rigueur on most campuses today, these sentiments might seem unobjectionable. But to the delicate creatures at Yale’s Silliman College they were an intolerable provocation. What if students dressed as American Indians or Mexican mariachi musicians? Angry, hysterical students confronted Nicholas Christakis, Erika’s husband and the master of Silliman, screaming obscenities and demanding that he step down because he had failed to create “a place of comfort, a home” for students. The episode was captured on video and went viral.

At the University of Missouri, Jonathan Butler, the son of a wealthy railroad executive (2014 compensation: $8.4 million), went on a hunger strike to protest what he called “revolting” acts of racism at Mizzou. Details were scanty. Nevertheless, black members of the university football team threatened to strike for the rest of the season unless Tim Wolfe, Mizzou’s president, stepped down. A day or two later, he did....

Ted Cruz Acts Out 'Princess Bride' Scene Completely Nails It

Sunday Funnies

Steyn on Paris: 'The Barbarians Are Inside, And There Are No Gates'