
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Bibi Calls Out the U.N. for Discriminating Against Israel

Carson: Gun control 'doesn't work for the crazies'

Friday, October 2, 2015

Over the last 10 days, Obama’s top advisers on cyber-security, ISIS, and Russia have all resigned

Hero Veteran Attempted to Block, Tackle Oregon Shooter

Doctors Without Borders: Afghan clinic bombed, 3 staff dead

Capitol Update Friday, October 02, 2015

President's Message

We are very enthused about the plans for our CFRW 39th Biennial Convention. Don’t forget to get your Registration form in by October 7. You don’t want to pay the $25 late fee! Remember even if you are just attending one event or the entire convention, members must pay the registration fee of $45.

We have some important updates for speakers and workshops. On Saturday morning we will be hearing from Assemblywoman Young Kim, Orange County Supervisor Michelle Steel and Orange County Republican Party Chairman Fred Whitaker. We are thrilled to present a Panel of High School, College and Young Republicans. These Republicans are our future and we will hear their important issues and thoughts and ideas about being a Republican. The moderator for this panel will be Orange County Youth Chairman , Paula Prizio.

On Saturday afternoon we will officially open our CFRW 30th Biennial Convention. Our special Convention Welcome speaker will be Lois Lundberg, OCRP Chair Emeritus. We are honored to have Star Parker as our Luncheon Keynote Speaker. You will also have the opportunity to meet Sophia Hernandez our CFRW applicant and one of the two 2015 NFRW Kabis Internship winners. Sophia will share some of her experiences as an NFRW Intern. We are very happy to present our second check for an All -Terrain Track Chair to the Independence Fund. We will hear from one of the volunteers and possibly see an actual chair. Most of the afternoon will be taken up with the nominations of our 2016-2017 CFRW Officers.

The Saturday night Banquet and Military Wives Salute will be very inspiring. Special guests include Young Kim, Kathy Brugger and of course our Military wives. We are thrilled that Congresswoman Mimi Walters will be our Keynote speaker that evening. We will also hear some patriotic music! You do not want to miss this event. If you would like to be a hostess for the Wives please contact Diane McGlinchey.

Sunday morning we will present the many awards categories. The honorable Tony Strickland will talk about a new organization Strong America which advocates for a strong Military. We will hear from Duf Sundheim , a candidate for US Senate and vote on proposed Bylaw amendments. Our own Kathy Brugger, NFRW President, will be our keynote speaker for Sunday and she will install our new CFRW Officers for 2016-2017. With the passing of the Gavel our Convention will end. It has been a very memorable experience to serve as your CFRW President the past two years. I have traveled to so many different regions of our great state and I have had the privilege to meet so many outstanding Republican women from across the California. The many friendships I have made will last a lifetime and is the best present anyone could receive. Remember we are not just a political organization, we are also a sisterhood and we are here to help each other. We do what we do for the good of our Federation, California and our country. We do not want to divide our organization but instead we must work to bring us all together for a stronger Federation and to ensure Victory in 2016; especially winning back the White House!

God Bless America!
Thank you for all you do!
Working Together To Make A Difference

Still Time to Call Brown!

Governor Brown has until October 11th to sign or veto bills that have been enrolled. To give you an idea of what the "bill factory" can produce, here are breakdowns by the numbers:

Bills introduced this session by the Assembly: 1,763. Bills introduced this session by the Senate: 1,009. Total bills introduced this session: 2,772!!

Bills chaptered this session: 731. That is 731 NEW LAWS. Bills enrolled at waiting for the Governor's action: 461. So between today and next Sunday, Governor Brown needs to act on 461 bills!

There are a couple terms that are used during this time that you might not be familiar with. Here is a short glossary to help you out!

Enrollment - the process by which a bill is prepared to be placed on the Governor's Desk. It must be proofread and certified by the Chief Clerk of the Assembly and the Secretary of the Senate with the dates it passed each House.
Enrolled - the bill has reached the Governor's Desk for signature. The time and date at which a bill becomes Enrolled is recorded in order to begin the 12 day count-down for the Governor to sign it. After twelve days the bill becomes law without a signature.
Chapter - When a bill has been signed into Law by the Governor it is said to have Chaptered and is assigned a Chapter Number, for example "Chapter 123, statutes of 2014."
Veto - The Governor can refuse to sign and enact a bill by sending it back to its house of origin. A Veto can be overridden with a 2/3 vote in both the Assembly and Senate.
There is still time to call Governor Brown and tell him to VETO these two terrible bills:

SB 350 (DeLeon, D): The bill still includes an increase in solar and wind energy usage from 33% to 50%, as well as mandating all building in California be deemed "energy efficient" and "green compliant". Wouldn't it be awesome if Governor Brown heard from so many Californians that he felt forced to veto this bill! Call him NOW!

ABx2 15 (Eggman, D): The "Right to Die" bill passed narrowly through the Senate and is on its way to Governor Brown. This awful bill would give terminally ill patients the "right" to kill themselves with doctor prescribed pills. This dangerous bill would put those weak and vulnerable at risk, especially the aging and disabled. And in a society with increasingly state-run healthcare, this could be a very slippery slope that we do not want to travel down! Please call the Governor and ask him to VETO ABx2 15!

Here is how you can contact Governor Brown:

Governor Jerry Brown
c/o State Capitol, Suite 1173
Sacramento, CA 95814

Phone: (916) 445-2841
Fax: (916) 558-3160

Twitter: @JerryBrownGov

Unlike other Democrats, Hillary Clinton lets big banks off the hook for the financial crisis

Thursday, October 1, 2015

#UCCShooting Chris Harper-Mercer MySpace page has only 2 connections or friends..this is one of them

CNN, Don Lemon, Interview With Donald Trump – Along With A Warning….

The media want to see Mr. Trump’s wife, Melania Trump, brought out onto the campaign trail. There is a historical reference here that bears repeating and warning. The media don’t do this unless they fully intend to utilize the spouse of their target in a concerted effort to marginalize the candidate.

Who is Ben Carson’s wife? Who is Marco Rubio’s wife? Where is the story on Carly Fiorina’s husband or Jeb Bush’s wife?

Why are none of the other candidates being asked the same or similar questions? The answer lies within two words “Sarah Palin”.

The Park Row and Madison Avenue conscripts have failed to gain any traction with direct attacks against Donald Trump. Wall Street, via the RNC/GOPe Rovian “Operation Hummingbird” can only do so much from the perimeter; they need an inside attack to exponentially assist their cause. This is simply how they roll.

FLASHBACK: Gov. Mitt Romney replied it was Russia and carefully explained why. Barack Obama in true Saul Alinsky fashion ridiculed Romney by stating, “Governor, the 80s are calling they want their foreign policy back.”

To think a Russian three-star general delivered a message to the U.S. Ambassador in Baghdad Iraq — yep, a senior Russian general is in Iraq — to cease flight operations in Syria...

Of course the liberal progressive left will drink the kool-aid of the “Obama has Putin right where he wants him” mentality. But here is Putin’s power play: he has allied with the Iranians who will now become a regional economic, military, and soon nuclear power in the Middle East. Russia has decided it will side with the Shiite hegemony which will force the Sunni hand – they’re not just going to sit back and watch this Greek tragedy unfold.

Egypt, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Kuwait are seriously concerned with these developments. Turkey and Qatar will continue to provide their covert support to Sunni Islamists groups, namely ISIS. However, the dominant non-Middle Eastern entity is now becoming Russia. Folks, say what you will, but there is a global conflagration forming — yes, a World War. That is not fear mongering. That is the truth. Evil looks for voids to fill, Obama has given it a very big one. And that is his legacy, and will be the main exhibit in his presidential library.

The dismissive ridicule of three years ago has given rise to the enemy. When someone as skilled in the art of psychological warfare as Vladimir Putin knows his global opponent is indecisive and bases his existence on soaring rhetoric, he knows he has the high ground. The question now becomes, are our troops in Iraq capable enough to protect themselves or has Obama placed them in an untenable position? We do not need them trying to fight their way out like the Greek mercenaries led by Xenophon had to do. And understand this, the Russians have deployed surface to air missile defense systems — for what? Neither the Syrian rebels nor ISIS has an air force. But we do.

Clinton’s email woes deepen as classified messages pile up

* ◼ fubar = short form of "F*cked up beyond all recognition", but also a misunderstandment of the german word "furchtbar", which means horrible or frightening.

FLASHBACK: Rubio: Obama 'can't seem to understand' Putin

Study: No, millennials aren’t obsessed with social media

54 percent of Millennials between the ages of 20 and 35 report that they don’t use Snapchat, 41 percent aren’t on Pinterest, and 39 percent lack accounts on Twitter or Instagram.

Only 11 percent don’t have a Facebook account, but 27 percent of respondents said they use Facebook less than once a week.

As millennials get older, they’re less engaged with social media. Family and career obligations crowd out the spare time that younger millennials use to browse various platforms.

However, the survey notes that “having an account on Facebook and using it more than once a week is also more common among users with children in their households,” which reflects the aging userbase of Facebook.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

CNBC sets threshold for main GOP debate

All candidates with a 3-percent average in the polls will make the main stage, with any tally above 2.5 percent being rounded up. The remaining contenders will participate in the undercard debate beforehand.

Donald Trump, Ben Carson, Carly Fiorina, Sen. Marco Rubio (Fla.), former Gov. Jeb Bush (Fla.) and Sen. Ted Cruz (Fla.) are all currently polling well above the threshold....

“We have the most diverse and experienced field of candidates in history and we applaud CNBC’s efforts to ensure that all of our top candidates will have an opportunity to share their views with the American people," RNC Chairman Reince Priebus said in a statement about the criteria.

The inclusion of an undercard debate surprised many campaign watchers.

CNBC and the Republican National Committee will host the third GOP presidential primary debate in Boulder, Colorado on October 28.

Researchers have found evidence of “streaks … formed by salty water” on Mars

Argentine President: Obama Administration Asked Me to Provide Iran with Nuclear Fuel; Obama Official Confirms

Jason Howerton at the Blaze:

Kirchner claimed Gary Samore, former White House Coordinator for Arms Control and Weapons of Mass Destruction, visited Argentina and suggested the nation provide Iran with nuclear fuel in 2010, two years into Obama’s presidency.
However, after the government in Argentina requested the fuel transfer request in writing, in keeping with protocol, Kirchner said the Minister of Foreign Affairs never heard from Samore again.

For full context, read her remarks via a transcript from the Argentine president’s official website:
In 2010 we were visited in Argentina by Gary Samore, at that time the White House's top advisor in nuclear issues. He came to see us in Argentina with a mission, with an objective: under the control of IAEA, the international organization in the field of weapons control and nuclear regulation, Argentina had supplied in the year 1987, during the first democratic government, the nuclear fuel for the reactor known as "Teheran". Gary Samore had explained to our Minister of Foreign Affairs, Hector Timerman, that negotiations were underway for the Islamic Republic of Iran to cease with its uranium enrichment activities or to do it to a lesser extent but Iran claimed that it needed to enrich this Teheran nuclear reactor and this was hindering negotiations. They came to ask us, Argentines, to provide the Islamic Republic of Iran with nuclear fuel. Rohani was not in office yet. It was Ahmadinejad's administration and negotiations had already started.

40,000 'women' on ASHLEY MADISON shared just six email addresses -- all owned by company...

Poll: Trump holds double-digit lead over rest of GOP

Russia begins air strikes in Syria.

Planned Parenthood Defenders Admit They Haven’t Seen The Undercover Videos

8 reasons why Marco Rubio is going to win the Republican nomination

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Michelle O and Colbert laugh at Bill Clinton's philandering past.

Laura Bush had left her a letter, Colbert said. If we have a female president next, would Mrs. Obama leave her husband a letter?

Mrs. Obama said she would.

“I would say, ‘Follow your passion, just be you,’” she replied very safely.
“I think he does,” Colbert said, to roaring laughter from those imagining Bill Clinton’s famously philandering past.

“I think he would,” she replied, flashing a smile at Colbert and chuckling as he clenched his fist in a display of mock-virility....

Bethlehem church burns – little media coverage because Islamists suspected

Arutz Sheva, Israel National News, reports Christian community leaders in Bethlehem believe that Islamist extremists are responsible for a fire at St. Charbal Church this past Saturday:
In its sole statement, the [Palestinian Authority] said that the fire at the St. Charbal church in the city was caused by an “electrical malfunction” – a description that is at odds with an account by Israeli Christian Arab Father Gabriel Naddaf, who said that the church was burned down Saturday night by “Palestinian extremists.” . . .

According to Christian community leaders in Bethlehem, the fire was started by extremist Islamists who for months have been threatening community members with harm. As a result of the fire, several rooms on the church’s second floor were completely destroyed. No one was killed or injured.

Sources quoted by Naddaf said that the fire was just another in a long series of attacks by Muslims against Christians in Bethlehem.


Obama speaks of “dangerous currents” and “brutal networks of terror” and then urged against “imposing order by force.” So how exactly does one deal with terrorists, “dangerous currents” and such?

Obama’s speech to the United Nations had a hidden message for our enemies - Allen West

Islamic terrorists don’t see strength, they see weakness in America. The unicorns and green pastures rhetoric of Obama make him feel good — but everyone else must suffer the consequences. And again, revisionist history: who was it that caused a vacuum to be created in Libya? I don’t recall the international community outsourcing its air and maritime power to a bunch of Islamic jihadists in Libya — that was Barack Obama, and no one else.

I’ve always told folks not to listen to a Barack Obama speech, get the transcript and read the words. I’ve just shared with you a few pertinent quotes from Obama’s Monday U.N. General Assembly speech. Ask yourself, if you’re Putin, Rouhani, Khamenei, Jinping, or Lil’ Kim — along with the collection of Islamic jihadists — what do you think their assessment of the speech is? After all, that’s all who matters, as the enemy has the final vote.

Monday, September 28, 2015

26 Texas Leaders Endorse Carly Fiorina for President

Donald Trump rolls out proposal to simplify tax code, cut taxes for millions

Putin calls for new anti-ISIS coalition that includes Bashar al Assad of #Syria & compares it to anti-Hitler type coalition of WWII

Republicans have a large field of serious contenders seeking their party’s presidential nomination. Democrats don’t. Why?

...During the Obama years, Democrats have been decimated in congressional, state, and local elections, thus reducing the potential pool of political talent. This is true as far as it goes. But particularly in the states, it doesn’t go back far enough in time. Once the dominant force in state and local government, Democrats began to lose their hold on legislatures, governorships, judgeships, and a variety of other offices in the late 1980s. Indeed, two key developments in this process occurred 30 years ago, just as Ronald Reagan was beginning his second term as president. One concerned politics. The other concerned public policy. Far from being an inevitable consequence of impersonal social forces, the subsequent rise of the Right in the states reflected the hard work, strategic thinking, and innovative ideas of a group of people whose contributions remain largely unheralded or misunderstood....

Syrian civil war prompts first withdrawal from Arctic seed bank vault

Photographs of the Supermoon Eclipse from around the world

New Crop of Hillary's Benghazi-Related Emails Suddenly Surfaces

Sunday, September 27, 2015

Trump's a man of exceptional tenacity and guts, insightful intuitions, clear purposes, an intelligence that's expressed forcefully and directly, always without regard to political correctness, and a world class negotiator. Trump intuitively understands what troubles Americans and boldly states their concerns; I guarantee he'll never be an appeaser of foreign governments; there'll be no Neville Chamberlains or hapless apprentices for domestic or foreign policy, in his administration — if you're not doing your job, you'll be fired.

Coming off President Obama's massive failures, most recently his hugely dangerous appeasement of Iran (and funding of the terrorist regime), Americans hunger for Trump's common sense approach, especially when coupled with his incorruptibility: Trump doesn't need donors (let alone a foundation to function as money generating, influence-peddling machine), and when he says politicians are forever hitting him up for money, I can tell you he's not exaggerating.

All this has allowed Trump to tap into a geyser of American distrust and disgust over liberal policies, including out-of-control spending, immigration amnesty, and national defense (or better said the lack thereof), and over establishment Republicans who, despite being in control of the House of Representatives, have done nothing to stop America's fall. The voters see the wreckage Europe has suffered from decades of socialist policies and porous borders and they don't want that to happen to America....

Pundits on both sides of the aisle are panicking over Trump. First, they said he'd never declare he's running, that it was all a publicity stunt; then, when Trump did declare, they said he'd never file the financial disclosures; then, after he filed, they said his remarks on immigration would be his undoing (yet those remarks only galvanized his base); and then they said he'd get crushed in the polls after the first debate. That's 0 for 5.

Doubling down on their badly wrong predictions, and realizing the debates won't bring him down, panicking neo-con pundits now claim Trump's unfavorability ratings will be his undoing. But polls show that's Hillary's problem, not Donald's.

And, according to Survey USA, Trump is garnering substantial portions of the black and Latino votes, 25-31 percent. That's something neither Romney nor any other Republican nominee in recent memory has been able to do.

Here's some free advice, Donald (your favorite kind): Instead of the GOP asking you to pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee, you should demand that the GOP pledge to support you if you become that nominee.

The outsiders are getting stronger. Trump/Carson/Fiorina together had 8% in April, 14 in June, 29 in July, & 52 now.

“I support your health care. I don’t support butchering babies.”

If ¡Jeb! had Trump's numbers, MSM would have him sailing to victory

Clinton: Email scandal a 'drip, drip, drip'

Rep. Robert Brady (D-Pa.) scored a souvenir from Pope Francis’s congressional address on Thursday.

During the commotion following the pontiff’s remarks, the Pennsylvania lawmaker sneaked up to the lectern and swiped the pope’s water glass.

“Anything the pope touches becomes blessed,” Brady told The Washington Post. “I think so and no one is going to change my mind.”

Brady took the half-full glass back to his office, where he, his wife, and two staffers took turns taking sips.

"It is not death that we wish to avoid, but life that we wish to live."

DNC is counting on its small-dollar donors not following the news too closely.