
Saturday, July 25, 2015

Kamala Harris to review group behind Planned Parenthood abortion videos

Orange County State Senator Janet Nguyen explains clearly how Senate Constitutional Amendment 5 will be devastating for all types of commercial property and is a direct attack on Proposition 13.

Orange County State Senator Janet Nguyen explains clearly how Senate Constitutional Amendment 5 will be devastating for all types of commercial property and is a direct attack on Proposition 13.

"President Trump--Get Used to It"

Friday, July 24, 2015

#FortBragg asked to change name, says 'No'

Americans Understand Iran a Lot Better than John Kerry Does

Ted Cruz: What we just witnessed this morning is profoundly disappointing

#Democrats scrub Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson from dinner name

Could the Sleeping Giant Be Awakening?

...People are horrified and furious that Obama is destroying America at an ever-accelerating pace and that our cultural rot proceeds apace. They are tired of hearing excuses and empty promises from Republicans.

Trump is having none of it, and he is calling out Obama and the Republicans who are trying to tone him down -- and it's abundantly refreshing.

Meanwhile, the media continue to make Trump's statements the issue instead of Obama's daily -- and I mean daily -- outrages.

Are they focusing on Obama's side deals with Iran to freeze the United States out of inspections and his bypassing of the Corker bill's requirements that he report those to Congress? How about his alleged deal to defend Iran's nuke sites against attack, even from Israel? His new rule that immigrants applying for legal citizenship no longer have to swear they will take up arms to defend the United States should they have any kind of religious objection to doing so?

No matter how much it may appear otherwise to us now, this country is not going under without a fight, and the silent majority is not going to tolerate cowardice from Republicans much longer. That Trump is doing so well is not an indication that there are a bunch of crazies on the right. It's proof that people are at their wits' end -- and they're not going to take it anymore. If GOP honchos were to try to bar Trump from the debates, there would be major hell to pay. Surely, they won't be that foolish....

Let All 16 Candidates Debate

What happens when you try to rerun the last election? Answer: You lose.

Curt Anderson, a consultant to Bobby Jindal's 2016 presidential campaign, has an op-ed in today's Wall Street Journal arguing that all 16 major candidates should be on stage at the first Republican National Committee-sanctioned debate on August 6 in Ohio. He writes, in part:
The Republican Party should be looking forward instead of backward—and seeking every opportunity to feature its roster of excellent candidates, rather than trying to find ways to constrict the field. The voters will do that, as is their prerogative. The simple truth is that competitive primaries usually make a party stronger, not weaker.

It’s also true that whenever the smart guys in Washington get together and try to shortcut the democratic process by imposing a candidate from the top down, it generally goes poorly. Whatever happened to the idea of freedom? Or democracy? Or robust argument? As a Republican, I wonder: When did we start fearing debates? And if we do fear debates, what business do we have trying to win elections?
...A debate with 16 participants just doesn't work. It's not feasible. That's a hard reality...

Thursday, July 23, 2015

A criminal inquiry is being sought over Hillary Clinton’s email use

Criminal Inquiry Sought in Clinton Email Account...
NYT Alters Story at Hillary's Request...
FOURNIER: Maybe the Dog Ate Her Email...
Review finds hundreds of messages contain potentially classified info...
Dems see warning signs as polls slip...

Hillary on Planned Parenthood Selling Aborted Babies: They’re “Important Services”

Bowe Bergdahl found hanging out with friends during raid of Northern California pot farm

Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl Found Hanging Out at Mendocino Marijuana Grow During Raid - Lost Coast Outpost

Border patrol agents cancel scheduled tour to show Donald Trump around Mexico-US crossing

EPIC! Ted Cruz SHUTS DOWN Code Pink protesters on Iran Deal by DEBATING THEM

IRS Used Donor Lists to Target Audits

Education Secretary Arne Duncan pulls his kids from public school

Social security fund will run dry next year

Rather than defend the #IranDeal on its merits, Obama attempted to scare Americans with misleading “alternatives.”

Increasingly divided Democrats causing problems for their party


The Many Lies Paving the Way to Obama’s Legacy

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Ashton Kutcher stands up for Uber, goes after NYC Mayor Bill de Blasio on social media

'Six Californias' Measure Fails to Make CA 2016 ballot

Thousands of people rallying in Manhattan to stop bad Iran deal now

Poll: Hillary Clinton losing to Republicans in key swing states as her favorability tumbles


Campaign Trail:

Ben Carson wins D.C. GOP straw poll

@PPact #HandsUpDontCrush

Bush's Iraq v Obama's Iraq

Kirsten Powers: Crush Planned Parenthood

A second undercover video released Tuesday shows another Planned Parenthood official talking about using a “less crunchy” way to perform abortions while preserving salable fetal tissue.

This is stomach-turning stuff. But the problem here is not one of tone. It’s the crushing. It’s the organ harvesting of fetuses that abortion-rights activists want us to believe have no more moral value than a fingernail. It’s the lie that these are not human beings worthy of protection. There is no nice way to talk about this. As my friend and former Obama White House staffer Michael Wear tweeted, “It should bother us as a society that we have use for aborted human organs, but not the baby that provides them.”

Richards worked to discredit the video by complaining it was “heavily edited.” But the nearly three-hour unedited video — a nauseating journey through the inner workings of the abortion industry — was posted at the same time as the edited video. Richards intoned menacingly that the video was “secretly recorded.” So what? When Mitt Romney was caught by “secret video” making his 47% remarks, the means of attaining the information was not the focus of the story....

The Iranian Nuke Deal Depends on This One Myth

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

John Kasich announced his bid for the WH today, becoming the 16th Republican to join the race.

Rand Paul literally 'blows up the tax code' in latest campaign ad

Hillary Clinton should immediately state whether or not she agrees w/ these extreme comments

Super PAC supporting Scott Walker raises more than $20 millio

HEY REPUBLICANS: Carly Fiorina just showed you how to answer questions about abortion

"Let's talk about what extreme is"

Video at the link

Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods

Planned Parenthood claims decadelong harassment...
NEW VIDEO HORROR: Senior Director Suggests 'Less Crunchy' Technique...
Defector blows whistle on how loophole opens door to fetal sales...
FIORINA: 'What has gone wrong in our nation'...
'Deafening silence' from Hillary...
FLASHBACK OBAMA: 'Thank you, Planned Parenthood. God bless you'...

BREITBART: CMP’s Project Lead David Daleiden said, “Planned Parenthood’s top leadership had admitted they harvest aborted baby parts and receive payments for this. Planned Parenthood’s only denial is that they make money off of baby parts, but that is a desperate lie that becomes more and more untenable as CMP reveals their business operations and statements that prove otherwise.”

Federal law does allow for body parts to be donated and for basic expenses to be recouped, including expenses related to “reasonable payments associated with the transportation, implantation, processing, preservation, quality control, or storage of human fetal tissue.” Putting aside the grisly business of buying and selling organs harvested from unborn babies, it seems increasingly likely that Planned Parenthood is going to have to explain how the prices sited by both Nucatola and now Gatter fit in with such “reasonable payments,” and they’re going to have to explain it in front of legislative committees and perhaps even prosecutors and attorneys general.

"If Kate's Law saves 1 daughter,1 son..Kate's death won't be in vain.'

Monday, July 20, 2015

Governor Perry emerges as a responsible voice among Republicans

Former Democratic candidate for president endorses internment camps

OBAMA DEAL: US to Protect Iranian Nuclear Sites from Israeli Attack


While our political system is based on objective debate, many on the Left now want to shut down discussion and silence dissent.

...While it is true that attempts to marginalize political opponents isn’t the exclusive domain of progressives, in the last couple of decades it is the political left which has perfected these tactics to an art form. Perhaps it is because these latest efforts reflect a full manifestation of Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals. An important strategy from this famous anarchist is to avoid at all costs an honest debate over whether socialist policies actually work.

And it’s not just conservatives who are sounding the alarm. Bill Maher, the left of center host of his own show on HBO has said that liberals are too easily offended and that an overly politically correct society actually breeds more hostility between the parties. Jerry Seinfeld, lifelong Democratic and famous comic, has said that he doesn’t play college campuses anymore because students have been brainwashed into being offended at almost anything.

While political correctness is a national problem, it is much worse in California. Indeed, for all the alleged “openness” of the California lifestyle, here are the three things about which you cannot possibly have a rational discussion with a liberal: Global warming, immigration and traditional marriage....

Scott Walker leads in Iowa

GOP candidates move toward criminal justice reform

How Illegal Immigrants are making a mockery of deportation orders

Ben Carson Is Optimistic About African-Americans Coming to Embrace the GOP

Eli Lake: Where the U.S. Caved to Get Iran to Sign

Sunday, July 19, 2015

SHARYL ATTKISSON Fact Check: The Washington Post on Donald Trump and John McCain

Trump fuels GOP fire with criticism of McCain:

Read Donald Trump's Full Statement on His John McCain Remarks for Yourself.

The media is very conveniently joining in the outrage over Trump's comments. Like most media outrage, it relied on a very short attention span. Until fairly recently, comments about McCain not being a hero were most likely to come from liberals and the occasional Paultard.

Here are a few sample titles from progressive outposts like DailyKos and Democratic Underground.
John McCain Is NOT a 'War Hero' - Daily KOS 2008
John McCain American Hero? - Daily KOS 2015
It's Time To Stop Pretending John McCain Is A "Hero" - Daily KOS 2013
They recite most of the same talking points that were part of the Obama whispering campaign against him back in '08.

Then again there was the Chris Rock joke, "He a war hero that got captured. There's a lot of guys in jail that got captured. Sh*t, f**k that. I don't want to vote for nobody that got captured. I wanna vote for the mothe____ that got away."

An article in the Washington Post today is headlined, “Trump slams McCain for being ‘captured’ in Vietnam.”

The article’s lead sentence states, “Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump slammed Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.), a decorated Vietnam War veteran, on Saturday by saying McCain was not a war hero because he was captured by the North Vietnamese [emphasis added].”

Is this report accurate?

In fact, Trump’s actual quote is the opposite of what is presented in the Post’s first sentence.

Huge spike in Americans 'very concerned' about domestic Islamic extremism

Billions of dollars in California school construction projects are in legal limbo...

Pluto: The size of it all.

Sanctuary cities: One more example of how the Constitution & citizenship are being rendered meaningless.

Sunday Funnies: (sometimes not so funny)