
Saturday, November 1, 2014

CFRW Capitol Update Saturday, November 01, 2014

President's Message

We are approaching the last 72 hours before the crucial November election. What we do over the next 3 days can make a big difference between success or failure. It is so important the we all make time to help our Republican candidates. Every campaign will need as many volunteers as possible to walk precincts, make phone calls and so many other tasks. Contact your candidate campaign offices, call your county committee, or victory office to see how you can best help our candidates.

We are Republican women and our task is to help elect our Republican Candidates. One of the most important things we can do now and through election day is to speak to all your Republican friends, family and neighbors and make sure they all vote in this election. We have lost too many elections where Republicans decide to sit home and not vote. We cannot let this happen, there is too much at stake in 2014! This election is too important to the future of California and America, no one can sit this one out! Look at what you agree with in a candidate and remember it is impossible to agree with anyone 100% of the time. We have so much more that we agree with, let’s concentrate on that! Our Republican candidates are always better than the Democrat, Independent, Green or any other political party candidates.

There are still voters who have not made up their mind how to vote. If you meet some of these voters talk to them about what Republicans believe in compared to Democrats. Many volunteers are also needed on election day and right up to the closing of the polls. Some of our members have trained to be poll workers or poll watchers. We need to have many eyes available to ensure the voting rules are upheld at the polling locations. Precinct Captains and volunteers can help by visiting the polls to check the list of voters who have not yet voted at their polling place and then call the missing voters to remind them how important their vote is. Maybe someone needs a ride to and from the polling place. We can change the political climate in California and Washington DC.

If everyone of our members would volunteer just 2 hours over the next 72 hours or on election day, we would have an army of Federated Republican women making a difference across California. We need to remember that one person does make a difference because we are all working together doing what we each do best to make a difference. The future is in our hands! We live in the greatest country the world has ever known, but it is in trouble and we must win this election, what ever the cost.

Yes we are all busy, but isn’t it worth volunteering even just 2 hours, or more, to ensure that we elect more Republicans to put a stop to the super majority in Sacramento and elect Republican majorities in Washington DC to win back the Senate and keep the House Republican so we can stop the current administration from destroying America? This election is our last chance to turn the tide. Mr. Obama has 2 more years and imagine all he would do if we do not have a Republican Senate and House to stop him? We do not want to wake up on November 5 to a Democrat victory in Sacramento and Washington DC and say if only I did more? Isn’t it worth making time to do all we can to ensure we turn California into the Golden State once again and ensure that we leave future generations a strong America and also an America where every citizen can work hard to achieve their own American Dream?

God Bless America!
Thank you for all you do,
Working Together To Make A Difference

The election is just 72 hours away! We are still working hard to get out the vote! Remember to tell Vote By Mail voters that if they have not sent in their ballots yet, IT IS TOO LATE NOW! Please have Vote By Mail voters drop off their completed ballots at ANY polling place on election day! For a truncated version of our ballot measure talking points to help voters, ◼ click HERE.s

In addition, here are the ◼ CAGOP Ballot Recommendations, ◼ Tom McClintock Ballot Recommendations, and an ◼ Unofficial Guide to Judges on the Ballot

7 Things to Do When Daylight Saving Time Ends

Changing the clocks isn't the only important "fall back" task.

Sure, you're probably looking forward to that extra hour of sleep you get each fall when we turn the clocks back. But a little more shut-eye (and the threat of being an hour early to work on Monday) aren't the only things this time of year should signal. Use this time to take care of important biannual tasks around your home.

1. Change the batteries in your smoke detectors....
2. Flip your mattress....
3. Wash your pillows....
4. Take stock of your medicine cabinet and pantry....
5. Clean your fridge’s coils.... KEEP READING

Did the White House Push Firms to Dump the House Obamacare Lawsuit?

Judicial Watch intends to find out. - US News

The conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch is seeking proof that Obama administration officials helped strong-arm two law firms into ceasing work on the House of Representatives' planned lawsuit against the administration.

The House voted in July to authorize the lawsuit, which would challenge the administration’s delay of the Affordable Care Act’s employer health insurance mandate. The resolution gave House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, authority to hire outside attorneys for the case, and he did so.

But the suit has not been filed three months after the unusual House vote, due in part to unreliable law firm partnerships.

Politico reports that political pressure from clients motivated the two firms to discontinue their work with the House. But Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton believes that pressure came – either directly or indirectly – from the executive branch.


Friday on OraTV's "Politicking... - Breitbart TV

Dick Morris said he believes Bill was a very good president but he left because he said, "What really turned me off was what I call secret police. When she [Hillary] hired this fleet of detectives to go around examining all of the woman who had been identified with Clinton. Not for the purpose of divorcing Clinton. Not for the purpose of getting him to stop but for the purpose of developing blackmail material on these woman to cow them into silence that had a Nixonian quality that I hold against her and I continue to."

Say No To Stolen Elections

(AP Photo/Orlin Wagner)

President Obama Elected with Illegal Votes? - Judicial Watch

European leftists prefer American presidents who are critics of capitalism and fans of redistribution. The same is typically true of others foreigners, according to various surveys that show a Democrat candidate could win in presidential contests where foreigners had a voice at the ballot box. Polls like that are hypothetical, of course, because it is illegal for foreign nationals to vote in federal elections. But a new academic study shows foreign nationals have been in a position to help Democrats steal elections. In fact, the study demonstrates that is likely that President Obama won the presidency thanks to non-citizens illegally voting for him in 2008. On top of that stunning conclusion, the study also concludes that “non-citizen votes likely gave Senate Democrats the pivotal 60th vote needed to overcome filibusters in order to pass health care reform and other Obama administration priorities in the 111th Congress.”

If this study’s results are accurate, the implications are startling: Obama is president as the result of election fraud. We have Obamacare because of election fraud. We have Dodd-Frank because of election fraud. We have Solyndra because of election fraud.

Without the election fraud that put Obama in office, there’d be no lawless amnesty for illegal aliens, no Operation Fast and Furious, no Obama IRS assault on Americans.

Don’t take my word for it, you can draw your own conclusion from the alarming assessment that comes from ◼ the Cooperative Congressional Election Study (CCES), which is operated by teams of researchers from across the country. Non-citizens are inclined to support Democrat candidates – and President Obama – pulled in more than 80 percent of the vote from non-citizens in 2008, according to CCES. There were enough ineligible voters to cast ballots in the 2008 election cycle to pull out Democratic victories in close elections nationwide. KEEP READING

Could non-citizens decide the November election? - Jesse Richman and David Earnest/Washington Post (image source)
In a forthcoming article in the journal Electoral Studies, we bring real data from big social science survey datasets to bear on the question of whether, to what extent, and for whom non-citizens vote in U.S. elections. Most non-citizens do not register, let alone vote. But enough do that their participation can change the outcome of close races.


With a malevolent laugh, the leader of Nigeria's Islamic extremists tells the world that more than 200 kidnapped schoolgirls have all been converted to Islam and married off, dashing hopes for their freedom. - AP

"If you knew the state your daughters are in today, it might lead some of you ... to die from grief," Abubakar Shekau sneers, addressing the parents of the girls and young women kidnapped from a remote boarding school more than six months ago.

In a new video released late Friday night, the Boko Haram leader also denies there is a cease-fire with the Nigerian government and threatens to kill an unidentified German hostage.

"Don't you know we are still holding your German hostage (who is) always crying," he taunts. "If we want, we will hack him or slaughter him or shoot him."

ISIS gives tips on how to be a good jihadi wife - New York Post

In one YouTube video, the group outlines in Arabic how women can use “feminine manual labor” to make their militants happy.

‘Who is we?’ Obama says being a stay-at-home mom ‘not a choice we want Americans to make’

“Sometimes, someone, usually Mom, leaves the workplace to stay home with the kids, which then leaves her earning a lower wage for the rest of her life as a result,” the president told his audience. “That’s not a choice we want Americans to make.” - Twitchy

3 Reasons President Obama Is Wrong About Stay-At-Home Mothers - The Federalist
‘That’s Not a Choice We Want Americans to Make’–Obama Slams Stay at Home Moms - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion
What happened to being pro-choice?

Um, ok. I’m interpreting his remarks to mean that women shouldn’t have to choose between lower wages or being stay at home mothers. Sounds noble, but it’s not realistic, at least not in most cases.

Condescension aside, aggravating is the constant drum beat of the modern “feminist” lie that women can have it all. It’s simply not true. Those with successful careers and families are routinely put in a place of choosing one or the other. Men with families also find themselves in the same dilemma, yet no one wants to talk about their struggles, because “feminism.”

Beyond perpetuating modern “feminist” myths is an even nastier issue with the President’s poorly worded statements: are we really in a place culturally where it’s acceptable to demonize a woman’s choice to stay at home as, “not a choice we want Americans to make”? Evidently so.

Of course, being a stay-at-home mom is not the right decision for every woman or for every family; but the blatant labeling of that choice as somehow inferior or “lesser” is just the latest statist assault on the family unit.

Mexican judge finally frees Sgt. Tahmooressi

Lucianne: Thank God, Greta Van Susteren, Andrew's mother Jill and Montel Williams for the return of our Marine Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi

A Mexican court on Friday ordered the release of U.S. Marine reservist Sgt. Andrew Paul Tahmooressi after 7 months imprisonment on federal weapons charges. - UPI via GOPUSA

The 25-year-old was arrested March 31 at a Tijuana, Mexico, checkpoint after he said he mistakenly took three guns across the border into Mexico.

Tahmooressi maintained his innocence, saying he had no intention of crossing the border and was originally told he could turn around to return to the United States before he was arrested.

He was on trial for the federal weapons charges, though the attorney general's office agreed to halt its prosecution.

A Mexican federal judge ordered Tahmooressi to be immediately released.

Greta Van Susteren: Pressure from Obama admin had nothing to do with Sgt. Tahmooressi’s release - Twitchy
Judge orders release of jailed Marine - AP
With no thanks to the perverse Obama administration who let this good man rot for six months. - Discussion at Lucianne
Rohrabacher: Obama was ‘AWOL’ in efforts to free Tahmooressi - Washington Times
‘The president didn’t care about it enough to make a simple phone call’
Inaction one of the enduring shames of this administration. - Discussion at Lucianne

Happy Halloween!

The 7 Scariest Uses of Your Tax Dollars in 2014 - The Daily Signal

Sen. Tom Coburn’s annual “Wastebook” chronicles the most outrageous government waste—spending that is so frightening that it taxpayers ought to be scared.

Halloween is upon us, so what better way to document some of the wackiest examples than with the short horror flick above.

Jerry Brown Sold Out

Jerry Brown, the one-time progressive icon who palled around with paladins of the progressive movement like Noam Chomsky, has sold out. - Jim Lacy/The Blaze

Once a crusader against big money, Gov. Brown is collecting millions - LA Times

Brown, 76, built his career crusading against big money in politics. In his first run for governor, in 1974, he refused donations from lobbyists and co-authored a ballot measure that put California's landmark Political Reform Act on the books, banning direct contributions from lobbyists and requiring detailed disclosure of other donations.

A generation later, campaigning for president in 1992, Brown challenged Democratic rival Bill Clinton to join him in capping donations at $100.

These days, as he seeks a fourth and final term as governor, Brown is back in the fish factory, as it were, collecting millions of dollars from donors with a stake in decisions he makes as governor.

Brown and his wife, Anne Gust Brown, have asked donors to give his campaign $54,400, the legal maximum, and to donate to the state Democratic Party, which has no contribution limits.

The party, for its part, has transferred more than $4.7 million — nearly 20% of the governor's reelection money. No other candidate in the state's last four gubernatorial contests has received as much money from a party.

At the same time, Brown has raised more than $10 million in a fund he uses to promote Propositions 1 and 2 on next week's ballot. Much of that money has come in checks of $100,000 or more, from such sources as Wal-Mart Stores Inc., Philip Morris USA Inc., labor unions and construction contractors.... keep reading

A Lesson From My Great-Aunt

Is Sacrificing a bit of comfort for public health such a great indignity? - Peggy Noonan/Wall St. Journal

It must be noted that all this—the quarantine argument, the travel ban—is another expression of the deep, tearing distance between America’s professional and political elites, who operate as if they are estranged from common sense, and normal people, who are becoming more estranged from the elites, their oblivious and politicized masters.

That distance has been growing all my adult life, but the Ebola argument has brought it into sharper relief. The elites should start twigging onto it. They are no longer immediately respected, their guidance is not reflexively taken. They seem more immersed in political thinking—what is the ideologically enlightened position to take, where’s the boss on it?—than in protecting public health.

Or thinking commonsensically, like your great-aunt.

Which is too bad because great-aunts built America.

All this will be part of the story on Tuesday, in the elections. It is hard to believe you can patronize people, and play them, and they will not, first chance they get, sharply rebuke you.

The Common Sense Of Ebola Self-Quarantine - The Strata-sphere
I am shaking my head today dumbfounded on how the the entire Obama Administration, the entire leftward news media and one self absorbed nurse in Maine cannot get why Main Street America is getting fed up with their Ebola nonsense. The left is screaming “Fear Mongers!” while the rest of us just look at what has been the public school policy on self-quarantine for DECADES and wondering why Ebola is less of a threat than the common Flu?
The long, national nightmare of Kaci Hickox’s quarantine is over - Twitchy, Who Said What on Twitter


A recent Gallup poll which asked Americans to name "the most important problem" facing our country shows that pet Democrat issues, such as gun control, rank near the very bottom of the list. - Awr Hawkins/Breitbart

Moreover, issues like global warming and the "war on women" didn't even make the list.

According to Gallup, the "economy in general" was the greatest concern at 17 percent, followed closely by "dissatisfaction with government" (16 percent) and "unemployment/jobs" (10 percent). These are problems for the Democrats because these things predominate under our current Democratic President.

As for the pet issues that Democrats are always talking about -- issues like "racism" (3 percent), "pollution" (2 percent), "corporate corruption" (1 percent), and "guns/gun control" (1) -- these things are near the very bottom of the list.

Facebook Wants You to Vote on Tuesday. Here's How It Messed With Your Feed in 2012.

The social network tries to promote voting, but it also has conducted tests that affect users' voting behavior—without telling them. - Mother Jones

On Tuesday, the company will again deploy its voting tool. But Facebook's Buckley insists that the firm will not this time be conducting any research experiments with the voter megaphone. That day, he says, almost every Facebook user in the United States over the age of 18 will see the "I Voted" button. And if the friends they typically interact with on Facebook click on it, users will see that too. The message: Facebook wants its users to vote, and the social-networking firm will not be manipulating its voter promotion effort for research purposes. How do we know this? Only because Facebook says so.


One Million Senate Ads... - Bloomberg
Double Digit GOP Gains in House Now Possible: Cook
The Cook Political Report, a subscriber-only newsletter closely followed by Washington insiders, is now predicting that Republicans have an opportunity to score double digit gains in the mid term election next Tuesday.

Via Andrew Clark of the National Republican Campaign Committee, 26 districts from Hawaii to New York — 19 of them Democratic — are now classified as “toss-ups.” This is forcing the Democrats to pour increasing amounts of cash into districts that as recently as a few months ago were believed to be safe.
Harry Reid's 'Begging'
The subject for the email from Reid, the Senate majority leader, reads: "I'm begging." Which is no wonder considering his job is at stake -- if Democrats lose the Senate, Reid will no longer hold his current leadership position.
PAPER: Desperate Dems resort to race baiting in final days of election...
RANGEL: Some Republicans Believe 'Slavery Isn't Over'...
Landrieu blames Southern hostility...
SPIKE LEE: Post-Racial America is 'Bullshit'...
GRAHAM: Remark About Helping White Men Was Joke...

Amelia Earhart plane fragment identified

A fragment of Amelia Earhart's lost aircraft has been identified to a high degree of certainty for the first time ever since her plane vanished over the Pacific Ocean on July 2, 1937, in a record attempt to fly around the world at the equator. - FOX

...The breakthrough would prove that, contrary to what was generally believed, Earhart and her navigator, Fred Noonan, did not crash in the Pacific Ocean, running out of fuel somewhere near their target destination of Howland Island.

Instead, they made a forced landing on Nikumaroro's smooth, flat coral reef. The two became castaways and eventually died on the atoll, which is some 350 miles southeast of Howland Island.

In 10 archaeological expeditions to Nikumaroro, Gillespie and his team uncovered a number of artifacts which, combined with archival research, provide strong circumstantial evidence for a castaway presence.

“Earhart sent radio distress calls for at least five nights before the Electra was washed into the ocean by rising tides and surf,” Gillespie said.

The search for Amelia Earhart is about to continue in the pristine waters of a tiny uninhabited island, Nikumaroro, between Hawaii and Australia.

Previous research on a photograph of Nikumaroro's western shoreline taken three months after Earhart's disappearance revealed an unexplained object protruding from the water on the fringing reef....

◼ Related: Jars Hint at Amelia Earhart as Castaway: Photos - Discovery

Project Veritas: New video exposes campaign officials condoning voter fraud

Multiple NC Campaign Workers Willing to Aid Non-Citizen With Felony Kay Hagan Votes - WJ

Democrats Tell Illegal Immigrant She Can Vote In North Carolina

◼ And there's MORE: Massive Non-Citizen Voting Uncovered in Maryland - Bryan Preston/PJMedia

An election integrity watchdog group is suing the state of Maryland, alleging that it has discovered massive and ongoing fraudulent voting by non-U.S. citizens in one county. But because of the way that the non-citizens are able to cast votes in elections, the fraud is likely happening in every single county and subdivision across the state. The group believes that the illegal voting has been happening for years.

The group, Virginia Voters Alliance, says that it compared how voters in Frederick County filled out jury duty statements compared with their voting records. The group’s investigation found that thousands of people in Frederick County who stated that they are not U.S. citizens on jury duty forms went on to cast votes in elections. Either they failed to tell the truth when they were summoned for jury duty, or they cast illegal votes. Both are crimes. The same group previously found that about 40,000 people are registered to vote in both Virginia and Maryland....

Why Obama Hates Netanyahu

Obama hates Israel. He hates Netanyahu. And their continuing presence in Washington D.C. reminds him of his inability to transform American foreign policy. Their very existence humiliates him. - Daniel Greenfield/Front Page

The torrent of anti-Israel leaks from the administration is a treatment usually reserved for political opponents. The snide remarks by White House spokesmen and the anonymous personal attacks on Netanyahu in the media echo domestic hate campaigns out of the White House like Operation Rushbo.

Netanyahu wasn’t just the leader of a country that the left hated. He had become an honorary Republican....

Obama’s visible loathing for Romney is of a piece with his hatred for Netanyahu.

He doesn’t just hate them. He hates what they stand for. That’s why Harper and Netanyahu get along so well. It’s part of why Obama and Netanyahu get along so badly.

But the bigger part of the conflict is neither personal nor political. Obama wanted to sideline Israel; instead he’s stuck dealing with it....

Not only did Obama fail to sideline Israel, but he’s stuck dealing with Netanyahu. And no matter how much he may view Netanyahu as an Israeli Romney, he can’t quite openly treat him like Romney because there are plenty of Jewish Democrats who still haven’t realized his true feelings for Israel.

Both men are stuck together. Egypt hates Obama more than it did before he overthrew its original government. Iraq and Syria are war zones. The Saudis are actively undermining Obama’s policies. Israel is still America’s best ally in the region and that interdependency frustrates him even more.

While Obama’s people anonymously taunt Netanyahu as a coward, it’s their boss who acts like a coward, stabbing Israel in the back, slandering its leader anonymously through the media and then trying to sell himself to Jewish donors as the Jewish State’s best friend in the White House.KEEP READING

"The 'Affordable' Care Act is anything but..."

NY Democrats Sending Menacing Letters To Registered Dems: “We Will Be Reviewing Voting Records” To See If You Voted…

link - Weasel Zippers via ◼ Daily Banter

I Received This Menacing Letter From the Democratic Party Trying To Shame Me Into Voting:
Dear Thomas:
Our records indicate that you are registered in New York County. Who you vote for is your secret. But whether or not you vote is public record. Many organizations monitor turnout in your neighborhood and are disappointed by the inconsistent voting of many of your neighbors.
We will be reviewing the New York County official voting records after the upcoming election to determine whether you joined your neighbors who voted in 2014. If you do note vote this year, we will be interested to hear why not.’s a little disturbing that New York Democrats feel the need to pull a tactic straight from the dark side: THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY IS WATCHING. THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY HAS EYES EVERYWHERE.

CalPERS board member stripped of leadership posts for campaign finance infractions

CalPERS punished one of its own Wednesday, stripping a prominent board member of her leadership positions because of her latest violations of the state’s campaign finance disclosure laws. - Dave Kasler/Sacramento Bee

{Priya} Mathur, who is facing a $4,000 fine from the state Fair Political Practices Commission, sat stoically as CalPERS board President Rob Feckner announced the punishment at a board meeting. She didn’t speak and wasn’t available for comment afterward...

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Local medical officials call Proposition 46 'bad medicine'

Physicians, nurses say measure would drive doctors out of county, state - Will Houston/Times-Standard

A host of physicians, clinicians and nurse practitioners gathered in front of the Eureka Community Health & Wellness Center on Wednesday to voice their opposition to the statewide Proposition 46, saying it was created to put more money in attorneys' pockets and will drive medical providers out of the state.

"Proposition 46 is bad medicine for California," Humboldt-Del Norte County Medical Society President John Mastroni said during the press conference. "Proposition 46 is really three measures in one. It was carelessly thrown together by trial attorneys with the hopes that adding a sweetener provision would trick voters. Proposition 46's real purpose is to lift the cap on medical malpractice payouts and make it easier and more lucrative for attorneys to file medical malpractice lawsuits, which will increase the health care costs ..."

Retired local dentist Steve Schonfeld said the increase in malpractice insurance for medical providers as well as the government programs would cause an increase in health care costs. He said local governments and taxpayers would be financially burdened with hundreds of millions of dollars and that the average family of four is estimated to see a $1,000 increase in health care costs per year if the proposition passes.

"For many of our neighbors, $1,000 dollars is the difference between health care and groceries," he said. "It's a choice that doesn't have to be made."

Several of the speakers Wednesday said this would raise medical malpractice insurance rates for medical providers throughout the state to the point where they would leave.

McCaffrey said that would greatly impact the number of doctors in Humboldt County, where 50 percent of providers are estimated to retire within the next 20 years.

"This proposition is just gonna make a very tenuous, barely accessible medical system in Humboldt-Del Norte counties," she said. "It's devastating. If you throw one more thing at us, we're going to Oregon. Because we can't afford to take care of our patients. Right now, you can't even afford to open a single practice clinic." Read more

Trial lawyers aren’t behind Prop. 46 simply because they want to prevent the deaths of other children at the hands of drivers intoxicated with alcohol and prescription meds. - Orange County Register Editorial

They are bankrolling the measure because the want to rewrite the state’s Medical Injury Compensation Reform Act, which was enacted by the Legislature in response to well-founded concerns that high malpractice costs would limit the number of doctors practicing medicine in California.


CFRW Ballot Recommendations
CAGOP Ballot Recommendations
Tom McClintock Ballot Recommendations
Unofficial Guide to Judges on the Ballot

Taxing decisions: Humboldt County voters face 5 tax measures

With Election Day on Tuesday, Humboldt County residents are once again being asked to open their wallets for the benefit of the community. - Clay McGlaughlin/Times-Standard

Several measures on the ballot — Q, T, U and V — address financial shortfalls in specific cities as they struggle to make ends meet, and Measure Z seeks to raise additional funds for the county as a whole through a sales tax increase. KEEP READING, click here

Obama Official Calls Israeli Prime Minister A ‘Chickenshit’

The Crisis in U.S.-Israel Relations Is Officially Here - The Atlantic
The Obama administration's anger is "red-hot" over Israel's settlement policies, and the Netanyahu government openly expresses contempt for Obama's understanding of the Middle East. Profound changes in the relationship may be coming.
“Aspergery.” “Coward.” “Chickenshit.” - Daily Caller
Those are just a few of the words Obama administration officials have used to describe Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu to Jeffrey Goldberg, a deeply-sourced reporter at The Atlantic who covers the Middle East....

The good thing about Netanyahu is that he’s scared to launch wars,” the official told Goldberg. The Obama administration is pleased the Israelis did not launch strikes against Iran, though the threat of Israeli force was used to bring allies into line to back sanctions against the country.

“The bad thing about him is that he won’t do anything to reach an accommodation with the Palestinians or with the Sunni Arab states,” the official asserted. Comparing Netanyahu to previous Israeli prime ministers and saying Netanyahu only cares about his political future, the official said, “He’s got no guts.”

Netanyahu is a former soldier in the Israel Defense Forces and leader in Sayeret Matkal, Israel’s special forces.
Today's Question: How do you say that in Yiddish? - Discussion at Lucianne
RNC: Administration Insult of Netanyahu ‘Inexplicable and Dangerous’ - PJ Media
‘Who’s ‘chickensh*t’ again?’ After Bibi smear, WH spanked with cold truth [photos] - Twitchy

White House tries to walk back 'chickenshit' - Washington Examiner
Netanyahu: Israel Facing an Attack on its Right to Exist: Prime Minister directly addresses unprecedented personal attack by US officials, vows to 'continue defending Israel.' - Israel National News
Israeli leader lashes back at harsh US criticism - AP
Risked my life for the country’: Netanyahu responds in wake of reported ‘chickensh*t’ insult
“I’ve been on the battlefield many times.”
White House Netanyahu insults: What a 'chickens***' knows about lame ducks - FOX
After months of humiliating inaction in the Middle East, the Obama administration has finally launched a full scale attack.

On Israel.

...This week, Netanyahu returned fire by accusing Washington of being “detached from reality.”
White House dismisses 'counterproductive' slur on Netanyahu after US official calls him a 'chicken***t' and Boehner blasts Obama for insulting 'ally after ally' - Daily Mail UK

Ed Henry GRILLS Earnest: WH, DOJ Has Pursued Reporters For Leaks, Why Not Find ‘Chickensh*t’ Source?Ed Henry GRILLS Earnest: WH, DOJ Has Pursued Reporters For Leaks, Why Not Find ‘Chickensh*t’ Source? - Daily Caller

‘From chickensh*t to bullsh*t': Susan Rice’s Israel tweets are beyond parody - Twitchy, Who Said What on Twitter

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

The White House cyberattack revelation comes just weeks after President Barack Obama reportedly told wealthy Democratic donors of a "doomsday" scenario wherein "cyber criminals could literally wipe out the identities of millions of people through some breach of government systems and that could lead to massive chaos"

A "sustained cyberattack" has crippled the White House for at least two weeks or longer, reports the Huffington Post. - Wynton Hall/Breitbart

White House computer network hacked; temporary loss of some devices - Washington Times
October surprise just in time? - Discussion at Lucianne


A major intrusion into the Executive Office of the President’s computer system is huge news, with potential implications for national security, among other things. The EOP’s web site identifies the many agencies that are part of EOP...(see the full list, at the link)

Imagine the havoc that could result if a hostile foreign power accessed all of the computer files, including email, of all of those federal agencies. A large number of people work in the Executive Office of the President, and it seems hardly credible that no one in Washington learned of the massive computer outage described by our source. And yet, until today no news source other than Power Line had written a word about it.

This afternoon, I assume as a result of Scott’s persistence, the Obama administration made a limited disclosure that confirmed that our source’s information was correct. The administration’s belated disclosure is described in the ◼ Reuters article that ◼ Scott wrote about earlier this evening.

SOMETHING HAPPENING HERE? - Scott Johnson/Powerline

Voting Irregularities: Machines Switch Votes From Republican To Democrat [VIDEO]

Early voting is underway across Maryland, and issues with the voting machines are being reported from throughout the state. - Daily Caller

One voting official referred to the machines automatically switching votes as a “calibration issue.” Curiously, there hasn’t been a single report of votes being switched from Democrat to Republican in the heavily blue state, so “calibration issues” seem to only go in one direction.

Expert Confirms Voting Machines in Illinois and Maryland Rigged for Democrats - TPNN
Just last week, TPNN reported that voting machines in historically politically corrupt Cook County, Illinois, were automatically switching votes cast for Republicans into votes for Democrat candidates.

Cook County Board of Elections Deputy Communications Director Jim Scalzitti, told the Illinois Watchdog that, “It was a calibration error of the touch-screen on the machine.”

Now, is reporting similar evidence of electronic voter fraud in the State of Maryland, where Diebold voting machines are switching Republican votes to Democrat vote...

Even though election officials in both highly Democrat Party controlled states have claimed the “calibration error” excuse, a software developer and expert on touch screens used by U.S. intelligence agencies told Newsmax that the explanation was bogus.

“It’s a software issue, and it’s incredibly suspicious that a bug like that could slip through accidentally. It defies belief,” said Tony Heller to Newsmax.
Voter Posts Video Showing Machine Switching from GOP to Democrats, As Fraud Reports Mount Nationwide - Top Right News

Last week GOP Illinois State Rep. Jim Moynihan said he tried to vote for himself and other Republicans and the electronic voting machine switched his votes to Democrats. Officials blamed a “very rare calibration error,” and some Democrats actually accused him or lying or exaggerating his claims.

With those doubts in mind, another voter in Moline, Illinois early-voted yesterday in the Moline Public Library, and remarkably found the same, “very rare” error when he too tried to vote for Republicans. But this time, he had his camera phone rolling, and sent us his video.

Also breaking today comes news of similar, oh-so-“rare” “errors” in machines in Maryland. By remarkable coincidence once again, this “error” once again seems to be only changing Republican votes to Democrats...


The degree of abuse the media has been willing to put up with from this Administration is astonishing: - John Hayward/Human Events @Doc_o

Reporter Sharyl Attkisson’s new book, “Stonewalled: My Fight For Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama’s Washington,” goes into detail about the insertion of viral monitoring software into her computer. It’s a problem she has only spoken vaguely about in the past. It turns out more than just her computer was compromised, as described in a lengthy summary by Erik Wemple at the Washington Post:
“[B]y November 2012,” she writes, “there are so many disruptions on my home phone line, I often can’t use it. I call home from my mobile phone and it rings on my end, but not at the house.” More devices on the fritz at Attkisson Central: “My television is misbehaving. It spontaneously jitters, mutes, and freeze-frames,” she writes, noting that the computers, TVs and phone all use Verizon’s FiOS service. At one point, “Jeff” inspects the back of Attkisson’s house and finds a “stray cable” attached to her FiOS box. That cable, he explains, could be used to download data.

Next big moment: Attkisson gets her computer checked out by someone identified as “Number One,” who’s described as a “confidential source inside the government.” A climactic meeting takes place at a McDonald’s outlet at which Attkisson and “Number One” “look around” for possibly suspicious things. Finding nothing, they talk. “First just let me say again I’m shocked. Flabbergasted. All of us are. This is outrageous. Worse than anything Nixon ever did. I wouldn’t have believed something like this could happen in the United States of America.” That’s all coming from “Number One.”
Here’s a bombshell story in which a veteran reporter accuses the Administration of hacking her computers, destroying her data, and setting her up to take the fall for a crime if she got too far out of hand. Her story merits due diligence, of course, but she isn’t coming to the table without evidence. She also speaks of increasing hostility from her superiors at CBS as she dug deeper into stories damaging to the Administration, which is pretty much the template for the Heroic Crusading Reporter narrative journalists have embraced for generations. Shouldn’t this be a huge story – at least big enough to require the usual ritual excuse from Obama that he knew nothing about Sharyl Attkission’s travails until he read about them in the newspaper?

◼ PreOrder: Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington. Comes Out November 4, 2014

Then she can run for President!!

California Beckons Michelle Obama With an Open Seat in U.S. Senate in 2018 (Feinstein seat) - CA POLITICAL REVIEW

Orb Magazine, 10/23/14 Michelle Obama is being urged to move to California and pursue the Senate seat that will almost certainly be vacated by Dianne Feinstein in 2018 when she will be 85 years old. The oldest member of the Senate, in that office since 1992, Feinstein has strongly suggested to the press this will be her last term....

Government-Mandated Hysteria

Stop panicking over ebola. Start panicking over Global Warming
- Daniel Greenfield/Front Page

...Instead of fighting Ebola, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) were focusing on Global Warming with a “Climate-Ready-States” program. None of this insane gibberish about tropical cyclones and rising seas accompanied by a picture of lightning striking the ocean had anything to do with infectious diseases.

It was government mandated hysteria.

The National Institutes of Health was also neglecting Ebola while focusing on the health effects of Global Warming. Meanwhile an Ebola vaccine was sitting on the shelf because it wasn’t nearly as exciting as preparing for an imaginary apocalypse....

You can’t expect a leftist government run by former campaign staffers with the attention span of fruit flies to care about a problem that only appeared in a Dustin Hoffman movie in 1995 back when they were in diapers. Not when there are so many new imaginary problems to lose their minds over.

Ideologues make good screamers and bad leaders. The media-government complex is dominated by ideologues whose only skill is telling crazy lies to paper over the gap between reality and ideology.

Leftists have already chosen Global Warming as their crisis because it serves their larger agenda of controlling every aspect of human behavior. Aside from claiming that Ebola and Islamic terrorism are caused by the Global Warming Monster, they refuse to address them in any meaningful way.

Ebola and Islamic terrorism are isolationist crises that can be defended against by closing our borders. And that’s exactly what the left does not want. Their preferred crises are transnational crises that require Americans to accept some part in a global infrastructure for an unworkable holistic solution.... KEEP READING

Shocking Harvard poll: Millennial voters want GOP in charge, abandon Obama

Obama White House bothered, bewildered and on the ropes - Wesley Pruden/Washington Times
The Republicans demonstrated remarkable discipline in this campaign, committing few mistakes and this time saying a minimum of silly and destructive things, standing aside while Barack Obama and his befuddled legion make their incompetence a centerpiece of the campaign. The Republicans have finally taken to heart the ancient wisdom that when your opponent is shooting himself, be kind, considerate and helpful. Stay out of his way.

A new and massive poll of 2,029 18- to 29-year-olds from Harvard’s Institute of Politics just released found that of those who say they will “definitely be voting,” 51 percent want the GOP in charge, 47 percent favoring Democratic control. - Washington Examiner

The unexpected anti-Democratic swing prompted a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation reporter quizzing poll experts on a media conference call to IOP blurted out, "How did the Democrats and Obama screw this up?"

"President Obama’s approval rating continues to remain low. And to give you an idea just how unpopular he now is, Malia Obama just became a Young Republican!"-Jodi Miller

California issues quarantine policy...

Anyone arriving in California from an Ebola-affected area and who has had personal contact with a person infected with the deadly virus will be quarantined for 21 days, according to an order issued Wednesday by the state's (California's) public health director. - LA Times
In California, county health officials will have the ability to screen passengers arriving from Ebola-stricken regions in West Africa, or who have worked with infected patients, to determine if they’re at risk for the disease and if they should be quarantined for the virus' three-week incubation period.

Failure to comply with a quarantine order could result in misdemeanor criminal charges.
Americans may see more cases - Reuters
Poll: 80 percent want Ebola quarantines - Washington Post
The poll, from CBS News, shows a whopping 80 percent of people want American citizens and legal residents returning from West Africa to be quarantined until it is determined that they are Ebola-free. Another 17 percent think they should be allowed to enter the country if they are symptom-free at the time.

The poll, notably, did not specify just how long such people would need to be quarantined -- about 21 days -- or where they would be quarantined.

Troops in Italy being quarantined:
Obama Quarantines Soldiers, but Ebola Doctors, Nurses Can Do Whatever they Want - Washington Free Beacon
Hagel announces mandatory Ebola quarantine - CNN
Uproar over US troops quarantine in Italy - Italy's News In English
'They shouldn't have been sent here' - AFP
TRUMP: 'A new kind of hell to pay' if soldiers infected' - Daily Mail UK
How U.S. Troops React to Mandatory Quarantine is a Powerful Lesson in What Public Service Looks Like - IJ Review

UPDATE: State Dept plans to bring foreign patients to USA - Washington Times
Document revealed - FOX
WIRE: Even small clusters of cases could overwhelm system - AP
Australia becomes first developed nation to shut borders - Reuters

In Maine:
“Upon learning the healthcare worker intends to defy the protocols, the Office of the Governor has been working collaboratively with the State health officials within the Department of Health and Human Services to seek legal authority to enforce the quarantine,” he said a statement. “While we certainly respect the rights of one individual, we must be vigilant in protecting 1.3 million Mainers.”
Nurse Kaci Hickox says she won't obey Maine's Ebola quarantine: I won’t be 'bullied by politicians' - TODAY
“I don’t plan on sticking to the guidelines. I remain appalled by these home quarantine policies that have been forced upon me, even though I am in perfectly good health and feeling strong and have been this entire time completely symptom free,” said Hickox, who wouldn’t emerge from Maine’s 21-day voluntary quarantine until Nov. 10.
State police dispatched to enforce - USA Today
Ebola nurse showdown: Maine governor sends state troopers to home of nurse threatening to break quarantine - despite residents branding her 'selfish' - Daily Mail UK
In an interview with MailOnline, Fort Kent´s Chief Tom Pelletier said he plans to go visit her to welcome her home personally. And he went even further, saying that he has no intention of restricting the nurse´s movements even if Maine Gov. Paul LePage orders that she should return to quarantine.
Residents panic - via Drudge

In New York City:
PAPER: Doctor 'lied' about NYC travels - New York Post
Bellevue Workers, Worn Out From Treating Ebola Patient, Face Stigma Outside Hospital - New York Times

Ebola is Kicking Obama’s Ass, and Justly So - No Quarter
You cannot blame the American people for being confused because of the stupidity and contradictory messages coming out of the White House.

Disgraceful: Ebola doctor ‘lied’ about NYC travels

Dr. Craig Spencer at first told officials that he isolated himself in his Harlem apartment — and didn’t admit he rode the subways, dined out and went bowling until cops looked at his MetroCard the sources said. - NY Post

“He told the authorities that he self-quarantined. Detectives then reviewed his credit-card statement and MetroCard and found that he went over here, over there, up and down and all around,” a source said.

What’s Bad for America Is Good for Democrats

In the areas of marriage, race, victimhood: if it hurts America, it helps the Democratic party. - Dennis Prager/National Review Online

In almost every area of American life, the better things are, the worse it is for the Democratic party. And vice versa.


Even today, after decades of feminism, most Americans agree that it is better for women (and for men) — and better for society — when women (and men) marry. Yet, when women marry, it is bad for the Democratic party; and when women do not marry, even after — or shall we say, especially after — having children, it is quite wonderful for the Democratic party.

Married women vote Republican. Unmarried women lopsidedly vote Democrat. KEEP READING

— Dennis Prager is a nationally syndicated radio talk-show host and columnist. His most recent book is Still the Best Hope: Why the World Needs American Values to Triumph. He is the founder of Prager University and may be contacted at

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

CFRW Ballot Recommendations

CFRW Ballot Recommendations

Below are the official CFRW Ballot Recommendations. Once again, it should be noted that our recommendations are just that- recommendations. It is the hope of the CFRW Voting Body that our Republican Women heed our recommendations but ultimately research these propositions on their own as well so that they can better educate other California voters. Every election is just as important as the last!

Romney Doesn’t Hold Anything Back When Asked About Obama’s Handling of Hot Button Issues


Crowd Begins to File Out While Obama Speaks in Wisconsin

Press corps to White House: Let’s be real; you’re making this up as you go, right?

It is nice to occasionally hear reflected in the White House press pool what so many normal people have gleaned about this White House: - Mary Katharine Ham/HotAir

Two questions excerpted, from Roberta Rampton, who is with Reuters:
“Let’s take the case of the Pentagon. You talked about how the administration has been aware and has acted on an Ebola outbreak since March. And then shouldn’t these — shouldn’t a policy have been in place when you decided to send troops to West Africa? Shouldn’t — how you are going to treat those returning troops in a matter of a protocol then, rather than to what appears to be being made up on the fly?”… KEEP READING

This represents more mainstreaming of the idea that these guys just don’t have what it takes to actually respond to crises. Most of us have found that obvious for quite some time, but it’s important when the press corps and “Saturday Night Live” start talking about it, as SNL did this weekend with a pretty sweeping indictment of a string of Obama administration failures, which Jazz blogged but is worth a watch if you missed it.


Chicago Activists Unchained... 'My life has been hurt by Democrats'... 'It is because of you, Mr President'... 'Why should they even go out to vote?'

The highly sophisticated hacking of Sharyl Attkisson's computers

Attkisson’s forthcoming book--“Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction and Intimidation in Obama’s Washington”—reads in part like a spy thriller. - Howard Kurtz/FOX

From the moment that Sharyl Attkisson met a shadowy source I’ll call Big Mac, she was plunged into a nightmare involving mysterious surveillance of her computers.

They met at a McDonald’s in Northern Virginia at the beginning of 2013, and the source (she dubs him Number One) warned her about the threat of government spying. During their next hamburger rendezvous, Big Mac told Attkisson, then a CBS News reporter constantly at odds with the Obama administration, that he was “shocked” and “flabbergasted” by his examination of her computer and that this was “worse than anything Nixon ever did.”

Attkisson’s forthcoming book--“Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction and Intimidation in Obama’s Washington”—reads in part like a spy thriller. Just when you think Attkisson’s imagination might be running away with her comes wave after wave of evidence that both her CBS computer and personal iMac were repeatedly hacked and its files accessed, including one on Benghazi. A consultant hired by CBS reached the same conclusion. Further scrutiny of her personal desktop proves that “the interlopers were able to co-opt my iMac and operate it remotely, as if they were sitting in front of it.” And an inspection revealed that an extra fiber-optics line had been installed in Attkisson’s home without her knowledge.

This is chilling stuff.... KEEP READING

CBS goes to ground over claims it buried anti-Obama stories
Brave journalist here. This will be fun to follow. - Disussion at Lucianne


◼ PreOrder: Stonewalled: My Fight for Truth Against the Forces of Obstruction, Intimidation, and Harassment in Obama's Washington. Comes Out November 4, 2014

Monday, October 27, 2014

Jon Lovitz and the Rest of Twitter Respond to Hillary’s ‘Businesses Don’t Create Jobs’ Nonsense

Hillary Clinton’s comment Friday, “don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” has sure exploded a lot of heads...And social media as well. - IJ REVIEW

Jon Lovitz schools Hillary Clinton with a reminder about job creation - TWITCHY


Peter Kirsanow, as U.S. Civil Rights Commissioner, says in a Oct. 27 letter to Obama and the Congressional Black Caucus that U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services' recently revealed preparations for a huge ID "surge" extended his alarm over what the president has planned. - Caroline May/Breitbart

“Granting work authorization to millions of illegal immigrants will devastate the black community, which is already struggling in the wake of the recession that began in 2007 and the subsequent years of malaise,” he explained.
"Illegal immigration has a disparate impact on African-American men because these men are disproportionately represented in the low-skilled labor force," Kirsanow added.

Democrats’ phony ‘GOP war on women’ dredges up the ’60s

Gloria Steinem’s feminist angst doesn’t move women anymore - Tammy Bruce/Washington Times

It looks as though the Democrats are panicking over the midterms enough that they’ve called out the warhorse, Gloria Steinem. Yes, the Democrats have worked very hard to keep women back in the ‘60s, and now they are, literally, trying to convince American women that nothing has changed, and victims all will be. If the “evil” GOP wins, of course.

The problem for the Democrats is that women have realized the supposed feminist movement hasn’t been about improving the quality of women’s lives at all, but about promoting the liberal agenda, which as we see, continues to destroy everyone’s quality of life....

Democrats simply don’t think women have minds of their own. We not only see, but live, the results of their craven, inept and corrupt policies. Obamacare is one thing, the ongoing economic stagnation that continues to drive wages down as we become an Obama part-time-job nation also makes life more difficult, whether you are a married or single woman.

We have a world on fire because of Mr. Obama’s bizarre, passive allowance of tyrants to grow strong and wreak havoc. The Democrats think women care more about getting an abortion than the wars that will be fought by the loved ones and children of women, and by women themselves.

Single women have also had enough. All women must ask the question whether they’re better off now than six years ago, and the answer for them, like everyone else, is a resounding no....


Nearly 7 in 10 Americans are angry at the direction the country is headed and 53% of Americans disapprove of President Barack Obama's job performance, two troubling signs for Democrats one week before the midterm elections, a new CNN/ORC International Poll shows. - CNN

Democrats are battling to try and save the Senate majority, while hoping to prevent more losses in the House, which the GOP controls by a 234 to 201 margin.
In the Senate, Republicans need a net gain of six seats, and several state polls in the past month of contested races show that Democrats are in danger of losing control of the majority, and thus Congress. Currently, Democrats control the Senate by a 55-45 margin with two of those seats held by independents that align themselves politically with Democrats....

BREAKING: Ebola Nurse’s Ties to CDC Scrubbed From Website

Quarantined Ebola Nurse, Kaci Hickox is a card carrying Progressive and CDC EIS Officer. - Gateway Pundit

The Ebola nurse who attacked Governor Christie for putting her in quarantine after returning from Africa is a Progressive with ties to the CDC.

◼ Her LinkedIn profile was scrubbed this weekend: Profile Not Found

◼ UPDATED: Released Ebola Nurse Kaci Hickox Works For CDC…Her Lawyer Is A White House Visitor - Patrick Howley/Daily Caller

...Hickox was a Class of 2012 member of CDC’s two-year EIS officer training program, according to the official program for CDC’s 2014 EIS Conference (p. 98), which was held from April 28 to May 1, 2014.... “During the 2-year training program, EIS officers are employees of the CDC and receive a salary and benefits. Salaries range from $65,000 to 90,000 per year, based on qualifications and experience,” according to CDC’s website....