
2014: Taxpayers Must Report Personal Health Info to IRS

When Obamacare’s individual mandate takes effect in 2014, all Americans who file income tax returns must complete an additional IRS tax form. - Americans For Tax Reform

The new form will require disclosure of a taxpayer’s personal identifying health information in order to determine compliance with the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate.

As confirmed by IRS testimony to the tax-writing House Committee on Ways and Means, “taxpayers will file their tax returns reporting their health insurance coverage, and/or making a payment”.

Do not underestimate the significance: the Obama administration has not faced such an onslaught of truth-seeking since he took office in 2008, and further, no Democratic administration has been charged from all sides like this in recent memory. That press conference was unthinkable just days ago

Earthquake: Did Carney Presser End MSM Monolith? - David Steinberg/PJM Media

The most notable takeaway from Jay Carney’s incomprehensible Friday appearance had little to do with his Klingon grammar. Carney does not represent the historical value of the event – you should be wise to forget his performance, and instead take note that he was flanked by the entire room, without exception.

Carney Scrubs His Way Through Another Press Briefing - Bryan Preston/PJM Media

(Yesterday) afternoon’s White House press briefing was extraordinary. Spokesman Jay Carney stood by his now thoroughly discredited claim that the White House made just one “stylistic” edit to the Benghazi talking points. He invoked the name of Mitt Romney twice, and the “previous administration” once, the latter in connection with the IRS’ apology to conservative groups for targeting them during an election year. For the most part, Carney danced around the press corps despite the fact that many in the room were unhappy to have been left out of the afternoon’s off-the-record or “deep background” meeting with select but as yet unnamed members of the media. Carney was more prepared for the sparring match than his opposites were.

What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It? - Matthew Vadum /Front Page

Barbara Boxer: Gosnell Horrors No Different Than Problems at Any Clinic

In a speech...on the Senate floor, pro-abortion Sen. Barbara Boxer of California opposed a resolution calling for hearings on abortion practitioner Kermit Gosnell and abortion. - LifeNews

As LifeNews has reported, Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal is leading the opposition to the resolution and Boxer joined him on the floor of the Senate today to articulate her opposition.

During the speech, Boxer said the problems at the Gosnell abortion clinic were really no different than problems at any other medical clinic.

AP Exclusive: Federal watchdog: Senior IRS officials knew agents targeted tea party groups for scrutiny

Senior Internal Revenue Service officials knew agents were targeting tea party groups as early as 2011, according to a draft of an inspector general's report obtained by The Associated Press that seemingly contradicts public statements by the IRS commissioner. - AP

The IRS apologized Friday for what it acknowledged was "inappropriate" targeting of conservative political groups during the 2012 election to see if they were violating their tax-exempt status. The agency blamed low-level employees, saying no high-level officials were aware.

But on June 29, 2011, Lois G. Lerner, who heads the IRS division that oversees tax-exempt organizations, learned at a meeting that groups were being targeted, according to the watchdog's report. At the meeting, she was told that groups with "Tea Party," ''Patriot" or "9/12 Project" in their names were being flagged for additional and often burdensome scrutiny, the report says.

The 9-12 Project is a group started by conservative TV personality Glenn Beck.

Lerner instructed agents to change the criteria for flagging groups "immediately," the report says.

IRS Conservative Witchhunt Started In 2011 With High-Level Officials Involved - Tyler Durden/Zerohedge
The IRS conservative targeting scandal is going from bad to worse.
UPDATE: IRS also targeted Jewish groups... - Kevin Williamson/National Review
AP shocker: Senior IRS officials knew conservative groups were being targeted - Twitchy

Would you believe the revelation yesterday that “low-level employees” at the IRS were targeting Tea Party groups isn’t the end of the story? The Associated Press is reporting today that that admission precedes the release next week of the results of a year-long investigation showing that senior officials have been aware of the agency’s flagging of conservative groups since 2011.

IRS anti-Tea Party scandal gets real — senior IRS officials aware of targeting - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

How IRS targeting of Tea Party groups was exposed - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

As IRS admits it targeted Tea Party groups, remember IRS is Obamacare enforcer - Le-gal In-sur-rec-tion

Breaking: Senior IRS officials knew of targeting conservative groups in 2011; Update: IRS chief counsel knew in 2011 - Ed Morrissey/HotAir

Yesterday, the IRS claimed that this only happened in one office in just 2012, and that only lower-level officials were involved. This report from the Associated Press refutes both of those claims — and adds yet another damning example to a growing list of misleading and false statements from the Obama administration.

IRS SCANDAL EXPANDS: It now appears that this is one more scandal that the Obama administration managed to keep quiet until after November’s election. One wonders how many more skeletons will come tumbling out of the closet, now that Obama is safely re-elected. - John Hinderaker/Powerline

Update: Hey, here’s a good question:

Remember how much Harry Reid was mouthing off about tax returns? Did the White House feed him some inside information, or did the IRS?

Sarah Palin: ‘Same Corrupt IRS’ That Targeted Conservatives ‘Will Be In Charge Of Enforcing Obamacare’ - Noah Rothman/Merdiaite
Meet the IRS Team in Charge of Exempt Organization Reviews - J. Christian Adams/PJM


Truth is not the point, nor is the purpose of Obama’s “permission structure” analysis merely to explain why his legislative program has stalled. Instead, it is to define the president’s conservative opposition as out of the mainstream of American society. Obama’s opponents, so the logic goes, are so out to lunch that their opinions should not be taken seriously.

Define and Conquer: Obama's mobilization of bias - Jay Cost/Weekly Standard

Social scientists call this the mobilization of bias. Marxists refer to it as the establishment of cultural hegemony. More plainly, it is a common trick pulled by Team Obama any time they are in a jam: Define your opponents in such a way that their views are not really taken seriously.

...His disclaimers lauding sensible centrism aside, Barack Obama is the most partisan president since at least Richard Nixon, and maybe even since Harry Truman. He seems to have a visceral dislike of his opponents, deep in his bones, and his political strategy since the spring of 2008 has been to win by disqualifying them altogether.

This suggests no grand bargain to deal with our looming problems will be forthcoming. There will be no Obama version of Ronald Reagan’s 1986 tax reform or Bill Clinton’s 1996 welfare reforms. Team Obama is so committed to partisan warfare that such a breakthrough seems improbable. Conservative reformers who desperately want to fix the nation’s broken public policy will just have to wait this hyper-partisan president out.

Baby Steps Toward Women’s Rights in Saudi Arabia

Momentum is building in the kingdom toward laws that would allow women to drive and would recognize domestic violence. But it’s just a start... - Vivian Salama/Daily Beast

When King Abdullah succeeded his late half-brother to become ruler of Saudi Arabia eight years ago, many believed he brought with him an air of reform. Known for his relatively moderate views, Abdullah promised to achieve a great many changes for women, who were barred from driving and were required by law to seek the approval of a male “guardian” to work, travel abroad and, in some cases, to undergo surgery.

Muslim women, the king said in a 2011 speech, have given “opinions and advice since the era of Prophet Muhammad” and “we refuse to marginalize women in society in all roles that comply with Sharia,” or Islamic law, the octogenarian ruler added.

This week, as Saudi Arabia marked the eighth anniversary since King Abdullah ascended the throne, according to the Islamic Hijri calendar, the government announced that it would lift a ban on sports at private girls’ schools across the kingdom. It comes weeks after the government made another concession—lifting a ban on females riding bicycles and buggies, albeit in the presence of a male guardian. The decisions were hailed by many reformers as positive “baby steps,” but several major issues continue to stall the women’s-rights movement in Saudi Arabia from celebrating true progress, including the right to drive, the right to operate without male approval or supervision, as well as the right to win custody of a child or legally defend herself in cases of domestic violence.

@SharylAttkisson reviews trail of Benghazi talking points; references to Islamic extremism, jihad removed

Last November, investigative journalist Sharyl Attkisson issued a series of tweets in an attempt to untangle the web of Benghazi talking points woven by the CIA, the State Department and the White House. Months later, she’s at it again. Are we any closer to knowing the truth, or is it time to settle for Jay Carney’s “blame Romney” spin? - Twitchy

Follow the timeline @SharylAttkisson


Saturday morning Patrick Howley of The Daily Caller dropped another nuke on the fire that is Benghazi-Gate. Howley connects the dots surrounding a number of recent leaks coming of out CBS News about the fate of its award-winning investigative reporter, Sharyl Attkisson.

From the beginning, Attkisson has been one of the few mainstream journalists willing to dig into the September 11 terror attack in Libya, and the Administration's response to it. Fearing the story might lead exactly where it did yesterday with Jonathan Karl's bombshell report, the mainstream media has poured most if its energy into wishing the story away or playing Palace Guard for the White House.

Attkisson's dogged pursuit of the truth has not only pitted her against a media desperate to protect Obama, but also, apparently, against her bosses at CBS News, one of whom is the brother of a top Obama official.

Moreover, CBS News president David Rhoades is not only the brother of President Obama's national security advisor, Ben Rhoades, but ABC News reports that Ben Rhoades was very much involved in the editing of the now-infamous CIA talking points.

Top Obama official’s brother is president of CBS News, may drop reporter over Benghazi coverage - Patrick Howley/Daily Caller
Neither the White House nor CBS News responded to requests for comment for this report.
Wow: CBS News President and WH Official Tied to Benghazi Scandal Are Brothers - Guy Benson/Townhall

One of the mainstream media journalists whose pursuit of the truth has been truly tenacious and nonpartisan is CBS News' Sharyl Attkisson. Her tough reporting has made life difficult for everyone from Hillary Clinton to the Bush administration and Congressional Republicans. She's also been relentless on the Obama administration's Fast & Furious gun-running scandal -- and, of course, Benghazi. As we mentioned this week, Attkisson's tough investigative journalism is starting to bother unnamed CBS News executives. Here's Politico's scoop, in case you missed it:

But from where Attkisson is sitting, there are actually two Goliaths, one of which is almost entirely absent from the Post profile. The second Goliath is CBS News, which has grown increasingly frustrated with Attkisson's Benghazi campaign. CBS News executives see Attkisson wading dangerously close to advocacy on the issue, network sources have told POLITICO. Attkisson can't get some of her stories on the air, and is thus left feeling marginalized and underutilized. That, in part, is why Attkisson is in talks to leave CBS ahead of contract, as POLITICO reported in April. Farhi mentions "internal conflicts" in the final paragraph, though he seems to dismiss them. The "internal conflicts" are indeed real -- Attkisson is still eyeing an exit, according to sources -- and provide important context for today's piece.

Friday, May 10, 2013


Transparency! WH reportedly holds ‘off-the-record’ Benghazi briefing - Twitchy

W.H. holds off-the-record Benghazi briefing - Dylan Byers/Politico

The White House held an off-the-record briefing with reporters on Friday afternoon to discuss recent revelations about the Benghazi investigation, sources familiar with the meeting tell POLITICO.

The meeting began around 12:45 p.m. and postponed the daily, on-the-record White House press briefing to 1:45 p.m. White House press secretary Jay Carney did not respond to a request for confirmation of the meeting.

The off-the-record session was announced to reporters in the wake of an ABC News report showing that White House and State Dept. officials were involved in revising the now-discredited CIA talking points about the attack on Benghazi.


In the White House’s latest efforts at transparency, the administration announced to reporters that it would brief reporters on the latest shocking developments about the Benghazi situation … behind closed doors. Politico reports that the meeting started at approximately 12:45 PM ET, and that it moved the normal press briefing to 1:45 PM ET. Jay Carney, White House press secretary, did not comment on whether the meeting took place.

Fantastic new web ad on Hillary Clinton and Benghazi: “Why did she blame a video?”

Via The Right Scoop

MSNBC Guests: Benghazi Scandal Makes White House ‘Look Terrible,’ Possibly An ‘Impeachment Issue’ - Mediaite

After examining all the details that emerged on Friday relating to the efforts by members of President Barack Obama’s administration to remove references to Islamic terrorism when explaining the reasons behind the 2012 attack on an American consulate in Benghazi, the panel guests on MSNBC’s Now agreed that the appearance of a scandal makes the White House “look terrible.” One guest even suggested that the controversy could lead to impeachment proceedings against the president.

NBC Reporter Kelly O’Donnell read from portions of emails in which high ranking State Department officials coordinated with the CIA to alter the official talking points on the Benghazi attack to remove any references to prior warnings or Islamic terrorism.

“This is quite the window into what is usually the hush-hush process about how to deal with these types of attacks and the spin that irrevocably comes afterwards,” NBC reporter Luke Russert opined.

“This is not good for the White House right now,” Russert said to BuzzFeed editor Ben Smith. “Does it stick?”

“Well, sure,” Smith replied. “They look terrible.”

Democratic strategist: Party 'in decline'

One of the Democrats’ most veteran strategists warns that the party is “in decline” and “at considerable risk” when President Barack Obama is no longer on the scene. - POLITICO

“Since Obama was elected President, the Democrats have lost nine governorships, 56 members of the House and two Senate seats,” Doug Sosnik, the political director in Bill Clinton’s White House, writes in a new memo.

While Republican branding problems get the lion’s share of attention, the Democratic Party’s favorability rating has declined by 15 points since Obama took power. A Pew Research Center survey this January showed that the Democratic Party was viewed favorably by 47 percent of Americans, down from 62 percent in Jan. 2009.

With the likelihood of gridlock and near-record-low confidence in public institutions, Sosnik expects 2014 to bring the fourth change election in the past eight years.

...Sosnik notes that many Republicans are more concerned about losing in a primary than a general election, which makes compromise harder.

“Furthermore,” he writes, “there’s not a single member of either party who fears paying a political price for not falling in line with the President, making it even more difficult to get members to cast difficult votes.”


Game, set, and match… if the rest of the media keeps running with this story, now that ABC News has broken it. - John Hayward/Human Events @Doc_o

As ABC duly acknowledges, it’s not entirely brand-new information, as it builds from the landmark Weekly Standard report on smoking-gun emails related to the politicized editing of the Benghazi talking points, posted online last week. But ABC News enhanced the story by getting its hands on even more documentation, and the result is a story that can no longer be kept under quarantine in the conservative media “ghetto,” where the rest of the media dismisses accurate, well-documented stories by sneering that only the likes of Fox News care about them.

What ABC News brings us is a version history of the Benghazi talking points, in which they passed through 12 versions that began with reasonably accurate and complete information from the intelligence community… and ended with the malarkey peddled by the Administration...

Does anyone in the media – aside from the hacks ready and willing to suppress any story that hurts Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton - really still need the dots connected for them? More hearings are on the way, in which tough questions will be asked about how the State Department’s internal review managed to miss all the blockbuster revelations of the past week. The liberal media can’t pretend this is just a “Fox story” any more.


The Inconvenient Truth About Benghazi

Did the Obama administration's politically expedient story cost American lives? - Peggy Noonan/Wall St. Journal

From the day of the attack until this week, the White House spin was too clever by half. In the weeks and months after the attack White House spokesmen said they were investigating the story, an internal review was under way. When the story blew open again, last week, they said it was too far in the past: "Benghazi happened a long time ago." Jay Carney, the White House press secretary, really said that.

Think of that. They can't give answers when the story's fresh because it just happened, they're looking into it. Eight months later they don't have anything to say because it all happened so long ago.

Think of how low your opinion of the American people has to be to think you can get away, forever, with that.

Will this story ever be completely told? Maybe not. But it's not going to go away, either. It's a prime example of the stupidity of all-politics-all-the-time. You make some bad moves for political reasons. And then you suffer politically because you made bad moves.

Leno: 'White House New Slogan - Hope and Change the Subject'...

link - Noel Sheppard/Newsbusters ◼ Via Drudge

Benghazi is all about Obama - Byron York/Washington Examiner @ByronYork

The conventional wisdom in much of the press is that Republicans are pursuing the Benghazi investigation because they want to damage Hillary Clinton’s chances of becoming president in 2016. Perhaps there are some Republicans who are motivated by that, but it appears most are simply trying, with great difficulty, to find out what happened in Libya on September 11, 2012.

The bigger problem with the conventional wisdom, though, is that it assumes the former Secretary of State is the focal point in the Benghazi affair. She’s not. Benghazi is all about President Obama.

There are three issues in the Benghazi matter. The first is whether the administration reacted properly to the growing threat to American diplomats in Libya in the months leading up to September 11. The second is whether the administration reacted properly during the attack itself. And the third is whether the administration covered up its actions in the days, weeks, and months after the attack.

Steyn: ‘How empty and dead’ were they to let Chris Stevens die for ‘Obama-Clinton fiction?’ [AUDIO] - Daily Caller

On Hugh Hewitt’s Thursday night program, National Review columnist Mark Steyn explained why the Obama administration’s response to last September’s terrorist attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi was so appalling.

“They let him die, and then told lies over his coffin,” he told fill-in host Guy Benson.

Steyn said that the late U.S. ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens was a true believer of President Barack Obama and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s view of the Arab Spring, that it was a positive movement and was trying to make the best of it. Clinton and senior State Department officials, he said, let Stevens die, meaning that he was “sacrificed for the Obama-Clinton fiction of the Arab Spring.”


Lois Lerner, who heads the IRS unit that oversees tax-exempt groups, said organizations that included the words “tea party” or “patriot” in their applications for tax-exempt status were singled out for additional reviews. - The Blaze

Lerner said the practice, initiated by low-level workers in Cincinnati, was wrong and she apologized while speaking at a conference in Washington.



In some cases, groups were asked for their list of donors, which violates IRS policy in most cases, she said.

"That was wrong. That was absolutely incorrect, it was insensitive and it was inappropriate. That's not how we go about selecting cases for further review," Lerner said at a conference sponsored by the American Bar Association.

"The IRS would like to apologize for that," she added.


As it turns out, the IRS under President Obama routinely gave special scrutiny for groups with the terms “tea party” or “patriots” in their titles. His little joke doesn’t read much like a joke anymore.

Tea Party Rejects IRS Apology - ABC

The IRS was wrong to target the tea party. They should’ve gone after all 501(c)4s. - Ezra Klein/Washington Post

Let’s be very clear: because the Internal Revenue Service holds so much private data, and because it can make people’s lives absolutely miserable, it is of paramount importance in our political system that it both is, and is perceived as, an apolitical entity. If it discriminated against tea party groups that attempted to register as 501(c)4 social welfare organizations, then that’s a grave offense, and it needs to be investigated thoroughly and dealt with severely.

But the particular bias people are angry about is the opposite of the bias they should be angry about. The problem wasn’t that the IRS was skeptical of tea party groups registering as 501(c)4s. It’s that it hasn’t been skeptical of Organizing for America, Crossroads GPS, Priorities USA and Heritage Action Fund registering as 501(c)4s. The IRS should be treating all these groups equally and appropriately — which would mean much more harshly.

Mark Levin may have prompted IRS-conservative group revelations - Jeff Poor/Daily Caller

Conservative radio talker Mark Levin appears to have touched off the investigation into Internal Revenue Service targeting of conservative political groups back in March 2012.

In a letter last year on behalf of the Landmark Legal Foundation, an organization he heads, Levin requested an investigation into what he called “misconduct.”

ir◼ 10 crazy things the IRS asked Tea Party groups - Mary Katherine Ham/HotAir

1. We’re gonna need all your direct and indirect communication. “‘Direct and indirect communications’ is profoundly chilling of First Amendment rights, ” said David French, senior counsel for American Center for Law & Justice, which has been representing 27 conservative organizations met with IRS inquisitions. “It’s so vague as to be impossible to comply with.”

2. What do we need to know about your members? Nothing much. Just ALL THE THINGS!

3. Your present and past employees and their relationships, please.

4. No, family members of past and present board members and employees are not exempt, nor are their activities with other groups. Why do you ask?

5. If someone in this country’s free press has ever interacted with you in any way shape or form about your free speech activities, we’re going to need documentation of that.

6. By the way, all the insane, intrusive information we’re asking for is understood to be public once you’ve given it to us, so please include only the most flattering possible photos of your children and pets.

7. There are very specific requirements for completing and submitting this insane, intrusive information we’re asking for. Does it feel like you’re running hurdles yet, Lolo?

8. Don’t forget to read the continued very specific requirements for completing and submitting this insane, intrusive information.

9. If you do not comply with these very specific requirements for completing and submitting this insane, intrusive application, you will go directly back to Start, you will not pass Go, and let’s face it, we will probably collect $200.

10. Please predict the future reliably. Thank you for your time.

Detailed pics of (often illegal) questions/forms at the link above.

All of the examples above are taken from actual IRS correspondence received by ACLJ’s 27 clients. There were many versions of the in-depth questionnaire sent to different organizations, suggesting there was more than one agent or one office involved. Though IRS officials blamed “low-level” employees in the Cincinnati office, which is the central IRS office in charge of tax exemptions, French said the abuse was far more widespread. ACLJ’s clients dealt with inquiries from IRS offices from “coast to coast.” Of ACLJ’s 27 clients, 15 finally had their status approved after 6-7 months with legal help. There are 12 groups whose status remains in limbo.

AP shocker: Senior IRS officials knew conservative groups were being targeted - Twitchy

Would you believe the revelation yesterday that “low-level employees” at the IRS were targeting Tea Party groups isn’t the end of the story? The Associated Press is reporting today that that admission precedes the release next week of the results of a year-long investigation showing that senior officials have been aware of the agency’s flagging of conservative groups since 2011.

Scrubbing the Truth from Benghazi

Exclusive: Benghazi Talking Points Underwent 12 Revisions, Scrubbed of Terror Reference - ABC

E-Mails Show State Department Made 12 Revisions to Benghazi Talking Points, Deleted CIA Warning and References to al-Qaeda - Viral Read
E-mails show that Nuland objected to the paragraph because she was “concerned” that it might “feed” criticism from Congress who would “beat up the State Department for not paying attention to warnings.”
You know who ‘forced’ the admin to create lying Benghazi talking points? The GOP, says ex-NSC spokesman - Twitchy

The Benghazi Scandal Grows - Stephen F. Hayes/Weekly Standard
The original CIA talking points had been blunt: The assault on U.S. facilities in Benghazi was a terrorist attack conducted by a large group of Islamic extremists, including some with ties to al Qaeda.

These were strong claims. The CIA usually qualifies its assessments, providing policymakers a sense of whether the conclusions of its analysis are offered with “high confidence,” “moderate confidence,” or “low confidence.” That first draft signaled confidence, even certainty: “We do know that Islamic extremists with ties to al Qaeda participated in the attack.”
Caught playing politics with tragedy, what's next for the Obama administration and GOP investigators? - Ron Fournier/National Journal
Throw Hillary under the bus? In a statement to ABC, Carney notably insulates the West Wing and not the State Department by saying “the only edits made by anyone here at the White House were stylistic and nonsubstantive.” And, with no apparent regard to hypocrisy, Carney criticized the GOP for attempting to “politicize the talking points.”

Drip, drip, drip: There is almost certainly more to come. While Karl and Hayes did not disclose their sources, a hallmark of congressional investigations is to leak selected evidence to embarrass the sitting administration. It’s a safe bet that these emails, produced voluntarily for Congress by the State Department, were summarized and leaked by Republicans. The Obama White House might want to borrow a page from the scandal-ridden Clinton playbook: Release all Benghazi documents at a time and manner of their choosing, before the GOP does so.
Media in full spin...
REPORTER: Democrats Actively Working to Undermine Testimony... - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard

NBC's Lisa Meyers: Benghazi Hearing "Reopens" Case Against Hillary Clinton - Real Clear Politics with a Hardball segment
LISA MYERS, NBC NEWS arSENIOR INVESTIGATIVE CORRESPONDENT: First of all, in her Congressional testimony, which is her only sustained questioning on this subject -- in her Congressional testimony she basically tried to slam the door on any further questions by saying, remember the dramatic statement, 'what difference does it make?'

This reopens, I think, the questions. I don't think we know yet to what extent this does or might damage Hillary Clinton. I think the administration's biggest vulnerability here is -- first of all, how do you send diplomats into this dangerous area to facilities that do not even meet minimum security standards? How do you then reduce their level of security by taking away some of the military personnel that they had? And then, how do you, when you know these people are in trouble, not find someway to move heaven and earth to at least get help there. (Hardball, May 9, 2013)
Families of SEALs killed in Afghan mission deem probe a cover-up...

RAND PAUL: The moment of responsibility for Hillary Clinton - By Sen. Rand Paul/Washington Times

My office is currently seeking out the witnesses and survivors of Benghazi to testify before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee. To date, the Obama administration has refused to let them testify.
Too many questions remain unanswered. Now, there are too many new questions. The evidence we had in January already suggested that Mrs. Clinton ignored repeated requests for more security in Benghazi. The new evidence we have today — and that continues to mount — suggests that at the very least, Mrs. Clinton should never hold high office again.

Video: The Truth About Benghazi Matters

Courtesy of our good friend, All American Blogger, Duane Lester. For those who don't know - he dabbles in producing videos. He says it's been awhile since he's done one, but thinks his latest here strikes all the right chords. - Debra Heine/Breitbart

Susan Rice Honored With 'Great American' Award Night Before Benghazi Hearing - Debra Heine/Breitbart

The annual award, presented by The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, is given to “an exemplar of change, progress and willingness to take one for the team if circumstances require. (I may have made that last part up.)

Specifically, the organization is honoring Rice for ”her work in advancing U.S. interests, strengthening the world’s common security and prosperity, and promoting respect for human rights,” another press release states.

The evening gala and awards ceremony, which included Vice President Joe Biden, came the day before State Department whistleblowers testified at the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee hearing on the terrorist attack that took place at the U.S. consulate in Benghazi last year.

What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It? - Matthew Vadum /Front Page

An emotional Hicks expressed dissatisfaction with the Obama administration’s approach to the attacks of Sept. 11, 2012, and what followed them.

“I am a career public servant,” Hicks said. “Until the aftermath of Benghazi I loved every day of my job.”

At this point it appears that only partisan leftists, useful idiots, the naive, and the ill-informed profess the belief that run-of-the-mill governmental incompetence explains the administration’s disgraceful behavior on the 11th anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that brought down the World Trade Center.

Chances are Republicans in Congress will not drop this critical issue and that this week’s testimony from State Department officials who were bullied and intimidated by the Obama White House is only the beginning.

NFRW Capital Connection

Region 2 Meeting Re-Cap

The NFRW Region 2 states held a well attended conference at the historic Alex Johnson hotel in Rapid City, South Dakota from April 26-27th. The South Dakota Federation sponsored hospitality rooms at the Vertex Club, where ladies from five states networked while enjoying a view of the city. Author and Texas National Committeewoman, Toni Anne Dashiell presented a dynamic workshop on team building, delegation, and conflict management. NFRW Membership Vice Chair, Sharon Barnes, challenged ladies with creative methods to recruit, retain, and renew members.

Dr. Mark Christian of Global Faith Institute shared his story of growing up in the world of the Muslim Brotherhood and tested our participants' knowledge of Islam. Workshops covering Sharia Law and Agenda 21 informed and strengthened the resolve to restore our Republic. Attorney and principal deputy assistant secretary of state for Near Eastern affairs in the George W. Bush administration, Liz Cheney, encouraged Republicans to stand by and defend our values of limited government, low taxes, a strong national defense, individual freedoms, self-reliance, the importance of the family, and the miracle and authority of America's founding documents. Wyoming Representatives Amy Edmonds and Kathy Coleman, along with South Dakota Representative Jacqueline Sly tackled Common Core with a question and answer panel. Former Palestinian Qusi Al-Haj, who works for Senator John Thune, inspired the crowd with his story of immigration from Jordan at age 17 and success in living the American dream. Attendees left inspired to empower their members in their respective states.

Club Leadership Training a Success

Recently, Oregon Federation of Republican Women President Sally MacLeod realized an opportunity for training club presidents, their officers, and their members about their important role in the State and National Federation.

After discussing this with her state officers, President MacLeod proposed training club officers and members involving state officers traveling around the state to train several clubs at once in one location.

The officer training team searched through their State Federation handouts from over the years and went online to the NFRW website to access material as well as the NFRW Leadership Training Manual. The team chose five areas upon which to concentrate:
The role of the president on how to prepare an agenda, use of Robert's Rules of Order, how to keep a meeting moving to avoid getting "bogged down," and the deadlines/timelines of her State federation and the NFRW. The NFRW Achievement Awards are reviewed and it is suggested that each participant download the awards form from the NFRW website and review it with her club executive committee and board of directors as they plan her club's programs and activities. The team brings with it a computer and demonstrates how the women can access the NFRW website and download material for their own use;
The role of the secretary, including how to take minutes, how to add corrections and why minutes are so valuable;
The role of the treasurer, especially submitting dues and service charges and following state and national deadlines;
The importance of allowing only Republicans to speak at their events and limitations on club contributions to candidates and/or their county and State Republican Party organizations; and
Use of protocol, setting a head table and the fact that business items must be handled according to club bylaws, usually requiring that they be submitted to the president, board of directors and/or club membership.
The Oregon Federation officer trainers always allow time for questions and answers and report that "every training we have done has had a positive response." Keeping it fun and intending to expand the training in the future are important factors in their success.

NFRW Campaign Management School Coming to Ohio

NFRW is organizing a campaign management school in Mansfield, Ohio for Saturday, June 29th. The cost is $100, which includes lunch and materials. The school will be held at The Waterford in Mansfield; Mansfield lies between Cleveland and Columbus, Ohio. ◼ Click here to register!

NFRW 37th Biennial Convention

Plan now to attend the National Federation of Republican Women's 37th biennial convention in Louisville, Kentucky September 21-22, 2013. Invited speakers include Kentucky's United States Senators Mitch McConnell and Rand Paul, along with governors, members of Congress, and leadership experts.

A leadership training institute will be presented on Friday, September 20, followed by the opening reception to be held at Churchill Downs, home of the Kentucky Derby. Campaign and election workshops will be offered along with two special luncheons, the second of which will be the national awards luncheon. Elections will be held for NFRWofficers for the 2014 through 2015 term and convention business including proposed NFRW Bylaw amendments will be conducted.

Hotel reservations at the Galt House in Louisville and site of the convention may now be made by ◼ clicking here. Convention registration will begin in mid to late May.

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NFRW Winning Web of the Week

Tempe Republican Women - Tempe, Arizona

Congratulations to Tempe Republican Women Club President Darryl Jacobson-Barnes and to Webmaster Jessica Merrow for the website they have created using WordPress, a program primarily for those who blog. Their website meets the basic rules for recognition as a Winning Web: it is easy to read, easy to navigate, easy to access, consistent in layout and design, and quick to load. Because the "blog" page is the "home" page, it is obvious the website is updated frequently with information which members and visitors to the website may find useful and informative. Click here to read much more about this site.

To submit a RW website to be considered for NFRW Winning Web, please go to ◼, click on ◼ Application link, complete it and e-mail it to committee. Click ◼ here to view basic website guidelines.

National Federation of Republican Women

We are proud to be part of the California Federation of Republican Women (CFRW), and the National Federation of Republican Women (NFRW), the largest women’s political volunteer organization in the nation. When you join Humboldt Republican Women, Federated, you're joining forces with women throughout the state and across the nation, women who share your ideals and your goals for our country.

Ahead of Mother’s Day, Obama to make health care appeal to women

President Obama will attempt to sell his health care reforms to women on Friday, using an event at the White House ahead of the Mother’s Day holiday to win over a demographic critical to the success — or failure — of his signature legislative achievement. - Brian Hughes/Washington Examiner @BrianHughesDC

From the East Room of the White House, the president will argue that Obamacare stopped insurance companies from denying insurance coverage for children, increased access to mammograms and birth control and allowed more kids to stay on their parents’ plans.

However, the public has increasingly soured on Obamacare. And Democrats have expressed growing reservations about the most comprehensive overhaul to the health care system since Medicare was created in 1965....

Cleveland Kidnapper Forced Victim to Have Abortion Five Times

Police: Women left captor's home twice in a decade - AP
Three women found alive after a decade in captivity endured lonely, dark lives inside a dingy home where they were raped and allowed outside only a handful of times in disguises while walking to a garage steps away, investigators say.

The 52-year-old former school bus driver accused of kidnapping and raping the women will make his first public appearance in court Thursday after emerging as the lone suspect.

While many questions remain about how Ariel Castro maintained such tight control over the women for so many years before one of them made a daring escape Monday, the horrors they suffered are beginning to come to light.

Police say the women were apparently bound by ropes and chains at times and were kept in different rooms. They suffered prolonged sexual and psychological abuse and had miscarriages, according to a city official briefed on the case.
'I'm here, I'm free now': Listen to the dramatic 911 call Amanda Berry made moments after she was freed - Daily Mail
Cleveland Police release recording of Miss Berry after she escaped dungeon
'I've been missing for 10 years, and I'm, I'm here, I'm free now', she screams
Her call led to liberation of fellow hostages Gina DeJesus and Michell Knight
Ariel Castro, 52, and his two brothers have been arrested over kidnapping
Life inside the dungeon: Amanda Berry's daughter was born in an inflatable pool inside the 'kidnap house' where the women were shackled in rooms with holes cut in doors to slide food in and out - Daily Mail
Suspected captor Arial Castro used chains hanging from the ceiling to keep the girls inside the Cleveland home for the first few years
Local police sources say he would beat them in the stomach if they became pregnant, forcing them to miscarry
Used psychological games to 'train them' not to try to run free
Six-year-old girl born in captivity is 'happy and healthy': Amanda reveals Jocelyn was her 'Christmas baby' and has spent years being home-schooled - Daily Mail
Amanda Berry's daughter Jocelyn, 6, ate a popsicle while being examined and smiled when she saw her mother smile, authorities said
Police sources: Girl would leave the home to visit her captor's mother
Detectives believe one of the three suspects is her father and are now carrying out DNA tests to confirm their suspicions
The Forgotten Victim: Cleveland’s Michelle Knight - Christine Pelisek /The Daily Beast
Some family members of Michelle Knight, who is reportedly 32, are saying that they are still waiting for their moment to celebrate. Knight is reportedly receiving medical care in a hospital after FBI agents interviewed her on Tuesday. Knight was reportedly beaten regularly by Castro in the face and suffered hearing loss. According to a leaked police report, Knight got pregnant five times while held captive, miscarrying each time after Castro pummeled her.

“I’ve been trying since day one to see her,” says Knight’s grandmother Deborah. “Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus have been reunited with their family. We are just sitting here waiting. We are trying to get in touch with her. She has no one there for her right now.”

“We need to get all the family together,” she added.
Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy J. McGinty said Thursday that based on the facts of the case, his office intends to seek charges not only for the sexual assaults endured by the victims, but also “each act of aggravated murder he committed by terminating pregnancies.” Castro was arraigned Thursday in Cleveland Municipal Court, where the judge set bail at $8 million. -

The grand jury is now meeting to determine the facts of the case and appropriate charges and he believes Castro should be held accountable for the deaths of the babies in the abortions.

“If as reported Ariel Castro starved and then kicked a pregnant Michelle Knight resulting in her miscarrying five children Castro should be charged with aggravated and felonious assault against Knight and aggravated murder of her children. I trust the grand jury will be investigating all such possible charges,” Casey said.

Casey says Ohio adopted a state law in 2002 that includes unborn children under murder, manslaughter, and assault statutes in non-abortion cases where they are killed, such as in this case.

The thumbs-up that says we're free! Kidnap victims Gina DeJesus and Amanda Berry finally return home after 10 years in captivity - Daily Mail
Gina DeJesus, 23, is brought into family home held up by her sister
Amanda Berry, 27, returned to her sister's home in Cleveland, Ohio on Wednesday
Amanda's grandmother Fern Gentry told her granddaughter on the telephone: 'I'm glad to have you back'
Amanda's father Johnny Berry said he always had believed she was alive
He said: 'Keep hope. I never gave up because I know the kid's heart'
Amanda escaped from the Cleveland home on Monday with her daughter Jocelyn, and missing women Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight
'I thought you were gone': Amazing moment grandmother speaks to Amanda Berry for the first time in 10 years - Daily Mail
Fern Gentry struggled with emotion as she spoke to Amanda Berry
She told her granddaughter on the telephone: 'I'm glad to have you back'
Amanda's father Johnny Berry said he always had father she was alive
He said: 'Keep hope. I never gave up because I know the kid's heart'
Amanda escaped from the Cleveland home on Monday with her daughter Jocelyn, and missing women Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight
'Happy abduction day': Cleveland victims reveal how Ariel Castro 'gave them cakes to celebrate anniversaries of being kidnapped' - Daily Mail
New report details the shocking life the women endured in Cleveland home
Michelle Knight says she saved the life of Amanda Berry's newborn daughter
The women were given cake to celebrate their 'abduction day'
Reports say that Castro played cruel games with the girls by pretending to go out, but instead lie in wait to see if they would try to leave
EXCLUSIVE PICTURES INSIDE THE CLEVELAND KIDNAP HOUSE: Son of 'abductor' reveals how father padlocked doors to basement, attic and garage because 'we weren't allowed to go there' - Daily Mail
Photos show Ariel Castro in front of padlocked doors to the basement
Son Anthony, 31, revealed how his father would beat him and once nearly beat his mother to death as she recovered from brain surgery
Expressed his shock at the kidnappings and said they had no idea women were hidden behind the doors they were forbidden from opening
But said his sister believes their father was capable of the crimes
Just three weeks ago, Castro asked his son whether he thought police would ever find one of the victims, Amanda Berry
The former school-bus driver charged Wednesday with kidnapping and rape for allegedly holding three women in his home for a decade used deceptively simple ruses to lure each woman into his car, according to a police report reviewed by The Wall Street Journal.

Ariel Castro simply offered one a ride home; told another that his son worked at the same Burger King as she did; and offered to bring a third to see his daughter, a school friend, according to the report prepared by responding officers on the night the three women—and the daughter of one of them, born in captivity—escaped.
Ariel Castro claims he was abused by his parents as a child and raped by an uncle in 'confession' letter found in his home - Daily Mail
Vile ‘suicide’ note blames victims - LORENA MONGELLI in Cleveland and SELIM ALGAR in New York/New York Post
...And the lengthy missive laid out in grisly detail the origins of his dark urges and the family dysfunction he blamed for them, according to the station.

Those sick fantasies eventually led Castro to kidnap three young women and hold them captive in a grim sexual playpen he set up in his basement, authorities say. The women were finally freed — after 10 years — in a dramatic escape Monday.

Castro’s sadism extended back to his late wife, Grimilda Figueroa, her former boyfriend, Fernando Colon, told The Post yesterday....
Ariel Castro Charged With Kidnapping, Rape of Cleveland Women; New Details of ‘House of Horrors’ Case - Viral Read

Meanwhile, Fox News reported, police were investigating the possibility that Castro had kidnapped other victims besides the three women rescued Monday:

Details of a possible fourth victim came to light during police interviews with the oldest victim, Michelle Knight, who reportedly said there was another girl at the home about 10 years ago, but she disappeared.

In 2007, Ashley Summers, a 14 year old, disappeared in the same neighborhood. Initially it was believed Summers was a runaway but a few years later, police saw a potential link with the other missing girls.

Knight reportedly told police she was unsure of how many other women may have been in the house because they were all kept in separate locked rooms.

61% of kids want govt. out of their lives

Poll: 61% of College-Age Students Want Government to Stay Out of Their Lives - Adam Tragone/CNS (director of external relations for Young America's Foundation)

In a survey launched by Young America's Foundation and conducted by the polling company, Kellyanne Conway, Inc., more than 60 percent of college-age students feel that government should not take an active role in their day-to-day-lives, and half of respondents believe that the federal government is mostly hurting economic recovery.

Here’s a heartening story. - John Seiler/Cal Watchdog, Your Eyes On California Government

From the time they go to preschool until the day they graduate from professional school three decades later, kids these days suffer relentless politically correct indoctrination. Their K-12 teachers and their university professors almost unanimously give them this message: “Government is good. Government is wonderful. Government will solve all your problems.”

Yet a new poll shows that 61 percent of college-age students want the government out of their lives.

Why? Well, kids are bearing the brunt of government tyranny. They’re being forced into Obamacare, whether they want to or not, which means they’ll be taxed heavily to pay for the ailments of older folks.

They pay massively into Social Security and Medicare. Yet I remember a poll a few years ago which showed more youngsters believe in UFOs than believe they’ll ever get an FDR dime out of these bankrupt socialist systems.

The kids run up college debt of as much as $200,000 — then can’t find jobs in the worst “recovery” in 70 years. Housing is so expensive they have to stay at home with Mom and Pop well into their 30s.

It’s hard to save enough money to get married and have kids. The Federal Reserve Board has kept interest rates at zero percent the past five years, even as inflation eats up the dollar’s value. “Savings” means the money in your savings account goes down in value 2 percent a year. The stock market is setting “records,” just over 15,000 for the DJIA, only because of inflation.

The wars of the federal government, which youngsters have to fight on the front lines, are inconclusive and seem pointless. And why are we spending trillions on hundreds of overseas bases to fight a Soviet Union that died so long ago no kid under 25 even remembers it?

But the kids have the Internet. So unlike my late 1960s, 1970s generation, which had few news sources beside the Main Stream Media, kids can find out what’s really going on from alternative Web sites; or at least get a contrasting point of view from what they’re fed by the military-industrial-Congressional-media-university complex.

This gives me hope for the future.

Next on the agenda: to get it out of their lives, the kids need to begin dismantling this monstrous government.

Wisconsin revenue grows $500 million more than expected

The state had a roughly $3 billion projected shortfall over two years when Walker took office. Walker and Republican lawmakers fixed it mainly through spending cuts to schools, local governments and other programs rather than through tax increases. Walker and GOP lawmakers also ended most collective bargaining for most public employees to help local officials deal with the cuts, leading to a recall election that the governor won last June. - Jason Stein and Patrick Marley/Journal Sentinel

In a splash of spring sunshine, new projections released Thursday show the state will take in more than $500 million more than expected over the next two years, giving lawmakers the ability to put more money toward schools.

The projections, laid out in a memo from the nonpartisan Legislative Fiscal Bureau, led Gov. Scott Walker to immediately call for putting some of the money toward schools.

"The surplus and increased revenue projections should be invested in aid for our schools, lowering income taxes for middle-class families, holding the line on property taxes, and building our rainy day fund," Walker said in a statement.


“Without much fanfare, the Department of Energy (DOE) recently updated the list of loan guarantee projects on its website,” the Institute for Energy Research noticed on Wednesday. ”Unlike in 2008, when Barack Obama pledged to create 5 million jobs over 10 years by directing taxpayer funds toward renewable energy projects, there were no press conferences or stump speeches.” - John Hayward/Human Events @Doc_o

Uh-oh. Why weren’t there any celebrations? President Obama loves a good celebration. Why, we just found out about the ◼ super-secret star-studded bash he held after his inauguration.

Maybe it’s because the IER divided the $26 billion spent on “green jobs” by the Energy Department since 2009, divided it by the 2,298 permanent jobs created, and came up with a cost of $11.45 million per job.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The key question remains unanswered: What did President Barack Obama do when he learned the consulate was under attack, and why?

1. Two "stand-down" orders were given while the Benghazi attacks were in progress.
2. The "protest" about a YouTube video was a complete fabrication by the Obama administration.
3. Cheryl Mills, Clinton's lawyer at the State Department, told witnesses not to speak to House investigators.
4. The diplomatic personnel on the ground acted with incredible, unheralded heroism.
5. Democrats came to rebut the eyewitnesses with talking points.
The key question remains unanswered: What did President Barack Obama do when he learned the consulate was under attack, and why?

Who concocted talking point that video caused Benghazi deaths? And on what evidence? - Gay Patriot

Krauthammer's Take: 'Where Was the Commander-in-Chief For All of This?' - NRO

Unsurprising Media Consensus: ‘Shut Up About Benghazi, You Stupid Republicans’

The fix was in, and the Piers Morgan Network might as well change its slogan to, “CNN: What Difference, At This Point, Does It Make?” - The Other McCain

No matter what the witnesses said, under no circumstance were the major news organizations that have spent the past five years as de facto members of the Obama campaign committee going to treat this hearing as actual news. In fact, the only TV reporter not employed by Fox News who has treated the Benghazi cover-up as a legitimate story — ◼ Sharyl Attkisson of CBS — is being treated like an unprofessional pariah by her own network, while Chuck Todd of NBC News quite literally laughs off criticism of the Obama administration’s handling of the Benghazi attacks.

Really, they out-did themselves on this one. Check out the “Don’t Bother to Read This Dull Story” headline from the New York Times: ◼ Official Offers Account From Libya of Benghazi Attack

Here’s another way you might headline the story, if you actually wanted to get readers to, y’know, read the story: ◼ VIDEO: Benghazi Whistleblower Gregory Hicks Describes ‘Saddest Phone Call’ That Ambassador Stevens Died

Unless you saw that testimony — which was just one highlight of a six-hour hearing that the major networks did their best to ignore or dismiss as mere politics — you would have no reason to suspect how riveting it was, if all you saw was that bland New York Times headline.


So, how did the mainstream media cover the story? Well, kind of like it has since the attack occurred — lightly. TheBlaze conducted a review of various outlets’ coverage on Wednesday night at around 8 p.m. CT and took screengrabs of several front pages and accumulated some video. Let’s just go outlet-by-outlet, print and TV, and analyze the coverage.... at the link


Pay any price, bear any burden - Richard Fernandez/PJM Belmont Club

The real cost to not examining Benghazi is that it opens the way for what comes next. And there will be a next. The career risks being run by the whistle-blowers and the increasingly restive mainstream media indicates that even within the State Department and press — even among people who are risking their careers — there is a growing fear that unless the cancer is recognized to some extent it may soon be too late to avert disaster.

For now there is a tacit agreement to keep digging lest a pause draw attention to the hole. What a high price to pay to protect the careers of two forgettable politicians who will care about their retainers about as much as they cared about Benghazi. Never in the field of recent history have so many been sacrificed for so few.

Benghazi: Exposing Failure, Recognizing Courage

THE FULL BENGHAZI HEARING - 7 hours 17 minutes.

Things We Learned from the Benghazi Whistleblower Hearing

What should have been stretched across several days to give the nation time to digest it all, was instead packed into a single day packed with an overwhelming amount of information. The media’s attention span is not that long. - Bryan Preston/PJM

Nevertheless, for those who slogged through the entire day of hearings and ignored local crime stories, new information was there to be learned.
1. There were multiple stand-down orders, not just one. Special Operations forces were told, twice, by their chain of command not to board aircraft or to to Benghazi to rescue the Americans then under attack....
2. Ambassador Stevens’ reason for going to Benghazi has been cleared up....
3. Clinton was briefed at 2 am on the night of the attack, was never told that a movie had anything to do with the attack by those on the ground in Libya, yet blamed the movie anyway....
4. Whistleblowers were intimidated into silence.
5. “The YouTube movie was a non-event in Libya.”
6. Democrats were uninterested in getting at most of the facts, but were very interested in destroying Mark Thompson.
7. House hearings are a poor way to determine who did what and why during and after the attack.

Partisan politics, little new information at House Benghazi hearing - LA Times
Benghazi: How Do You Explain the Inexplicable? - Rush via Lucianne
Benghazi Whistleblower: ‘I Was Stunned’ That Amb. Rice Blamed a Video, 'My Jaw Dropped' - Elizabeth Harrington/Cybercast News Service
Emotional Testimony Recalls Benghazi Attacks - SIOBHAN HUGHES and ADAM ENTOUS/Wall St. Journal
We Live in an Upside-Down World: TV Networks Ignore Benghazi Hearings - Rush
Congressman Elijah Cummings Sums Up Benghazi: "Death is a Part of Life" - Rush
NYT Public Editor Says Paper Playing Down Benghazi; Dismissive Hearing Coverage Vindicates Her Concern - Clay Waters/Newsbusters
Secret email reveals top official told Libya's president that terrorists were behind Benghazi attack - four days BEFORE U.S. Ambassador to UN said it was a spontaneous attack - DAVID MARTOSKO IN WASHINGTON/Daily Mail
Official holds back tears during emotional Benghazi testimony - The Hill
Fox News Carries Benghazi Hearing Wall-to-Wall; CNN Joins at Noon and MSNBC Is Last - Scott Whitlock/Newsbusters

What have we learned so far the from Benghazi hearing: - Bookworm Room
1. Security support was denied before and during the September 11, 2012 terrorist attack on the US Benghazi Consulate by the State department.
2. Ambassador Stevens’ last words “Greg, we are under attack!” [To Greg Hicks - his second in command in Tripoli]
3. It was clear to everyone in Libya that this was a coordinated attack – NOT a demonstration over an obscure YouTube anti Islam video.
4. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton talked to Mr. Hicks – then the top diplomat in Libya – during and after the attack. She knew exactly what was going on.
5. During the attack, President Obama did not speak once with the Pentagon, and most likely went to bed while a US embassy was under attack.
6. Five days later UN ambassador Susan Rice in a media campaign orchestrated by State tells the world repeatedly that this was a demonstration over the anti Islam video – no one consulted Gerg Hicks – now the top diplomat in Libya over the talking points.
7. The obscure movie maker is jailed (and is still in jail in California)
8. Greg Hicks – the top diplomat in Libya – is shocked and embarrassed by Susan Rice’s appearances. When he raises the issue with his superiors at State they turn hostile.
9. When a congressional investigation team comes to Libya, Greg Hicks – still the top diplomat in Libya – is ordered by State Department lawyers for the first time in his 22 year long career not to talk to a Congressional committee. A State Department lawyer is sent along with the committee to make sure Hicks is kept away.
10. When he does talk to the committee, a furious Hillary Clinton’s chief of staff, Cheryl Mills, calls Hicks and demands an explanation and a report.
11. Gregory Hicks – a diplomat with a stellar record – has been harassed by the State Department and has not had an appointment since the Benghazi affair.

Biden: “When [Susan Rice] speaks…no one wonders whether or not she’s speaking for the President”

“[Rice] also has … the absolute, total, complete confidence of the president of the United States of America,” Biden said, as POLITICO reported. “So when she speaks, when she speaks in the discordant world we reside in right now, no one wonders, no one wonders, whether or not she’s speaking for the president.” - Red Alert Politics
Biden’s remarks came during his address at the gala dinner for The Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, where Rice was presented with the 2013 Louis E. Martin Great American Award — despite her involvement in spinning the Benghazi narrative. He also said the ambassador has “done an incredible job representing America’s interests.”

But if Rice speaks for the POTUS, then how would the administration explain away her Sunday morning news show appearances just days after the Sept. 11 attack?

During her interview with FOX News Sunday, Rice said the attacks were “a spontaneous reaction to what had just transpired in Cairo as a consequence of the video.”

Following the Benghazi attacks, the Obama administration was put under the microscope for the back-and-forth narrative it presented about whether the U.S. consulate was targeted due to terrorism or as a backlash following an anti-Islam video. It soon became apparent that the attacks in Libya were terrorism, despite administration officials — and the President himself — saying otherwise.

Redding Searchlight: Man wanted in deaths of wife, two daughters may be headed to Ferndale

Shane Franklyn Miller, 45, is being sought by deputies and is considered armed and dangerous. Via Times-Standard

An alert issued by law enforcement at about 10:30 a.m. today said Miller, whose birthday is today, was possibly headed to a cabin in Ferndale, where he may have a cache of weapons.

Miller is 5 feet, 10 inches tall, weighs 200 pounds and has red hair and blue eyes, sheriff's Lt. Tom Campbell said. He is driving a gold 2010 Dodge Mega Cab pickup with a camper shell and California license plate of 8Z75988, according to the Sheriff's Office

Anyone with information on his whereabouts should call 911 or the sheriff's office at 245-6540.

FLASHBACK: "It's the video"

Hillary Clinton: I certainly did not know of any reports that contradicted Susan Rice talking points (Video) - The Right Scoop

#Benghazi Hearings


NBC’s Chuck Todd: Obama administration actions on Benghazi ‘very rational’; Update: Link to live video of House hearing added - Doug Powers/Michelle Malkin

Drudge headlines:

Shock testimony from Benghazi witnesses...◼ Benghazi "whistleblowers" head to House committee
Latest on Benghazi: Whistleblowers give Congress blow-by-blow account of deadly diplomatic attack - Washington Times

Emotional...◼ Benghazi Whistleblower Chokes Up - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard
Fourth whistleblower blocked from testifying...
SENATOR: 'Dam about to break'...
'Operation Smear' already underway...
Bolton: Could bring down admin...
Cheney rips 'leadership'...
Hillary in spotlight...

What difference does it make? Eric Nordstrom fights back tears during opening Benghazi statement: ‘It matters’ - TWITCHY

From @NRO- Hicks’s Full Account of Night of Benghazi Attacks

Dem vows to 'protect' others at State Department... - Daniel Halper/Weekly Standard

‘Snitches get stitches’? Rep. Cummings goes after Benghazi whistleblowers before they even testify [video] - TWITCHY