
Bam's tired tax trope... America should just say no.

There he goes again. Yesterday, President Obama trotted out that same old class-warfare rhetoric that Democrats always use to flog tax hikes.

And, as usual, his argument was just one big exercise in deception.
- New York Post
...what can be worse for America's shaky economy than new taxes?

That's especially true for small businesses, whose revenues are generally taxed as personal income -- and which generate much of America's job growth.

As Senate GOP leader Mitch McConnell noted, Obama himself has said "that keeping taxes where they are enables businesses to hire more workers. In other words, that raising taxes leads to fewer jobs." The prez, he said, "can call for tax hikes. But he can't call for tax hikes and job-creation. It's one or the other."

Obama should also come clean about just whose taxes he'd hike; after all, it's not just "millionaires and billionaires and corporate-jet owners" in the crosshairs.

Scrapping the corporate-jet break, for instance, is estimated to bring in just $3 billion over 10 years. But Democrats are calling for $400 billion in new tax revenue.

Americans (particularly in New York) should know by now that when pols talk of taxing "millionaires," they usually mean folks earning as little as $250,000 (what a married veteran teacher and cop often nearly make).

Fact is, Obama's hikes would be economically ruinous. But equally troubling is his use of divisive class-warfare rhetoric to mask his true intentions.

America should just say no.

Actually, hell no!

Two days after scolding Congress, Obama heads to presidential retreat for holiday weekend...

Two days after scolding Congress, Obama heads to presidential retreat for holiday weekend.
Senate GOP mocks president with video of Obama on golf course - The Hill
The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC), the Senate GOP's campaign arm, released a Web video that spliced images of Obama playing ping pong, drinking beer in Ireland and hitting the golf course over audio of him lashing out at congressional Republicans Wednesday for not working hard enough to hammer out a debt-reduction deal.

"Actions speak louder than words," the ad says.

Harvard Study: July 4th Parades Are Right-Wing

Democratic political candidates can skip this weekend's July 4th parades. A new Harvard University study finds that July 4th parades energize only Republicans, turn kids into Republicans, and help to boost the GOP turnout of adults on Election Day. - US News
Their findings also suggest that Democrats gain nothing from July 4th parades, likely a shocking result for all the Democratic politicians who march in them.

"There is no evidence of an increased likelihood of identifying as a Democrat, indicating that Fourth of July shifts preferences to the right rather than increasing political polarization," the two wrote.

The three key findings of those attending July 4th celebrations:

When done before the age of 18, it increases the likelihood of a youth identifying as a Republican by at least 2 percent.

It raises the likelihood that parade watchers will vote for a Republican candidate by 4 percent.
It boosts the likelihood a reveler will vote by about 1 percent and increases the chances they'll make a political contribution by 3 percent.

What's more, the impact isn't fleeting. "Surprisingly, the estimates show that the impact on political preferences is permanent, with no evidence of the effects depreciating as individuals become older,"said the Harvard report.

Finally, the report suggests that if people are looking for a super-patriotic July 4th, though should head to Republican towns. "Republican adults celebrate Fourth of July more intensively in the first place."

Under the new Wisconsin budget repair, one school district goes from a $400,000 deficit to a $1.5 million surplus.

Let's stop and think of all the protesters who carried signs asserting that their opposition to Scott Walker was for the children. - Althouse
District swings from deficit to surplus with newly enacted employee contributions - The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
Cost savings from worker contributions to health care and retirement, taking effect today as part of the new collective bargaining laws, will swing the Kaukauna School District from a $400,000 budget deficit to an estimated $1.5 million surplus.... The district... plans to hire teachers and reduce class size.

Geithner to Jump Ship

Geithner to Consider Leaving Treasury After Debt Debate - Bloomberg via Drudge
An exit by Geithner would complete the turnover in Obama’s original economic team, with Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Austan Goolsbee scheduled to leave in early August to return to the University of Chicago.

That would leave Obama with two key posts to fill as Republicans are seeking to turn the 2012 election into a referendum on Obama’s handling of the economy and the recovery is slowing. The unemployment rate rose to 9.1 percent in May, according to the Labor Department, and the U.S. economy grew at a 1.9 percent pace in the first quarter, according to Commerce Department figures released June 24.

“I thought he was a kind of a dick yesterday,” Halperin,* who also is an editor-at large for Time, said on Morning Joe, referring to the President’s conduct during his press conference

Mark Halperin suspended over Obama remark on Morning Joe (video) - Politico
Mark Halperin called Obama "a dick" and now he says "I can’t explain why I did it." - Althouse

(* Mark Halperin, editor-at-large and senior political analyst for TIME, covers politics, elections and government for the magazine and

The missing facts in President Obama’s news conference - The Washington Post
...In a bit of class jujutsu, the president six times mentioned eliminating a tax loophole for corporate jets, frequently pitting it against student loans or food safety. It’s a potent image, but in the context of a $4-trillion goal, it is essentially meaningless. The item is so small the White House could not even provide an estimate of the revenue that would be raised, but other estimates suggest it would amount to $3 billion over 10 years....

We realize the symbolic value of things like corporate jets, particularly when Republicans appear to be refusing to accept even a single dollar of additional revenue, but Obama is misleading when he suggests that closing this loophole would make much of a dent in the federal budget. He also should made clear that he would like to raise taxes on people making more than $250,000, rather than just “millionaires and billionaires.”

SPECIAL REPORT: Illinois Fights Back

Illinois Fights Back - Peter Hannaford for The American Spectator 6.29.11

Ronald Reagan is a Californian. That's what the world thinks, but he is actually from Illinois. Specifically, the northwestern section of that state. Not only was he born there, but all of his childhood, teenage years and his early adulthood were lived in small towns in this land of deep rich soil where agriculture mixes with some manufacturing to form a distinct Midwestern way of life.

Last year, Congress passed a resolution making 2011 the Reagan Centennial Year. It created a national centennial commission and encouraged the states to do the same. Some did, some didn't. California did, but Illinois, determined to fight to assert its claim to Reagan, did it in spades.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Trashing the Constitution: Fourteen Clear Factual Errors in TIME Magazine's Richard Stengel’s Essay on the Constitution

(That these) egregious errors appeared in Time at all is bad enough. But further, it was a cover story... - Big Journalism
On June 23, 2011, Time magazine published an essay entitled “One Document, Under Siege” (one page version, here) by Richard Stengel. I consider the publication of this article to be nothing less than a scandal. Besides the deep philosophical disagreements I have with Mr. Stengel, the piece simply fails as journalism. As I will demonstrate in this post, there were fourteen objectively verifiable errors in Mr. Stengel’s piece, half of which could have been discovered simply by reading the Constitution itself...

Little known candidate: Fred Karger

Openly gay Republican Fred Karger announces 2012 presidential run - CBS
Fred Karger Delights OC Crowd in Presidential Bid - OC Weekly
Karger, who was profiled in a June 2 OC Weekly cover story, worked for decades as a closeted gay man for powerful Republican politicians and came out of the closet about seven years ago when he retired from political consulting. Then, as is apparently required of newly out gay people, he entered the campaign to be the next president of the United States.
fredkarger.comDonateNewsContact via webmail

Mark Levin: Obama Presser About "One American Against Another"

OBAMA LAUNCHES CLASS WARFARE...'Kids versus corporate jets'... - National Journal
Calls People Earning $250,000 a Year 'Jet Owners'... - Wall St. Journal
AP FLASHBACK: Stimulus Package Rewarded Private Jet Purchases... - Washington Examiner
Obama rips Congress for taking vacations during crisis...Says Malia and Sasha Are More Disciplined - ABC
Makes plans for Martha's Vineyard vacation... -
Fundraising trips...
But that pointed criticism may have done as much to raise the bar for Obama’s own activities. Tomorrow he plans to travel to Philadelphia for a Democratic National Committee fundraiser on behalf of his reelection campaign — his 31st fundraiser since January. Republicans may now start to scrutinize the Obama calendar’s eclectic mix of stumping and governing (and golfing) even as he tries to ramp up pressure on congressional leaders.

“Question: Will Obama cancel Philadelphia fundraisers tomorrow night to remain in town for debt talks?” asked Joe Pounder, the Republican National Committee’s research director, in a comment on Twitter.
'Amused' when people say he should be involved in debt talks... - Real Clear Politics

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AMAC Was Founded to be Your Alternative to AARP
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AMAC can be found on Facebook under the name “Association of Mature American Citizens, AMAC”.


Losing faith in Obama: it’s hard to resist the conclusion that some kind of tipping point has been reached.

Jewish Dems losing faith in Obama - Politico
it’s hard to resist the conclusion that some kind of tipping point has been reached.
Today’s Politico has an article that suggests that maybe, just maybe, many of Obama’s Jewish supporters are realizing that he’s not quite what they’d thought he’d be, at least on the subject of Israel. - neoneocon
They’re getting into arguments about Obama at dinner parties. They’re having to increasingly defend him, and finding it harder and harder to do so. They’re regretting their support of Obama rather than Hillary.
'It's Israel, Stupid'? - Die Hard Jewish Democrats reprising doubts about Obama - The Bibi Report
Is President Obama's Jewish support slipping? - Politico/The Arena

Obama Campaign Signals Fundraising Fail, But WAIT! There's More!

In an email to campaign supporters today, President Obama unmistakably sought to downplay money. -p White House Insider
Campaign Downgrades Obama Raffle by Including Biden - White House Insider
The Obama campaign has mysteriously downgraded its $5 Dinner With Obama raffle by forcing the winner to have dinner with Biden as well!

Good News: Generic Presidential Ballot, GOP 4 point lead

A generic Republican candidate now holds a four-point lead over President Obama in a hypothetical 2012 election matchup. - Rasmussen
It's a fifth week in a row that the GOP candidate has been ahead and the widest gap between the candidates to date.

The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds a generic Republican candidate earns support from 46% of Likely U.S. Voters, while the president picks up 42% of the vote. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and nine percent (9%) are undecided.
Republicans also hold a seven-point lead over Democrats on the Generic Congressional Ballot for the week ending Sunday, June 26. Republicans have led on this ballot every week since June 2009.

Senate Passes Resolution Warning Palestinians US Aid Will Be Cut Off If They Go To UN For Statehood…

The US Senate passed a resolution late Tuesday threatening to cut off aid to the Palestinian Authority should it seek a unilateral declaration of statehood at the UN. - Jerusalem Post via weasel zippers
The non-binding resolution, sponsored by Democratic Senator Ben Cardin of Maryland and co-sponsored by 88 of the body’s 99 other senators, passed by unanimous accord....

It also calls on US President Barack Obama to veto any such UN proposal and to lead an international diplomatic campaign against the Palestinian effort.

Lennon was a closet Republican, liked Reagan

John Lennon was a closet Republican, who felt a little embarrassed by his former radicalism, at the time of his death - according to the tragic Beatles star's last personal assistant. - Toronto Sun
Fred Seaman worked alongside the music legend from 1979 to Lennon's death at the end of 1980 and he reveals the star was a Ronald Reagan fan who enjoyed arguing with left-wing radicals who reminded him of his former self....

He says, "John, basically, made it very clear that if he were an American he would vote for Reagan because he was really sour on (Democrat) Jimmy Carter.

White House dumps 'secret shopper' survey of doctors

“After reviewing feedback received during the public comment period, we have determined that now is not the time to move forward with this research project. Instead, we will pursue other initiatives that build on our efforts to increase access to health care providers nationwide.” - Politico
HHS Puts Doctor Snoop Plan on the Back-Burner - Michelle Malkin
Obamacare’s ‘Mystery Shoppers’ - Michelle Malkin
U.S. Plans Stealth Survey on Access to Doctors - NYT
Plans for the survey have riled many doctors because the secret shoppers will not identify themselves as working for the government.

“I don’t like the idea of the government snooping,” said Dr. Raymond Scalettar, an internist in Washington. “It’s a pernicious practice — Big Brother tactics, which should be opposed.”

According to government documents obtained from Obama administration officials, the mystery shoppers will call medical practices and ask if doctors are accepting new patients and, if so, how long the wait would be. The government is eager to know whether doctors give different answers to callers depending on whether they have public insurance, like Medicaid, or private insurance, like Blue Cross and Blue Shield.
Now Obama's sending out 'snoopers' to pose as patients so they can check up on doctors - Daily Mail

Governor Brown's Realignment: A Trojan Horse for Local Governments

Realignment: A Trojan Horse for Local Governments - Michael D. Antonovich, Los Angeles County Supervisor at Fox&Hounds
Democrat and Republican governors across the country are working to cut costs and lower taxes, but Governor Brown’s plan to level California’s $26 billion deficit – the result of several years of out of control government spending – is a “realignment” proposal that not only extends the previous administration’s ineffective tax hikes, but also irresponsibly shrugs the state’s financial burden onto the shoulders of cash-strapped county and municipal governments, creating a real threat to California’s economic recovery and public safety.

In April, Brown signed into law AB 109 - the public safety realignment bill - essentially launching a Trojan horse style attack on local governments and ensuring catastrophic consequences for Los Angeles County’s criminal justice system.

Set to take effect October 1st, this would shift responsibility for convicted felons and parolee supervision from the state prison system to county resources, transferring the state’s legal obligation to already overcrowded local jails and stressed law enforcement agencies -- without fully paying for the increased burden....

By pushing state responsibility onto the backs of local governments already slumped under the weight of a flat economy and unemployment rate at around 12 percent, California washes its hands clean of responsibility to its citizens. Despite some of the highest income, gas, sales, and business taxes in the country, the state remains blighted by a bloated bureaucracy’s tradition of spending more than it has. Even a constitutional amendment guaranteeing realignment funding can’t save existing programs from plundering....
Read the rest

Rolling Stone's view of Michele Bachmann

Bachmann Porno is on Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi's bigoted mind - femisex
This is pathetic viewing: Matt Taibbi and Don Imus --two of the most repugnant bigoted sexists out in media land--yoke it up over Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann...Don wanting to see them make out and Matt wanting to get some good Bachmann porn made in the fashion of Palin porn.
Contact info for Rolling Stone:
Rolling Stone
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Belittling Hillary, Palin, and now Bachmann, Rolling Stone's Matt Taibbi has a perfect record - femisex

Monday, June 27, 2011

A stalled economy and a presidency adrift

A stalled economy and a presidency adrift - Michael Gerson/Washington Post
If there is a single moment that symbolizes President Obama’s dramatically altered reelection prospects, it was his visit to a Jeep plant in Toledo on June 3. Obama’s remarks that day were familiar. America had faced the worst recession “in our lifetimes.” His opponents had wanted to do “nothing.” The president, in contrast, had acted. As a result, “American manufacturing and American industry is back.” While there are “always going to be bumps on the road to recovery,” the future is bright and “nobody can stop us.” Employees chanted, “Yes, we can!” wearing T-shirts that read, “President Obama: Thank you” and “Obama is changing history.”

The event coincided with the release of economic data showing anemic job creation and unemployment rising above 9 percent — adding to existing concerns about high fuel costs and collapsing housing values. Outside that plant in Ohio, the cheering for Obama had been fading for some time. It was a victory lap taken before a largely silent stadium.
Read the rest...

Anti-Mormon bias persists, notably among Democrats

A new Gallup Poll has found that more Democrats than Republicans say they would not vote for a Mormon for president - Byron York/Washington Examiner
Ever since Mitt Romney's unsuccessful run for the 2008 Republican presidential nomination, there's been much discussion of whether GOP voters would accept a Mormon candidate. Would evangelical conservatives, in particular, look past the former Massachusetts governor's faith to vote for him? The underlying assumption was that the more conservative the views, the more intolerant the voter.

Now, it turns out a better question might be whether Democratic voters would accept a Mormon candidate. In a survey that cuts against the media stereotype, a new Gallup Poll has found that more Democrats than Republicans say they would not vote for a Mormon for president. Twenty-seven percent of Democrats say they wouldn't vote for a Mormon, while 18 percent of Republicans say the same. For independents, the figure is 19 percent.

Blagojevich Found Guilty on 17 of 20 Counts

Blago will be the fourth Illinois governor to go to prison (also known as the “secure wing of the Governor’s Mansion”) since 1973. Doug Powers at Michelle Malkin
CHICAGO (AP) — A jury convicted former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich on Monday of nearly all the corruption charges against him, including that he tried to sell or trade President Barack Obama’s old Senate seat.
Blagojevich Convicted - Patterico
For those keeping track, that means he was found not guilty of one count, and the jury was hung on two other counts.
BREAKING: Blagojevich Convicted - The Other McCain

"Despite rhetoric to the contrary, Democrats are no longer the best choice for women"

Democrats are no longer the best choice for women, said Democrats are no longer the best choice for women, said (Rep. Cathy) McMorris Rodgers. As the fairer sex begins seriously looking at the issues that affect them, they will see that the solutions Republicans have are the one which will benefit them the most. - The Daily Caller
“I really think we just need to do more to talk to women,” McMorris Rodgers said. “The Democrats for so long have been telling women in America that if you’re a woman you’re a Democrat, and now I think that more women are really taking a look at these issues and how they impact themselves, the opportunity to start a new business, raise a family …They’re looking for a party that’s actually going to ensure that we are taking those steps to leave a better America for our children and then grandchildren....”

Despite her sensitivity to women’s issues, McMorris Rodgers has little patience for women, especially Republican women, who throw down the sexism card at every turn. To her, it is best to stick to the issues and let the trivial fall by the wayside.

“I think it feeds the victim mentality,” she said. “ And I don’t want us to be focusing on being — I don’t want it to sound like we’re victims. I want the focus to be more on the opportunities that are available.”

Michele Bachmann makes it official

Michele Bachmann makes presidential run official in Iowa - LA Times (image source)
“We simply cannot kick the can of our problems down the road,” Bachmann said. "We can’t continue to rack up debt and put it on the backs of the next generation. We can’t afford an unconstitutional healthcare law that will cost us too much and deliver so little. We can’t afford four more years of failed leadership here at home and abroad. We can’t afford four more years of millions of Americans who are out of work and who aren’t making enough in wages to support a family.”

“We can’t afford four more years of foreign policy with a president who leads from behind and doesn’t stand up for our friends like Israel and who too often fails to stand against our enemy,” she said. “We cannot afford four more years of Barack Obama.”
Michele Bachmann touts Iowa roots, Tea Party credentials in campaign kickoff - CBS News
Rep. Michele Bachmann officially kicked off her presidential campaign today near her childhood home in Iowa, where she touted her "Iowa values" as a constitutional conservative with a Christian background.

"I know what it means to be from Iowa--I know what we value here, and I know what's important," Bachmann said from her home town of Waterloo.
Bachmann Is In, Officially - NYT
Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota formally opened her candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination on Monday, presenting herself as a forceful conservative who will confront the party’s establishment and not compromise on principles to capture grass-roots enthusiasm that has risen up in opposition to President Obama.

“I seek the presidency not for vanity, but because America is at a crucial moment,” Ms. Bachmann said. “I believe that we must make a bold choice if we are to secure the promise of our future.”
Bachmann Launches Presidential Campaign, Says Nation 'Cannot Afford' Second Obama Term - FOX

Bachmann for President
P.O. Box 251310
Woodbury, MN 55125
--- Email:

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Conservative arguments for gay equality

Conservative arguments for gay equality - Cynthia Yockey/ source)
Cynthia says:
One of the reasons I started this blog is to educate gays about the principles of fiscal conservativism so they can see their natural home is on the Right. By casting gays out of every socializing institution and by stigmatizing gays as intrinsically evil, it is the good intentions of social conservatives that have paved the road to hell for gays. That is why another reason I started this blog is to educate social conservatives about gay equality so they can see that gay equality actually supports their core values of individual liberty, strengthening marriage and the family and creating a more moral, stable and prosperous society.
Freedom, the underlying principle of modern conservatism, benefits all people, including (and perhaps especially) gays - Gay Patriot
The question is: how do we break them from their prejudiced view of the GOP, particularly given how the media dwell on social conservatives’ (alleged) dominance of the movement — and the ignorance of many gay leaders of the underlying philosophy of the Republican Party as it has evolved since the nomination of Barry Goldwater in 1964 and the election of Ronald Reagan sixteen years later.
New York in Context - Gay Patriot
How Did the Empire State Building 'Go Rainbow' So Quickly? - The Atlantic (image/source explained)
Bachmann Supports New York’s Right To Enact Marriage Equality Law - Think Progress
GOP presidential candidates silent in wake of same-sex marriage vote in New York - Charlie Spiering/Washington Examiner