
Wednesday, November 17, 2010

“Women in Numbers, Building the Team”

Humboldt Republican women speaker to advocate for more women candidates
Murriel Oles, president of the California Federation of Republican Women, Northern Division, will speak at the Nov. 18 meeting of Humboldt Republican Women Federated.

Her topic, “Women in Numbers, Building the Team,” will center on the merit of members of HRWF running for office and the role to be played by supporting members of HRWF as their campaign teams. There will be time for a question and answer session.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

President’s Message - November 2010


◼ Club's name changed from Eureka Republican Women Federated to Humboldt Republican Women Federated (HRWF) for purposes of making the club more inclusive of the home communities of our conservative women who are united in common purposes: education, better government, and service to our country.

◼ We closed out 2009 celebrating HRWF's award as a Diamond Club. There is reason to believe that we might be able to earn that award again.

Membership Report

NEW! Membership Roster for Conservative Republican Individuals and Businesses

Do you want to be listed on our Membership Roster? For 2011 we are compiling an HRWF Membership Roster for all of our members that wish to participate. It will be a great way for members to connect with each other outside of our monthly meetings. We are also encouraging members with businesses to list their contact info so Republican Women can easily contact them when they need a specific service and would love to choose a conservative owned business. If you’d like to be listed on the Roster, when you send in your 2011 dues, check the box on the Application that says: ____ I Want to Share My contact Information With Other HRWF Members. We will list you in the Roster!

The Membership Report is published in our Newsletter, The Redwood Alert, along with the President's Report and the Treasurer's Report. You can download current and archived newletters here.

Monday, November 15, 2010

As California Goes...

SACRAMENTO – Assembly Republican Leader-Elect Connie Conway, of Tulare, today issued the following statement in response to Legislative Analyst Mac Taylor’s Fiscal Outlook report projecting state revenue for the 2011-12 budget year and beyond:

"Today’s grim forecast of a $25.4 billion budget deficit is a powerful reminder that the Legislature needs to take immediate action to reduce spending and balance the budget. Democrats and Republicans must work together to make the tough but realistic decisions on spending priorities required to close the deficit. The people of California have repeatedly made it clear that they don’t want to pay higher taxes to fund Sacramento’s budget mistakes. Republicans will fight any effort to raise taxes to fund more irresponsible overspending. I stand ready to work with Governor-Elect Brown and our Democrat colleagues to find budget consensus, and take action without delay to get spending under control and pass the honest, no-tax budget Californians deserve."
via Capitol Update

California’s Assorted Rocks and Hard Places - Victor Davis Hanson
News came out on Thursday that the California budget deficit is actually closer to $25 billion, twice what we are told. This follows from last year’s $42 billion shortfall, which was closed by all sorts of one-time tax increases and gimmicks. Here is our general dilemma in a nutshell.

Calif borrows $40M a day to pay unemployment -
With one in every eight workers unemployed and empty state coffers, California is borrowing billions of dollars from the federal government to pay unemployment insurance.

The Los Angeles Times reports that the state owes $8.6 billion already, and will have to come up with a $362-million payment to Washington by the end of next September.

California's unemployment fund has deficit of $10.3 billion -

What does the market know about California's finances that the rest of us don't? - Doug Ross at The Journal

Troubled California begins $14bn bond sale - Financial Times
Troubled California to Restructure Debt Sales - Financial Times

'A horrible, horrible mess': State budget back in the red, lawmakers called to special session - Times-Standard
"It doesn't really make sense for a lame duck governor to be doing this,” said Noreen Evans, who next month will take the 2nd District State Senate seat currently held by Patricia Wiggins."... Evans said it might be time to hand off some state services to the county and city levels, where voters have been more open to passing tax increases.

North Coast Assemblyman Wesley Chesbro, D-Arcata, is on vacation and was not immediately available for comment Friday, according to his spokesman.